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Search Results For 'pulmonary'

  • Two-Year-Old Battling Courageously To Overcome Debilitating Lung Disease0

    In his two-plus years of life, Jaxyn Reynolds has never been outside of a hospital room. He has a debilitating lung disease that has kept him under intensive care since his birth. Born at 29 weeks, Jaxyn’s journey began. What set out to be the expected struggles of a neonatal intensive care unit stay turned

  • Be Ready to Save a Life: Understanding the 2 Steps of Hands-Only CPR

    Be Ready to Save a Life: Understanding the 2 Steps of Hands-Only CPR0

    Every year, 350,000 people die from cardiac arrest in the United States. However, hands-on emergency intervention like cardiopulmonary resuscitation – or CPR – from a bystander can make the difference between life and death in sudden cardiac arrest emergencies. In fact, immediate CPR can double or triple a cardiac arrest victim’s chance of survival, according

  • UPMC Electrophysiologist: Three Letters That Save Lives — CPR0

    Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, better known as CPR, is a practice used in emergency situations to help someone when their heart has stopped beating and they are unconscious — a condition known as cardiac arrest, often associated with gasping or no breathing at all. CPR is the act of pushing down on someone’s chest to help pump

  • Principles of First Aid Everyone Should Know0

    Emergencies can strike at any time. This became more than evident with the tragedy that we saw last Monday night with Damar Hamlin during Monday Night Football. I encourage everyone to take a basic first aid/CPR class. You never know when that skill may be needed. But this seems like a good time to go

  • Two Steps to Save a Life The importance of Hands-Only CPR

    Two Steps to Save a Life The importance of Hands-Only CPR0

    More than 350,000 sudden cardiac arrests occur annually outside hospital settings. However, a hands-on emergency intervention like cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), especially if performed immediately, can double or triple a cardiac arrest victim’s chance of survival. According to the American Heart Association, 70% of cardiac arrests – electrical malfunctions in the heart that cause an irregular

  • UPMC Expert: Phlebotomy in Health Care0

    Nobody likes to get poked with a needle and see their own blood streaming through a clear tube. But it can be an important tool in diagnosing and treating medical conditions. Phlebotomy is a quick and mostly painless procedure that can enable physicians to correctly diagnose diseases and figure out the best treatment options. It’s

  • Safe Summer Fun

    Safe Summer Fun0

    Longer days and lighter schedules make summer perfect for relaxing, having fun outdoors and spending time with loved ones. However, more physical activity and time spent in the sun can also translate to increased health and safety risks. As you and your family enjoy the warmth and sunshine while swimming, biking, grilling, playing on the


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