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Search Results For 'bait fishing'

  • The Dry Fly Buzz

    The Dry Fly Buzz0

    Special thanks to the readers of Webb Weekly. I am still amazed at how many folks will turn to this page. I ran into two people last week — totally random — one at Wegmans and one at work. Their kind words meant the world. I always get excited when someone recognizes me from this

  • Trout Season in Full Swing0

    Another trout season is underway, and I still enjoy getting out on a stream, even though I’ve been trout fishing for over sixty years now. Over all those years, I’ve had a chance to fish with an assortment of equipment, lures, and baits. Like a lot of kids, I started with worms and a bobber

  • Hoping Opening Day Wasn’t Washed Out0

    The first day of trout season in Pennsylvania has been a long-time tradition. It’s a day shared by family and friends to celebrate something near and dear to their hearts. It is a day that many PA anglers dream about on cold winter nights. Chilly temperatures, rain, and even snow go hand in hand with

  • High Water Alternatives0

    As I sat down to write this piece, the streams were running high and muddy from the past few days of rain. I suspect that by the opening day of trout season, there will still be some high, discolored water. Of course, those who were on the streams on opening day will be able to

  • What’s the Best Approach?0

    When it comes to the opening day of trout season, a question I sometimes get, especially from someone just getting into fishing, is, what’s the best way to catch trout? There are people who have written lengthy books on that topic, but in this brief format, here are some things to consider. The truth is

  • Invasive Species in Our Waterways0

    It seems like the subject of invasive species, be they land-based species, aquatic plants, or animals, comes up more frequently these days. As a fisherman, I have noticed several new threats to our waterways, including invasive crayfish, zebra mussels, and the northern snakehead. Other species of fish, like the silver and bighead carp, while not

  • Changes in Fishing Regulations0

    As the hunting seasons begin to wind down, some of us begin looking towards the upcoming fishing seasons. I know trout season is still a long way off, but we ice fishermen are hoping to get out on a lake in the not-too-distant future. With the fishing season not far off, it’s also time to

  • “Tis the Seasons”0

    Moving into the early fall period can be a real dilemma for people like me who love hunting and fishing. Hunting seasons are underway, and some great fishing can still be available. Case in point: I was talking with an avid trout angler recently, and he told me a few weeks back he picked up

  • Flathead Fishing0

    It’s not unusual for the subject of fishing to come up when a bunch of us are sitting around sipping our morning coffee. A couple of weeks ago, Tim Herr informed the gang that he and recent Muncy Bank retiree Steve Naylor were planning a guided trip to the lower Susquehanna for some catfishing. Now,

  • Pond Fishing

    Pond Fishing0

    It’s no secret that I love fishing — fishing of all kinds — with a variety of equipment, and in a variety of situations. Certainly, our local rivers, streams, and lakes are high on my priority list, but I also enjoy an afternoon on a pond from time to time. There are a number of

  • The Snapping Turtle: A Living Submarine0

    For some unknown reason, I have always been captivated by things that crawl, swim and slither. None of my siblings seem to have been smitten with my affection for such critters, and my interest has not waned over the years. It seems that my grandchildren, however, have inherited some of my curiosity with a number

  • Fishing the Plastic Worm0

    When I was a kid growing up in western Pennsylvania, when I wanted to go fishing, I did what all the other kids did — I dug some night crawlers and went fishing. It was in my high school days when all that began to change, and artificial plastic worms were introduced. I thought it

  • Mid-Summer Trout Fishing0

    Let’s be honest: trout fishing has gone by the wayside by this time of the summer. Take a look around. How many trout fishermen do you see crowding the banks of a local trout stream? Almost none. Most bait and lure fishermen have pretty much given up on trout by the end of June, but

  • Rose Valley Lake

    Rose Valley Lake0

    Ian Andrews and I have been friends for a long time. He is a good dude, and we both love to fish. Ian grew up on Rose Valley Lake, and that is where he currently resides. We don’t see each other much, but we follow one another online. Thrilled my bud is back using the

  • Bronzebacks0

    Teach and Jensen were at the beach. School is out for the summer, and they needed a break. I stayed behind to watch the dog. No worries, kids. I got to fish. No need to travel as we are super spoiled. I do 95% of my fishing right here in Lycoming County. Some of my

  • Fishing — Getting the “Feel” Of It0

    Have you ever wondered why it seems that some fishermen are the lucky ones and always manage to catch their share of fish? I suppose, at times, luck may play a role, but to be consistently good at taking fish, a lot more than luck is required. Let’s try to simplify things a bit; to

  • Smallmouth Bass Tactics0

    Last week we focused our efforts on catching largemouth bass, but this week, we’re going to delve into catching smallmouth bass. There’s no question about it, a lot of the same lures and techniques will work for catching both species of bass, but there are also some different approaches that may work better for taking

