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Read all about it in print and online, in your favorite family-oriented publication, The Webb Weekly! Direct-mailed to over 58,000 homes each week in Lycoming County, PA & published online at!


  • County Hall Corner: Building the Best Bridge0

    If you live or work in Lycoming County, there is a very good chance that on any given day, you are likely to cross a bridge. Bridges are so common that they just seem like part of the road. We rarely think about bridges until one gets closed — and then it seems like the

  • Getting to Know Your Body Essential to Early Detection0

    According to statistics provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), each year in the U.S., about 245,000 cases of breast cancer are diagnosed in women and about 2,600 in men. About 41,000 women and 460 men in the U.S. die each year from breast cancer. Over the last decade, the rate of

  • Penn College Hosting Free FAFSA Completion Sessions0

    The Financial Aid Office at Pennsylvania College of Technology is offering free assistance for current and future college students and their families to complete the 2020-21 Free Application for Federal Student Aid. The college is hosting FAFSA completion sessions on its main campus to assist with the online application. The FAFSA is required by colleges

  • Over the Edge Fundraiser to be Held October 26 To Benefit Several Non-Profits0

    Rappelling 105 feet down the side of the William Hepburn High Rise at 400 Lycoming Street in Williamsport, does not sound like your average fundraiser, but that is exactly what the officials from three area non-profit organizations hope when the “Over the Edge” fundraiser is held this Saturday, October 26th as brave and generous individuals

  • Deciding Who Deserves a Do-Over0

    Before I get started, tip of my Little Mountaineer Little League cap to a wonderful lady, Dori Rankinen, chairperson of the South Williamsport Mummers’ Parade. Dory has done a fantastic job breathing life back into the event and keeping a great tradition marching down the streets of South Side. It’s great that the Mummers’ Committee

  • Marking Mummies!0

    EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT!! ATTENTION BOYS AND GIRLS! It is time once again for Webb Weekly’s annual Halloween contest! This is my FAVORITE contest of the year and I always look forward to picking out and choosing which little ghost, goblins or, in this case, mummies will be scattered through the paper. I’m

  • County Hall Corner: Sleeping with the Enemy0

    There is a folklore tale that the origin of the “Rule of Thumb” dates back to Sir Francis Buller, an eighteenth-century British judge who determined that a man may beat his wife with a stick no wider than his thumb. There is no record that he made such a statement, but even if it is

  • Little Millionaires0

    I’ve been spending a great deal of time at my beloved Alma Mater of late. Yes. I find myself taking a stroll down memory lane every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday AM. A lot has changed in the past twenty-five years, but I still get goosebumps whenever I head to the Taj Mahal. I really don’t

  • Dot Your I’s & Cross Your T’s0

    ‘Dot your I’s and cross your T’s’ is a well-known metaphor for anyone working on a project before completion. It’s only good common sense to double-check things before a finished product is put forth for public consumption. If things went as anticipated last week, there will be a great deal of attention paid to what

  • The Other Drug Problem: Medication Safety0

    You probably understand the importance of taking your medications correctly, but you may not be as familiar with how improperly storing and disposing your medications could be creating another problem. Although your medications keep you healthy and feeling better, they can be extremely dangerous if they are taken by someone else or in the wrong

  • The Roving Sportsman… Goats, ‘Yotes and Dogs0

    If you have ever daydreamed about doing some hunting out west, there are some inexpensive opportunities available that won’t break the bank like a 2-week fully guided pack horse trip for elk and mule deer might do. You can have a wonderful experience hunting the eastern plains of Colorado, for example, and some of the

  • Go Bug a Bass

    Go Bug a Bass0

    I know a lot of us outdoor types are getting into the hunting scene these days, but it would be a big mistake to think that bass season is over. Actually, some of the season’s best bass fishing is in the fall — maybe even into November — and surface lures can still be productive.

  • Many Can’t Handle the Truth, Can You?1

    There is something for all of us to dislike in President Donald Trump. That’s just who he is, and he’s never going to change. It is probably his greatest strength as a leader but could be his kryptonite as far as winning a second term in the Oval Office. I have written on at least

  • Bullying Prevention0

    I know, I know, another ‘National Month’. But listen, it’s not my fault October hosts so many and that they are all important. So I’m covering them all and you are just going to have to accept that. In addition to Adopt a Shelter Dog and Breast Cancer Awareness, October is also Nation Bullying Prevention

  • Rick Strous Named Pennsylvania’s BLS Technician of the Year0

    As a 14-year-old, Rick Strous was intensely interested in the fire service and serving his community. That interest and dedication has culminated, 50 years later, with him being named the Pennsylvania BLS Technician of the Year for 2019. Rick began his life-long involvement with the fire service in October 1969 as a member of Boy

