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Search Results For 'shooting'

  • An Article About Nothing0

    The Pitch was the name of the 43rd episode of Seinfeld, which aired on September 16, 1992. The plot: After watching Jerry’s comedy routine, NBC executives asked Jerry to come up with an idea for a television show based on his comedy. Jerry and George Costanza brainstormed ideas to pitch to NBC. George comes up

  • Happy 4th of July!

    Happy 4th of July!0

    If you know me, you know that the 4th of July is my most favoritest holiday! It’s a time of low pressure, lots of fun, and, of course, FIREWORKS! But more than that, it’s a wonderful opportunity to spend quality time with friends and family, to relax, have fun, and blow stuff up — safely,

  • Local Shooting Competition0

    As we outdoor enthusiasts move into the hot mid-summer days, we may still be doing some fishing, but it’s not likely that shooting a rifle is high on our list of activities. Sure, as we move into the fall months, the deer rifles come out, and we head for the target range to make sure

  • Full Speed Ahead for Furiosa: Fifth Mad Max Movie Fuels the Franchise0

    What would you say to a single action scene that required 78 shooting days and 200 stunt men? Those are the stats on the central chase in George Miller’s Furiosa; and the film is worth seeing for that alone. Happily, it has lots of other great stuff, too. This fifth installment in the long-running Mad

  • What to do for Father’s Day0

    On Sunday, June 16, fathers everywhere will get to be revered by friends and family as we show our Dad, our Pop, our Father how special we really think he is. With a little over a week to go, there is plenty of time for shopping and planning to make this Father’s Day especially memorable

  • Some Thoughts on Spring Gobbler Hunting0

    Spring turkey hunting is upon us. The youth spring turkey hunt was on April 27th, and the statewide spring turkey hunt runs from May 4-31. Bear in mind, however, that the legal hunting hours change midway through the season. From May 4-18, hunting begins one-half hour before sunrise and ends at noon; hunters should be

  • County Hall Corner: Some Good News on Voting Integrity0

    Since the 2020 election, there has been a continuous political battle about the count. Initially, the election results were challenged in the courts, but nothing could be proven to the satisfaction of the judges. A protest in Washington, D.C., over the election certification at the US Capitol was organized on January 6, 2021, supporting Trump

  • The Roving Sportsman… Pennsylvania Youth Hunt for Spring Gobblers 20240

    The excitement is building, and in less than three weeks, the one-day Youth Hunt for Spring Gobblers will occur — Saturday, April 27, 2024, to be exact. It is a day that many young hunters and their adult mentors have been looking forward to for months. It is held one week prior to the opening

  • Turkey Hunting Still Productive0

    Another spring turkey season is fast approaching, with the mentored hunters 16 and under able to hunt on April 27, followed by the regular statewide spring season from May 4 through the 18th. As usual, when spring begins to move in, we turkey hunters are on the lookout for any sightings of turkeys and especially

  • The Good, the Bad & Mulkey0

    The welcome mat is out! Officially, spring begins this week. To be sure, it is a welcome sight, but in the transitioning world of sports, the changing of the athletic seasons defines the passing of time a bit more succinctly than do the pages of the calendar on the wall. ‘Athletic spring’ actually began a

  • Top 10 Happiness Research Insights From 2023 (Part 2)0

    In Part 1 of this article, I discussed the premise that everyone ultimately wants to be happy even if their actions don’t line up with this. Ultimately, everything we do, say, or even think is intended to produce an end result of happiness. Even self-destructive behavior is based on what we think will make us

  • The Roving Sportsman… Springtime Foraging 20240

    Snow geese and Canada geese have been flying north, and robins are more plentiful, and the intermittent snowfalls don’t take long to melt away. Even though we experienced a relatively mild winter, it’s nice to know that spring has finally sprung! As we welcome the warmer days and the emergence of daffodils and tulips, it

  • The Roving Sportsman… Pattern That Shotgun!0

    Imagine that your son or daughter has shown enough interest in hunting for deer this coming fall that they have completed the required hunter education program and have shown interest in going to the range with you to really learn how to safely handle a firearm. You take the time to spend several weekends doing

  • Crazed and Evil Perpetrators0

    The cover reading February 21st means only one more issue this month; that’s a good thing. To go along with Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day falling on the same date, we also have a leap year in 2024. An early Happy Birthday to all those folks who only celebrate that special day once every four

  • The Roving Sportsman… Stepping Up to the Plate0

    It becomes increasingly apparent with each passing day that anti-hunters will do whatever it takes to stop all hunting everywhere and forever. Their efforts are relentless and will only increase over time. They are definitely in it for the long haul. Examples of their efforts are cropping up all across the nation, and while one

  • The Roving Sportsman… Teaching Proper Hunting and Firearm Safety, Part II0

    First and foremost, always stress the four universal rules of firearm safety: – Treat any firearm as if it is loaded. – Practice muzzle control. – Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire. – Always be sure of your target and the area around and beyond it. These are the critical rules

  • The Roving Sportsman… Teaching Proper Hunting and Firearm Safety0

    Any long-time hunter or gun owner has an inherent obligation to pass on his knowledge to an upcoming hunter or firearm enthusiast — whether they are a young person such as a son, daughter, grandchild, or neighborhood acquaintance or perhaps an adult who has become interested in hunting or gun ownership. It is critical to


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