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Search Results For 'homeless'

  • Touch Me in the Morning0

    The contests of all contests. No, not eating 50 hot dogs in less than five minutes and watching them all exit the body faster then you put them in. How about winning a new car just by keeping a hand on it for as long as you possibly can? When organizers put these “games” in

  • Finally February!0

    I don’t know about you, but I am happy to see January in the rearview. I always find it to be a bit of a depressing month. The holidays are over, the days are short, it’s cold and often snowing, and it feels like spring is months away. Once we get through the feat that

  • County Hall Corner – Help is Three-Digits Away0

    Everyone knows about calling 911 when there is an emergency requiring the police, fire, or ambulance services. What is not nearly as well known is calling 211, the number for information on available social services. At a recent County Commissioners Meeting, Jack McKernan distributed pamphlets to the “Help Line” serving North-Eastern Pennsylvania, including Lycoming County.

  • Donations Sought By YWCA For Homeless Outreach And Point-in-Time Survey0

    The YWCA of Northcentral Pennsylvania is in the forefront in assisting with the social problem of homelessness, to that end the “YW” will be involved in an effort to identify the needs and provide for the needs of this population. According to officials at the YWCA, the homelessness service providers of Lycoming County are seekingREAD MORE
  • The YWCA of Northcentral Pennsylvania Celebrates 125 Years of Service0

    The year was 1893. Grover Cleveland was President of the United States, Robert E. Pattison was Governor of Pennsylvania, and William G. Elliot was Mayor of Williamsport. The first college basketball game ever played was played on April 8 between Geneva College of Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania and the YMCA team from nearby New Brighton. The

  • Happy New Year!0

    So clearly I am not Jimmy. He will be back next week, but I stole his space to give him some credit that he would never think he deserves. Jimmy does a lot for the community and the people in the community and it goes mostly unrecognized, and I think everyone deserves a thank you

  • American Rescue Workers Box City Highlights Homelessness This Weekend0

    Homelessness is one of America’s greatest and most serious of social problems and to shine a spotlight on this problem the local American Rescue Workers organization will be holding a “Box City” this weekend, November 3 and 4. November is National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Month; it is a good time to get involved with

  • Socktoberfest Returns to Curtain Intermediate0

    The community came back to Curtin Intermediate School on Friday night to help “kick it to poverty” with the return of SOCKTOBERFEST. The kickoff event launched the school’s month-long sock drive to benefit Lycoming County’s homeless. Better known as #socktober, the movement began four years ago by Kid President and Soul Pancake to help the homeless around the U.S.


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