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  • Saving the Chief0

    In last week’s article, ‘Where’s the Chief?’ (Which can be found at, I explained my connection to Chief Woapalanee and all those summers spent in his shadow at Brandon Little League. I affectionately referred to him as Chief Knockahomer. I was dismayed to see him removed from his post at the West Entrance to

  • Where’s the Chief?0

    It was early morning a couple of Saturdays ago. As I headed down Market Street and crossed through confusion corner a large empty space was evident at the west entrance to Brandon Park. Chief Knockahomer was gone, not there, as in left the reservation. The 24-foot wood sculpture whose proper name is Chief Woapalanne had

  • The Agenda For Our Next President0

    As Donald Trump threw his wallet into the ring to become a Republican candidate for President I began thinking, where should our next President start to right the American ship. What are the most important issues to save our country from the Primrose Path our leaders in Washington have walked us all down? How do

  • Happy Fathers Day!0

    There is so much going on here at home, across the state, in Washington and around the world I should share with you but we’re going to leave it alone this week. The most important item is a tip of the cap to all Dads, Grandfathers and those who fill the Fatherly role. I was

  • The Top Candidate0

    It is well known that President George Washington had wooden teeth; President Abraham Lincoln is always imagined with his top hat and beard. Our next President may become known for his long ears. In case you missed it – Bugs Bunny announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination to run for President of the United

  • Be on the Lookout for Mother Nature… She is Armed and Dangerous.0

    There is nothing Mr. Obama might say or do that would surprise me. This past week he left another real zinger go. As ISIS is advancing in Syria and had just gained control of Ramandi, the largest city in Western Iraq, Mr. Obama was truly focused on the real threat to our national security here

  • Your May Vote Counts!0

    Finally primary election time is upon us. No more ads, no more commercials, no more of those signs blocking the beauty of spring. There are some “points of interest” for you the voter I’d like to make you aware of or provide a little reminder about. First and most important, your vote matters, it is

  • Appreciation and Understanding0

    Happy Mother’s Day! Thank you to all that provide the most special and important gift of a Mother’s love. Thank you for taking care of our children, the most important blessings in our lives. Thank you to those who fill the role of Mom when it becomes vacant by tragedy, fate or circumstance. A Mother’s

  • Hillary Belongs in Jail And She Wants Your Vote0

    They just don’t get it! Why on God’s green Earth would the Democratic Party support Hillary Rodham Clinton’s bid for the White House? Name one positive thing she has ever done for our Country? She is the Queen of Greed, all about self and wealth. There is no line of ethics or legality she will

  • Revitalizing Billtown’s Sports Swagger A Business and Community Effort0

    Demolition and construction. These two words equal future. As in moving forward for the best of a community, city or an area. I have always been fascinated by tearing down and rebuilding. My Mom is proud to tell that my first word was bulldozer or something that sounded like it. As I looked in through

  • A Law and Order Open House and Our 2nd Amendment Responsibility0

    Tip of the cap to the Williamsport Bureau of Police on their recently held open house. The event was a great way for the citizens of Williamsport to meet, greet and understand that the police are just “people in the neighborhood” trying to protect and serve your community. It was also a way to get

  • Freedom and the Despicables. Obama, Kerry, Reid and Maddow0

    April fools! Thanks to all for sharing a laugh and a good old-fashioned spoof last week. The Historic Bowman Field project will only occur if I hit a big jackpot playing Powerball or Mega Millions. I did hear Bob Beiter was glad when he found out Janice Hiller didn’t really commit him to all of

  • Home, Autumn and Yogi0

    As I traveled the Country this Summer the true beauty of our great Nation was amazing. From the mile high mountains of the Rockies in Denver to the barren Grand Canyon type landscape of Southern Oregon and our Western states. Their mountains are magnificent in a totally different way and yes, I did venture northwest

  • Truth and R-E-S-P-E-C-T0

    Well, let’s get right to it. The words that Williamsport’s City Council President Mr. Bill Hall spoke in referencing me, claiming that I apologized to him in the name of “political personal destruction and smears, lies, innuendos and half truths,” is the farthest thing from fact. Nico Salvatori picked up Mr. Hall’s comments in covering

  • The Uncommon View of Commonsense0

    As I flipped through the channels the other night, catching up on the day’s events I stopped and watched about two minutes of Al Sharpton. I often watch Al to see what he’s spewing. It was the same old message, so on to Fox News I went. They had a gentleman cooking bacon by firing

