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Search Results For 'competition'

  • Game Seven0

    Game Seven — the ultimate competition in Major League Baseball treated us again on the first day of November for the 39th time in baseball history. On the dawning of the day of the showdown in Los Angeles between the Dodgers and Astros, I came extremely close to asking Webb Weekly editor Steph Nordstrom for

  • One Long Season to Remember?0

    What an amazing time of year if you’re a sports fan. There is something going on for everyone — provided you are interested in athletic competition. On the professional sports scene all four major sports can be found in season, sometimes all competing on the same day. Major League Baseball is wrapping up their Fall

  • Mercy!0

    For some strange reason that one word of emphasis crooned in singer Roy Orbison’s 1964 hit song “Pretty Woman” has stayed with me over the years. If you’ve never heard the song, give it a visit on the Internet. It is only one word but it surely emphasizes the message of his song. Mercy may

  • Ferry Optimistic About PSU Hoops0

    Amid an FBI investigation and turmoil laid at the feet of big time shoe companies accused of funneling money to high level basketball recruits, NCAA Division One basketball programs officially began practice for the upcoming season this week. Yes, that is a bit earlier than it used to be, but it seems these days almost

  • A Helping Hand for Houston0

    Should we talk about President Trump and those in Washington increasing our national debt ceiling? Nah — what’s the sense? Besides, with all that is going on in our Great Nation and around the world he really doesn’t have a choice. At least it offers an opportunity for the Republicans and Democrats to work together

  • Heads Up, High Fives and Holy Carp!0

    All of the schools are now out for summer, please drive with extra caution. There are a lot of young folks on bikes, skateboards and yes, driving the roads all hours of the day. Watch out for that child darting out from between two parked vehicles. If you see a ball come into your line

  • Taking a Knee on America0

    “Would you please rise in honor of America for the playing of our National Anthem?” Then you look and find the American Flag, either being presented by the color guard or flying above the stadium. You stand at attention, removing your hat if you are wearing one; maybe you place the hat or your empty

  • One Nation Under God0

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day and Happy Spring! Get out and enjoy all the local Irish spirit and flavor that can be found at local eateries. I enjoy a cup of potato soup with my corn beef on rye, thank you. I also look forward to the Webb family tradition of corn beef and cabbage my

  • Tricks, Treats and Folks Seeking Elected Seats0

    My favorite week of the year on page 2. I get to dress up as your friendly neighborhood Spiderman. I thought about a different look for you this year, maybe Barak Obama but with Webb as my last name there is really only one choice of attire. Now for my public service message for Halloween

  • Coach Crews and a Millionaire Revival0

    Wow! It is hard to believe we are heading into week seven of the high school football season. One of the great stories this year has taken place up on “the hill” at the Millionaires newly remodeled STA Stadium. With new Head Coach Charles “call me Chuck” Crews leading the way, the Cherry and White

  • Hillary’s No Dinner Cash Dash0

    Folks, we need to change. I understand that an individual’s political affiliation is engrained in them. It may have begun many moons ago when they were young. They either believed the teaching of their parents and maybe grandparents or they rebelled against possibly their father and became a flaming liberal or radical right wing conservative.

  • Gratitude and Gridiron0

    Happy Thanksgiving. Take the time to say thanks and enjoy all your blessings and the simplest of things that may be taken for granted. Remember in your prayers those who may be going through a tough time presently. Maybe they recently lost a loved one or still have that empty chair at the table no

  • My Three Rules0

    The basketball and wrestling seasons are upon us. There will be many great games and matches played at every level all the way down to the youngest athletes, who are kindergarten age, participating in elementary programs or Bower League. I am a big believer in children participating at whatever age they are ready. Not when

  • The basketball and wrestling seasons are upon us.0

    The basketball and wrestling seasons are upon us. There will be many great games and matches played at every level all the way down to the youngest athletes, who are kindergarten age, participating in elementary programs or Bower League. I am a big believer in children participating at whatever age they are ready. Not when


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