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  • Now, It’s Up to You!0

    Every year an untold number of Pennsylvania hunters cross our borders to spend time and money pursuing their passion for hunting outside our state. Some of these individuals travel to western states to hunt for elk, mule deer, mountain lions or other game that is simply not available here. Often, several hunters will travel with

  • Lenten Intentions0

    As odd as it may seem, I truly do look forward to Lent. Not only does it mean the beginning of Spring, but it’s also an ideal time for reflection, to double-down on New Year’s resolutions, to set new challenges, and to reconnect. For this Lenten season, I’ve decided to focus on my health and

  • Cinderella’s Closet Registration is Open0

    The Junior League of Williamsport’s Cinderella’s Closet has found a new home at the YWCA Northcentral PA. The YWCA and the Junior League will work together during the event to create an uplifting, positive environment for teenagers to find their prom essentials. This year high school juniors and seniors are required to make a 30-minute

  • Easy, On-Demand Dinners0

    Nearly everyone wishes for an extra hour or two in the day. When juggling evenings filled with homework, practices, games and last-minute art projects, even just 60 extra minutes could make the difference in finding time to whip up a dinner you can be proud of. While there’s no changing the fact that there are

  • WAHS Sophomore Selected to Perform with Carnegie Hall’s National Youth Orchestra of the US0

    At just 15 years old, Williamsport Area High School sophomore Michael Fisher is already a veteran to the music scene. For more than a decade, the teen violinist has risen to become a recognized musician. Now, this summer, he’ll unleash his talent across Europe alongside his peers as a member of Carnegie Hall’s Weill Music

  • Questions to Ask When Your Doctor Prescribes a New Medicine0

    Though few people may want to take medicine each day, prescription drugs prolong lives and help people manage conditions that might otherwise make it difficult to live life to the fullest. A 2017 survey from Consumer Reports found that 55 percent of people living in the United States take a prescription medicine. The survey also

  • Rabbits and Squirrels Anyone?0

    The rabbit bolted out of the brush a good 50 yards in front of me and out across the icy snow to a tree line; it never stopped until it reached the heavy brush at the far end. The rabbit was so far out in front, I never even bothered to raise my 20-gauge pump.

  • County Hall Corner: Say “YES”0

    If there is one hard and fast rule in life, it is that without an education, it is extremely difficult to get a job and make a living. So, what happens to young people who run into obstacles in school and find themselves unable to finish high school? How do they come up with the

  • In Honor and Remembrance of Our American Soldiers

    In Honor and Remembrance of Our American Soldiers0

    What weather we’ve seen over the last year. You just don’t know what to expect. Last week snow and treacherous driving were on full display one day, followed by a beautiful sunrise and 50-degree temperatures the next. One thing’s for sure, March is just around the corner, and that sounds good to me. Let’s hope

  • Protect Yourself0

    Cold and flu season is in full swing and no one is immune. It’s been working its way through my house and our Webb Weekly office. Prevention is the key to keeping yourself healthy this winter, so here are some tips and tricks to keep you from getting sick this year. Sore throat and runny

  • South Williamsport Mini-Thon to Honor Their Own0

    Earlier this month more than 700 Penn State students turned the Bryce Jordan Center into a 46-hour dance marathon raising $10,621,683 helping the Four Diamonds Fund support more than 4,000 families in their battle with pediatric cancer. Originated in 1973 the annual event is the largest student-run philanthropy in the world having now raised 167-million

  • This Week’s LION: Commissioner and Candidate Tony Mussare0

    Tony Mussare has declared his candidacy for a third-term as Lycoming County Commissioner. He has the most seniority on the current board, and if truth be told, these past eight years have been a constant challenge for him. But then, challenge is something that Tony Mussare is used to. When Tony graduated from South Williamsport

  • Cutters Tidbits0

    With Major League Baseball spring training facilities now in full swing in Florida and Arizona and the local populous anxiously waiting Punxsutawney Phil’s prognostication of an early spring to ring true, Gabe Sinicropi, the Williamsport Crosscutters vice-president of marketing & public relations, took some time to talk baseball with this reporter. Webb Weekly: What has

  • A Tasty Take on Trendy Toast

    A Tasty Take on Trendy Toast0

    While many food trends come and go, some desired food traits seemingly never go out of style. For example, dishes that provide nutritional benefits will pretty much always be popular, along with types of foods that can be customized to match personalized preferences and tastes. Toast is a versatile option for nearly anyone seeking a

  • County Hall Corner: A Solution that Works: GEO Day Reporting System0

    Prison overcrowding in Lycoming County has been around so long, it is almost seemed like “prison” and “problem” were two words joined together in marriage. Five years ago, GEO Services began the process of removing that word “problem.” Today prison overcrowding has not just been removed as a problem, the prison has vacancies! What it