  • Yardsticks, Leprechauns and a Leader in Washington0

    Think spring! Two sure signs that warm weather is just around the corner take place in the days ahead. First we have the 56th Annual West Branch Builders Home Show. The event will take place at Lycoming College’s Rec. Center. It is a great way to get out and about. Let it help you put

  • PA Proud and the Hall of Shame0

    A sincere thanks to everyone I spoke with, left kind messages, texted me and emailed me. Your support of my article “You’re Fired” last week was overwhelming. I did not write the article for this reason, but it’s always appreciated to hear kind words and that so many of you feel the same way and

  • You’re Fired!0

    President Barack Hussein Obama your services are no longer needed, you are fired Sir! I will no longer recognize you with the title President. Because, Sir, you do not act like the President of the United States of America. This position is held by someone that respects our Great land and the people that founded

  • Chicagoland Disgrace0

    No, I am not talking about our President. Jackie Robinson West Little League is the latest of cheaters to come to the Little League World Series. As I watched the story unfold it truly made me sad. It was such a special LLWS this past year. Great games and great teams made the 75th anniversary

  • President’s Day Positivity0

    I received a phone call from a nice lady this past week who enjoyed reading my column. She asked if possible could I stay positive about President Obama. Maybe talk about the good things he is doing. My reply was I would do my best. I always listen and try to provide Webb Weekly readers

  • Energy and Leadership Inefficiency0

    It didn’t take long for our new Governor to make good on one of his campaign promises. Governor Tom Wolf ran on a platform of making the gas exploration folks pay every last cent he could squeeze out of them. Whether it be by increased taxation or increased environmental red tape creating more revenue. He

  • A Groundhog, Some Seals, A Patriot’s Balls and Mayor Gabe’s Appeal0

    Each day that passes brings us one day closer to spring. I don’t want to wish days away, but warm weather and baseball sounds pretty good to me about right now. There’s plenty going on around our great State and Nation to keep things interesting on a cold winter’s night. Where do I start? Let’s

  • Now Playing Gone From GTMO and to Rent a Riot0

    In my travels this past week or so I’ve had several folks suggest I should give Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell and Speaker of the House, John Boehner some time. You know, to settle in with the new Congress, to come up with a plan for America in response to where President Obama is taking

  • A Different January0

    There is so much to talk about in the early weeks of 2016. Usually January is a slow, get your feet under you, put the holidays in the rearview mirror month. Not this year! Locally, Williamsport hired a new Police Chief; Pennsylvania State Police Captain David J. Young. Captain Young will take over the reins

  • Obamacation, Apathy and Evil0

    My Father’s view was a simple one, “Anyone who would take a two-week vacation, you’re better off without.” His thoughts were always based on dollars and cents, common sense and were straight to the point. An individual who would put that stress and strain on a business is not a team player. An individual who

  • Happy 2015!0

    New Year’s wishes of health, happiness and prosperity. The year 2015, wow it almost seems like a title for a sci-fi movie. I still catch myself thinking it’s 19 something, let alone we are 15 years into the new millennium. What’s going on in the world today is much different than anyone would have imagined

  • Merry Christmas…0

    From my family to you and yours! It’s hard to believe how the years have flown by as fast as Santa’s sleigh. The first Webb Weekly Christmas cover was taken at Tebb’s, I remember like it was yesterday. Eleven years have passed since then. A young Jimmy (7) and Hunter (3) picked out that special

  • The Liberal Sword of Political Correctness and its Destroying of America0

    Political correctness has become the way to silence the majority in our Nation. Intended to prevent derogatory comments and remarks about color, race, religion, sexual orientation and whatever makes up an individual or group. It has been twisted into something far different. The backbone of democracy is majority and governing our Country for “We the

  • Red Kettle Remembrance of Dave Sechler0

    The holiday hustle and bustle, what a special time of year! I would always run into my friend Dave Sechler. He would be ringing the bell and accepting donations on behalf of the Salvation Army. Dave was as good as they come. A Christian man who devoted his life to the Salvation Army and helping

  • “I Have a Dream”0

    Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., one of the greatest Americans in history. I have read much about the man and his leadership of Black Americans during the Civil Rights movement. This eventually provided equality, not only for people of African heritage, but also laid the groundwork for all in the American melting pot including


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