  • Food Chain Reality0

    It is really nothing new. In the ‘real world,’ it happens a lot. A business goes sour or takes a downhill slide, and changes are made. People lose their jobs, and the business tries to re-group and get back on the right track with new people in charge. Sometimes changes create a momentary spark giving

  • Great Music from The 2019 Liberty Classic Community Band Festival!0

    If you love concert band music, the Repasz Band once again hosts the 10th annual Liberty Classic Community Band Festival with a free public concert Sunday, October 13th at 1:30 pm at the Community Arts Center in Williamsport. Fast becoming Williamsport’s own nationally known community band, this festival is a gathering and celebration of some

  • What’s in the Bag?0

    Fall is my favorite time of year, and I successfully teed it up every Friday in September. I’m off to a great start here in October. We are currently approaching the tenth hole of the Williamsport Country Club. The teams and organizations we represent will sometimes vary, but I will almost never pick up the

  • Gazette and Bulletin: October 13, 1939 – Absence of Flags Stirs Sons of Italy Speakers to Columbus Day Dinner0

    Speakers on the Columbus Day program last night at the local Sons of Italy Lodge voiced their criticism of Williamsport residents who fail to display American flags on the birthday anniversary of Christopher Columbus. Nearly 200 Italian-American persons attended the celebration and heard several outstanding addresses, which stressed the need for a more patriotic celebration

  • County Hall Corner: A Fivesome at the Forum0

    It was an unusually hot evening for the first day of October, where the small Eagle Grange #1 in Montgomery, located along Rt. 15 just a short distance from the White Deer Golf Course, saw a packed house watch and listen to the five candidates running for the position of Lycoming County Commissioner engage in

  • This Week’s LION: Overachiever Jacob Stopper

    This Week’s LION: Overachiever Jacob Stopper0

    In covering various candidates for the upcoming election, I discovered that both Scott Metzger, running for Lycoming County Commissioner, and Eric Beiter, running for Williamsport city mayor, have the same campaign manager. His name is Jacob Stopper from Loyalsock Township. It takes an exceptional person to manage two high-profile campaigns such as this, and he

  • The Smart-Casual Dress Code Decoded0

    In today’s modern work environment, it can be hard to navigate the ins and outs of professional dress codes — especially if your workplace doesn’t have a strict policy. Some offices require a suit-and-tie, while others allow jeans and sneakers. If you’re at a loss as to what to wear for work and there’s not

  • What to Do About the Flu0

    If you’re thinking about skipping this year’s flu shot, consider this: arming yourself against the flu may help reduce the overall risk to your family, friends, and others in your community. If you have young children, elderly family members, or come in contact with people who have asthma, diabetes, COPD, cancer, heart disease, or other

  • The Roving Sportsman… Wildlife Heroes0

    Who are they? Where do they come from, and why do they truly become heroes? Well, they are all around us, and they have been there for decades, often laboring away and receiving no recognition for the good that they do. Yes, they are the unsung heroes that plod along, not seeking praise, just wanting

  • Squirrel Hunt is Good Training0

    I know archery deer season is just getting underway, and it won’t be long until we are pursuing the rest of the “big three” — bear and turkeys, but you don’t want to overlook the small game potential either. I still do some rabbit hunting, an occasional grouse hunt, and I’m willing to chase after

  • Getting Back to the Political Poppycock0

    Before I get started on my main topics of discussion, just a reminder to all our hunters out there. If you’re lucky enough to tag that big buck you’ve been watching all summer, make sure you enter our Uncle Ron’s Monster Buck Contest. Webb Weekly’s very own Ron Mingle will be back to oversee the contest even

  • Live United In Music To Be Presented At Community Arts Center October 100

    UPMC Susquehanna presents LIVE UNITED IN MUSIC, benefiting the Lycoming County United Way, on Thursday, October 10th at the Community Arts Center in Williamsport. It is a great chance to sing along with the Music of Billy Joel, starring Michael Cavanaugh. Also appearing will be The Uptown Music Collective, The Strolling Strings and a very

  • This Week’s LION: The American Legion

    This Week’s LION: The American Legion0

    In May of 1919, a group of men who had served in the American Expeditionary Forces in the Great War had returned from France and met in St. Louis to create an advocacy organization for returning vets such as themselves. They called it the American Legion. There were some heavy hitters among those organizers, such

  • The Roving Sportsman… Safety – First and Foremost0

    It happens every year. It happens all too often. And, yet, we never think it will happen to us. Hunting related accidents are simply something that can easily be avoided if we just take a few minutes to use common sense, think things through and not be in an unnecessary rush. Whether it is firearms

  • Growing Awareness for those with Special Needs0

    Growing Awareness, Inc. is a non-profit foundation that was established in May 2019 by a group of special educators. As educators, they observed that certain children with special needs, including those on the Autism spectrum, were unable to use most playground equipment. “Initially our dream was to build a play space in order to better


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