  • The Roving Sportsman… It’s Time to Take a Non-shooter Shooting!0

    If you are like the majority of shooters that I have encountered over the years, you probably began shooting during your early years. Through the decades, your passion for the sport has grown and now you have, no doubt, expanded your shooting to include rim-fire and center-fire rifles, handguns of all sorts and the various

  • The Warrior Six0

    I have nothing but love for Lycoming College. It is a beautiful place, and there is so much to offer. Both of my parents worked here until 2017, and I was a part-timer in the athletic department for 16 seasons. I earned my degree from Lycoming in 2001, and I am very proud of my

  • Transitional Dressing0

    We are less than a month away from daylight savings time, which in my mind is the unofficial start of spring. Of course, we all know that spring takes its time to fully emerge, making winter seem never-ending in this part of the world. It can be a challenge to dress practically, yet stylishly, this

  • Interesting to Amazing: Moms are Amazing!!0

    How many women, if they could look into the future, would still decide to get married and have a family? There are few guarantees in this “deal.” I am awed when I consider what my mother went through. Would she still have married Sam from Rhode Island after WWII if she could have foreseen the

  • Eagle Sightings0

    Spotting eagles has become rather common for me, and I’m sure a number of other people as well. I don’t know how many times I’ve been sitting in my “branch office” (Dunkin Donuts-Muncy) only to look out the window and watch one or even two mature eagles flying low along Muncy Creek — sometimes they

  • Lower 480

    In 2006, I set a plan to see all the remaining lower 48 states from the seat of a Harley Davidson. I had already ridden to and from all of the northeast — New England and the east coast states down to and including South Carolina by this time. I got a wall map, a

  • Gazette and Bulletin: February 24, 1955 – Brotherhood Improvement Needs Cited to Club by P.D. Mitchell0

    Inconsistencies in American democracy—with suggestions for remedying it—was the topic for P.D. Mitchell, executive director of the Bethune-Douglas Community Center, in his Brotherhood Week Address to the Williamsport Exchange Club members at the Lycoming this week. Mr. Mitchell cited two famous examples of well-known American Negroes experiencing great success and severe discrimination in their careers. The

  • Alternatives to Violence Project0

    Northcentral Pennsylvania Alternatives to Violence Project (NCPAAVP) will be offering a weekend workshop March 22-24 at Northway Presbyterian Church, 1520 Northway Road, Williamsport. Are you seeking to nonviolently resolve conflicts? Do you want support and encouragement? Do you want to give support and encouragement to others? And do you want to do this while having

  • Visions of Gold Medals Will Become a Reality This Week as the District 4 Swimming Championships Open0

    The District 4 Swimming and Diving Championships open this week with plenty of local swimmers hoping to either repeat or reach the podium for the first time. The two-day event at Williamsport features the best swimmers the District has to offer. These are the races we’ve all been thinking about throughout the year, and there

  • A Spring Craft Combining Fantasy and Fun

    A Spring Craft Combining Fantasy and Fun0

    Spring is a season of rebirth marked by flowers pushing through the soil and tender green leaf buds appearing on trees. As adults begin tinkering in their gardens and clearing away the vestiges of another winter, children also can get into the spring gardening spirit — with a touch of whimsy mixed in. A fairy

  • Coming to America, No Trojan Horse Required0

    The first thing that comes to my mind when I think about immigration and our Country is the welcoming Lady of Freedom, the Statue of Liberty. I imagine my Italian ancestors as they approached Ellis Island, and that brightly glowing torch extending toward heaven welcomed them. The relief and joy they must have felt after

  • We’ve Been Cooped Up Too Long!0

    Y’all. For real though. It feels like it’s been the longest winter ever. It’s like Winterfell around here. And I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to get out of the house. Now, you know how much it bothers me when people say there isn’t anything to do around here. Just in case you’ve

  • Uptown Music Collective to Bring Women of Pop to the Community Theatre League0

    Starting on Thursday, February 21st and running through Saturday, February 23rd, the Uptown Music Collective will bring its new show, Women of Pop: 21st Century Divas, to the Community Theater League in Williamsport for their now yearly three-night /four performance stand. This exciting performance will feature the music of outstanding female artists, including Adele, Alicia Keyes, Beyoncé, Amy

  • This Week’s LION: Commissioner Candidate Gabe Campana0

    The starting gate for the May Primary will have a crowded field for the office of County Commissioner. The count could be as high as eight to ten candidates, including the incumbents, but probably none are as well known as Gabe Campana. After three terms as Williamsport mayor, Campana felt that he had succeeded in

  • Grit: February 18, 1962 – Collegians, Scouts Labor to Make Fallout Shelter0

    Yesterday and last Saturday were busy days for members of Alpha Gamma Epsilon Fraternity and Lycoming College. They were hard at work making a combination scout room and fallout shelter at the Bethune-Douglas Community Center. Assisting the collegians were a number of 12 and 13-year-old members of Troop 19, a Boy Scout group sponsored by


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