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  • Not So Democratic Party1

    The Inquisition of President Trump is absolutely pathetic. I have never seen a less Democratic procedure take place in our Nation’s Capital. Democracy and the current Democratic Party couldn’t be any greater of a contradiction. The current House Judiciary hearing has absolutely nothing to do with what they claim are two impeachable offenses, and everything

  • It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas0

    With candy canes and silver lanes that glow… Around here that ‘silver lane’ most definitely is Candy Cane Lane! The perfect place — in my humble opinion — to take walk in a Winter Wonderland! A local tradition for over 60 years, Candy Cane Lane is a yearly must-do for so many people in the

  • Gifts for Yourself0

    From your best friend to your significant other, to your kids, to your kids’ teachers, to your parents, to your co-workers, to your contributions to toy drives and angel trees — the holiday shopping lists seem to grow exponentially every year. Unfortunately for grown-ups, there is no Santa, and even if you have hinted, or

  • Some Coming Changes0

    As we all know, changes are always in the wind; some we welcome and some we don’t. I am quite sure, however, that a change that is coming to both the Pennsylvania Game Commission and the Fish and Boat Commission is one that will be welcomed by almost all outdoor types. The change I’m referring

  • The Roving Sportsman… Last Minute Ideas!0

    With just a week remaining until the long-awaited thrill of Christmas morning arrives, filled with the aromas of hot chocolate, a fire in the fireplace, and bacon frying, time is slipping away. There is finding and trimming a tree, getting the house ready for all of the relatives and friends who will drop by and

  • County Hall Corner: Voter Rights and Wrongs0

    As Lycoming County voters noticed at the recent election, there was a new voting system introduced to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. It involves a paper ballot that is inserted into a scanner — a verifiable and auditable ballot. While we might blame our Harrisburg bureaucrats for this, the blame should be pointed further south, all

  • My Brazilian Lefty

    My Brazilian Lefty0

    I am back on the sidelines after a two-year hiatus. My attempt to become a better husband didn’t go as planned. I am now coaching some basketball at St. John Neumann Regional. My love and appreciation for the game had never left. I only needed a break. I came out of retirement to help an

  • The ‘Take Your Pick’ Bowl0

    The game plan was well developed. Hungry for victory no matter the flavor of the opponent, the offensive strikes probed the objective with quick, decisive moves and devoured the competition. In a matter of moments, the Cereal Bowl was mine! In light of the glut of upcoming college football games, I’m a bit surprised my

  • Too Sick to Go to School?0

    If your child isn’t feeling his or her best, should you definitely keep him or her home from school? After an illness, when is it okay for your child to return to school? As a parent, you know your children best. You also likely have a sense about when your child just doesn’t feel well

  • Keep Your Eyes to the Skies0

    It is definitely the Most Wonderful Time of the Year. As in the Christmas classic sung by Andy Williams. I love when that song comes on the radio; it can’t help but to put some Christmas spirit in your step and a smile on your face. Give it a listen before you go shopping, to

  • The Holidays Cometh…

    The Holidays Cometh…0

    Well, well, well — if it isn’t Christmas sneaking up on me once again. I swear, I am not a procrastinator by nature, and really, I’m further ahead in all things Christmas than I normally am, but it just takes me a little longer than some to find my holly jolly. I have actually started

  • The Roving Sportsman… Two More Game Recipes0

    On December 21, we will experience the “shortest day of the year,” which signals the first day of winter and provides an increasing amount of daylight each day until June 21, the “longest day of the year” and the beginning of summer. As Mother Nature keeps us in the grip of colder winter weather for

  • Layering Jackets0

    Winter dressing can be tricky: It’s cold, there’s likely some form of precipitation falling from the sky, and chances are the wind chill makes it even colder; hence your outfit needs to have serious protective elements. However, you still want to look put-together — especially for all those holiday parties — as opposed to bundled

  • Changing Hunting Tactics

    Changing Hunting Tactics0

    I remember when I started deer hunting as a high school kid, there were basically two methods commonly used to bag your deer. One method often used with fair success was the deer drive; several hunters would “post” in a line — maybe on a side hill — and several more hunters would line up

  • My Bucket’s Got a Hole in It0

    Those who know me best are well aware of my proclivity for sporting events and country music. Give me a good ball game and some classic country tunes and I’m set for the duration. My long ago college days at the University of Houston produced more than an educational degree; it also planted the seeds

  • County Hall Corner: Lame Duck or Sleeping Lion?0

    American democracy has a rich heritage and one that we woefully take for granted. Marvel for a moment that since 1900, only six countries in the world have NOT changed their form of government. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to the insights of our Founding Fathers in crafting such an amazing document as

