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Gazette and Bulletin: July 22, 1929 – Dedication of Airport is Success From Every Angle

Williamsport’s fine new airport was dedicated Saturday afternoon by Edward P. Warner, editor of “Aviation” air magazine, with a total of 79 planes registered in taking part. Yesterday’s activities were made up mostly of planes moving and passenger flights by commercial planes present.

Five transatlantic flyers, a record seldom achieved by any airport, were present during the day for the celebration, which was attended by 35,000 people. Miss Amelia Earhart, the last of the five to arrive, did not come in until a majority of the crowd had started home.

Other transatlantic fliers present were: Clarence D. Chamberlin, who in June 1927, flew from Roosevelt Field, New York to Elsenborn, Germany. Bert Acosta, who accompanied Commander Byrd on the flight from Roosevelt Field to Ver-Sur-Mir in France in 1927, George Haldeman who flew from New York to France in October 1927, Edward F. Schlee, also in the fall of 1927.

Planes of almost every type were present for the dedication from the smallest planes manufactured, on up through the service planes to the great Ford tri-motor planes.

As a fitting close to the great dedication, 400 noted pilots, aeronautical experts, and men and women of the city and surrounding locations attended the aviation banquet held in the Park Hotel Saturday evening.

J.A. Braunbeck, a former Newberry man, won first prize of $300 from the local service clubs in the “On to Williamsport” race by flying from Kansas City, Kansas, a distance of 990 miles.

Compiled by Lou Hunsinger Jr.

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