  • In Pursuit of Bass0

    Pennsylvania’s bass season is about to get into full swing; from April 8 to June 9, it is catch and immediate release only, but after that, you can keep four per day. I personally don’t keep any bass, but I sure do like catching them on lakes, ponds, and in rivers, and streams. Pennsylvania has

  • Make the Most of a Day at the Lake

    Make the Most of a Day at the Lake0

    Water becomes the center of attention when the temperature climbs because of the cooling relief it can provide. Making a day of splashing through sprinklers, swimming laps in a pool or horsing around with friends at a waterpark is part of the summertime experience. Even though most people equate summer fun with ocean escapes, those

  • The Chain Pickerel0

    For many years one of my favorite fishing forays was to head off to the Saint Lawrence River with some friends to fish for northern pike. We would fish from the break of day until sunset, and our goal was to see how many pike we could catch and release over three or four days

  • May – A Good Time to Hit the Trout Streams0

    Well, trout season is well underway, and hopefully, some of those crowded conditions that occur in those opening days are pretty well past. Certainly, those first few weeks in April can be very productive, but so can the weeks that follow, especially through the month of May. Now, I realize that there are many methods

  • Sipping Stockies

    Sipping Stockies0

    When you spend as much time on the water as I do, you always catch a few. And while some days are certainly better than others. You occasionally have those fantastic experiences. These little episodes are extremely rare. I can count them with my fingers. This past Thursday, I was on Lycoming. I parked my

  • Pennsylvania’s Trout0

    Trout season is now well underway in our state, and a good number of anglers are pursuing a variety of trout species in lakes and streams. When it comes to trout fishing in Pennsylvania, the most commonly caught trout will be rainbows, browns, and brookies, and for good reason — they are the ones most

  • A “Crappy” Day0

    After looking at the title of this article, you’re probably thinking I’m about to tell you all about a lousy day I had last week — not, so; I’m actually talking about a crappie day and, more specifically, the business of catching crappies. I know everybody is kind of hung up on catching trout right

  • Trout Season: Where and What?0

    As we approach the opening of another trout season, the two questions I find a lot of people asking are “Where should I fish”? and “What should I use”? There are several factors to consider when it comes to the question of where to go. Certainly, the weather is a consideration; high wind and bitter

  • Tight Lines

    Tight Lines0

    I’ve mentioned before that I am one of North Central PA’s biggest fans. It’s true. Seriously folks. What’s not to love about the 570? This place is just splendid. Our beautiful area is the perfect backdrop for an outdoor enthusiast like me. Yes. I absolutely dig everything about her, and I am still patiently waiting

  • The Lure of Fishing0

    Contrary to what the title may seem to be suggesting, this is not a piece about what causes or entices one to fish but rather what lures one uses to catch fish. I got to thinking about this topic when someone just getting into fly fishing asked me if a half dozen flies would be

  • Bait Versus Artificials

    Bait Versus Artificials0

    When I wrote the article that appeared in last week’s column, I was just about to head out for my first ice fishing outing of the new season. It was, in fact, the first time in some years that we were able to get safely on the ice before the new year. As you can

  • The Cost of Enjoying Outdoor Activities

    The Cost of Enjoying Outdoor Activities0

    Like a lot of people, I enjoy outdoor activities, more specifically hunting and fishing, which I do on a year-round basis. Like many others, I have accumulated a pretty good amount of outdoor gear over the years. I’ve never really sat down and tried to figure out how much I have invested in all that

  • Late Fall Trout Fishing

    Late Fall Trout Fishing0

    I know a lot of us are caught up in the fall hunting scene, but every year I have to remind myself that there is still some good trout fishing available after the leaves cover the ground. I managed to squeeze in a couple of hours of trout angling last week along with a couple

  • The Elusive Muskie0

    When it comes to fishing here in Pennsylvania, you probably won’t find many fishermen who are strongly dedicated to pursuing muskies. There are probably some good reasons for that lack of pursuit; for one, they are not exactly abundant, at least not like trout and bass. They can also be difficult to catch; you can

  • Plug It0

    No, this is not an essay on how to fix a flat tire, but it may help put a bend in your favorite bass fishing rod. These days when it comes to selecting lures to stuff in your tackle box, there is so much to choose from that it makes your head spin. I remember

  • Backyard Bassin’0

    Wow. You look great. Have you lost weight? No. Diet Pepsi. No booze. Just a lot of wading. But jeez, you are so tan. Did you go to the beach? You must be playing some golf? No. No trips. Very little golf. Only fishing. Thanks for being so nice. Several years back, I came up


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