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Search Results For 'veteran'

  • Beware of Third-Party Ticket Sellers0

    Be sure you are buying tickets DIRECTLY from the Williamsport Crosscutters. There are literally dozens of resale sites online that try to make you think you are actually buying from the Cutters when you are not. If you purchase your tickets through a third-party resale site, you will not only pay more money for tickets

  • Beware of Third-Party Ticket Sellers0

    Be sure you are buying tickets DIRECTLY from the Williamsport Crosscutters. There are literally dozens of resale sites online that try to make you think you are actually buying from the Cutters when you are not. If you purchase your tickets through a third-party resale site, you will not only pay more money for tickets

  • Poppy Campaign Success0

    The Milton American Legion Auxiliary poppy committee wishes to thank the members of the Milton community for their generous donations during their recent poppy campaign. They also want to thank the local businesses that allow them to put their collection boxes in their businesses every year as this fundraiser would not be possible without their

  • Notable Events That Have Taken Place on July Fourth0

    Residents of the United States spend July 4th celebrating the country’s independence. Though July 4 has served as America’s Independence Day for centuries, many other significant and memorable events have taken place on the fourth day of July. 1744: The Treaty of Lancaster is signed in Pennsylvania. The treaty dictates that the Iroquois will cede

  • Beware of Third-Party Ticket Sellers0

    Be sure you are buying tickets DIRECTLY from the Williamsport Crosscutters. There are literally dozens of resale sites online that try to make you think you are actually buying from the Cutters when you are not. If you purchase your tickets through a third-party resale site, you will not only pay more money for tickets

  • Beware of Third-Party Ticket Sellers

    Beware of Third-Party Ticket Sellers0

    Be sure you are buying tickets DIRECTLY from the Williamsport Crosscutters. There are literally dozens of resale sites online that try to make you think you are actually buying from the Cutters when you are not. If you purchase your tickets through a third-party resale site, you will not only pay more money for tickets

  • County Hall Corner: Appreciating Appreciation0

    The Lycoming County Commissioners Meeting on June 1st began as usual, with Commissioner Scott Metzger beginning the meeting with a prayer and then the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. As everyone was taking their seat, Metzger stated, “We’ll convene the commissioners meeting at this time, and we welcome back Larry Stout from the state

  • Father’s Day History0

    Each year, the third Sunday in June is a time to pay homage to fathers and the millions of other men who have stepped into the role of father. While it may seem as though Father’s Day has been around forever, it didn’t become a nationally recognized holiday in the United States until 1972, when

  • The Cutters 25th Anniversary Season Has Arrived

    The Cutters 25th Anniversary Season Has Arrived0

    Cutters’ baseball is BACK! The summer fun begins on Thursday, June 1 when the Cutters host the State College Spikes at 6:35pm for Opening Night 2023 presented by Muncy Bank & Trust & WILQ. Opening Night tickets and tickets for all 2023 home games are available by calling (570) 326-3389, online at or in-person

  • County Hall Corner: The Military Recruitment Drought Impacts Us All0

    Memorial Day has come and gone, but it should bring to our attention that there is a giant hole in our society right now, and we should be alarmed about it. The United States is going through one of the worst recruiting plights in our country’s history, and this should alarm us all. I have

  • The Remembrance of Heroism Through Sacrifice

    The Remembrance of Heroism Through Sacrifice0

    As we kick off the summer season with Memorial Day, please take the time to think about how very blessed we are to call our great Nation home. There will be so much going on wherever you look — from picnics and family get-togethers to graduation parties to folks taking advantage of the long weekend

  • Memorial Day0

    Memorial Day is often considered the unofficial kick-off to summer. With that, we are once again kicking off our summer giveaway! It’s another year for our Great American Cookout giveaway! We have a grill courtesy of Elery Nau Hardware and gift cards to Rupert’s Specialty Meats and Frosty Beverage! That’s everything you need to start

  • Memorial Day Events in Our Area0

    The Annual Memorial Day ceremony will be held at Lycoming County Veterans Memorial Park, West Fourth Street, and Wahoo Drive, on Saturday, May 27, 2023, at 11:00 a.m. The event is co-sponsored by the Lycoming County Veterans Memorial Park Commission. The Lycoming County Veterans Council, Inc. Tents will be provided, and the event will be

  • Opening Night & Single Game Tickets Now on Sale

    Opening Night & Single Game Tickets Now on Sale0

    Cutters’ baseball is BACK! The summer fun begins on Thursday, June 1 when the Cutters host the State College Spikes at 6:35pm for Opening Night 2023 presented by Muncy Bank & Trust & WILQ. Opening Night tickets and tickets for all 2023 home games are available by calling (570) 326-3389, online at or in-person

  • Williamsport Sun: May 25, 1931 – Rotarians Hear Stirring Address on Memorial Day0

    Frederick A. Godcharles of Milton, state librarian, historian and patriot, delivered a masterful speech at noon today for the Williamsport Rotary Club at the Lycoming Hotel. The occasion was the club’s annual Memorial Day Meeting and members of the Reno Post, Grand Army of the Republic were guests of honor. As compared with other years

  • Local Reno Post of the GAR Was Civil War Equivalent to Today’s Veterans Organizations0

    As we prepare for Memorial Day 2023, once known as “Decoration Day,” it might be good to look back at an organization that once had an integral and important role in the observance of the holiday for many years into the 1940s. For many years during the 1940s and 1950s and perhaps before, the post

  • The Roving Sportsman… Hats Off to All Hunters and Shooters!0

    Hunters are the “salt of the earth.” Yes, without a doubt, there are a few exceptions — you know — the ones who usually make the news, like the occasional slob hunter or poacher. They are the ones who seem to be talked about most often, especially by those who hold some degree of opposition


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