  • Elfie and the Warriors

    Elfie and the Warriors0

    My sincere apologies for last week’s absence. I had to deal with a minor family crisis. Mom was decorating the tree and our 10-year-old found his Elf. It was buried deep in an unmarked tote, and he was immediately crushed. Jensen brought it upstairs and demanded an explanation. I wasn’t home, and Mom had no

  • Encouraging Youth Sports and Their Benefits

    Encouraging Youth Sports and Their Benefits0

    Sports help shape kids’ lives, but due to funding shortages, some school sports programs are at risk. Most experts agree physical activity is an essential aspect of youth development that teaches teamwork, builds confidence and fuels academic potential. However, according to a survey of middle school educators engaged with, 6 in 10 feel their

  • Music, Magic and Miracles with the Williamsport Flute Choir0

    Williamsport is fortunate to have such varied musical groups to help ring in the holidays. The Williamsport Flute Choir will present their holiday concerts at 2 pm on December 14 in the sanctuary of First United Methodist Church at 604 Market Street, Williamsport. The concert will feature the flute choir and several musical guests, vocalists,

  • Muncy First United Methodist Church Presents “Joy Has Dawned”0

    The Cantata Choir and Orchestra of First United Methodist Church, Muncy will present Lloyd Larson’s “Joy Has Dawned” on Sunday, December 15. As part of Muncy First United Methodist Church’s mission of “Celebrating Life Together in Chris t— Growing Deeper, Reaching Wider,” the 55-voice choir and 30-piece orchestra includes musicians from six area counties. With

  • The Other Drug Problem: Medication Safety0

    You probably understand the importance of taking your medications correctly, but you may not be as familiar with how improperly storing and disposing your medications could be creating another problem. Although your medications keep you healthy and feeling better, they can be extremely dangerous if they are taken by someone else or in the wrong

  • A Friend and Fan for All Seasons0

    Happy Birthday to my good friend Pedie McDonald. It’s hard to believe he’s going to be 60 years young! It seems like only yesterday I shared his 50th birthday with him. I have had a special relationship with Pedie and his parents, Peyton and Peachy, over the years. It began when I was a young

  • The Elves are Here!

    The Elves are Here!0

    Are you ready for Christmas? I’ve got a bobble or two about, but for the most part, I try to take one holiday at a time, so now that we are through Thanksgiving, I’m ready to start setting my sights on the ‘most wonderful time of the year.’ Nothing says Christmas around the Webb Weekly

  • A View from the Striped Shirts0

    As the calendar flips to December this week marks the start of the high school basketball season. The action switches from the outside environs of football stadiums to the smaller indoor gymnasiums. The National Anthem and school fight songs will still be played but perhaps it might be a good idea if a recording of

  • County Hall Corner: Fair or Foul Judge?0

    I featured Judge Marc Lovecchio in a LION (Leaders In Our Neighborhood) article several weeks ago, and not long after I received an email from a reader who stated that they seriously disagreed with my article honoring the judge. The substance of the argument was based on a recent ruling on his part, releasing a

  • Uptown Music Collective Open House0

    On Saturday, December 7th, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. the Uptown Music Collective will be holding an Open House at the school’s facility located at 144 West Third Street in Downtown Williamsport. The facility features 8 private lesson suites, two classrooms, two ensemble rooms, a computer lab, a recording studio, video studio, and more.

  • Pennsylvania Readies for Another Exciting Deer Season0

    A Saturday opener for the firearms deer season and the possibility of more older bucks throughout the Commonwealth had many Pennsylvanians excited about Nov. 30 and the weeks to follow. Last year’s firearms deer season saw rainy weather nearly statewide throughout much of the opening day. But even then, 30 percent of the antlered deer

  • How to Find the Right Dog for Your Family

    How to Find the Right Dog for Your Family0

    Adding a four-legged friend to the family is no small decision, and it’s easy to get distracted by sweet eyes pleading to be taken home. Becoming a dog parent is a major commitment, so it’s important to do your research and make well-informed choices before deciding on a new dog. No matter what stage of

  • CBD Oil and Arthritis0

    Health-conscious consumers have no doubt encountered advertisements for CBD oil at some point in recent memory. Supplement stores, pharmacies and even gyms may promote CBD oil, prompting consumers to wonder just what CBD is and how it may or may not play a role in the treatment of certain conditions, including arthritis. According to the

  • Prepare for a Sledding Adventure

    Prepare for a Sledding Adventure0

    Dashing through the snow in a one-horse open sleigh … Winter holidays are made all the more merry with the addition of some outdoor recreation. Sleighs and sleds are par for the Christmas course, especially when a bounty of snow is in the forecast. Sledding has been part of snowy celebrations for ages. Sledding is


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