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  • Five Fun Ways to Get Fit0

    Exercise benefits both the mind and body. Study after study indicates how physical activity can reduce the propensity for illness, boost mood, lower stress levels, and much more. Still, certain people find it difficult to muster the motivation to get up and move. In 2013, researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analyzed

  • The Roving Sportsman… They’re So Cute!

    The Roving Sportsman… They’re So Cute!0

    Well, it’s that time of year when we need a gentle reminder. And the reminder is that Mother Nature has things well in hand and doesn’t need interference by well-intended humans. I refer to the fact that in the next several weeks young of all kinds will come into this world — from baby birds

  • Picnic Season

    Picnic Season0

    As of this writing, I am preparing for the Memorial Day weekend, and all I can say is, holy stuff to do Batman! We have a lot going on this weekend and I need to bring something to eat to a couple of them. So while by the time you read this, Memorial Day will

  • Summer Time Goings On…

    Summer Time Goings On…0

    Rain, rain, go away! I think we’re all tired of the liquid sunshine. Hopefully, we will have a beautiful Memorial Day weekend to kick off the summer. One thing’s for sure; the lawn mowers will be working overtime. Please take the time on Memorial Day to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice in the

  • Memorial Day0

    Memorial Day is often considered the unofficial kick off to summer. But please remember the true purpose of this holiday weekend. Memorial Day is meant to honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the defense of our Country. Three years after the Civil War ended, on May 5, 1868, the head of an

  • Local AYSO Starts Program for Players With Disabilities0

    The Montoursville Region 690, of the American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO), has added an adapted soccer program for players with disabilities called VIP – (Very Important Player) Program. Starting this fall, players four years and older who have a disability that would make it difficult for them to play successfully on a mainstream team will

  • Cutters Featured in 2018 Topps Card Release0

    The Williamsport Crosscutters will again be featured on two special Fragments of the Farm cards as part of the 2018 Topps Pro Debut baseball card set. The cards feature Cutters pitcher Kyle Young with a fragment of a sign from the 2017 MLB Little League Classic and a Jhailyn Ortiz offering that includes a swatch from the shoes of

  • Re-Building a Summer Wardrobe0

    It’s starting to feel like summer and, with the wintry spring we just had, your wardrobe may not be ready for this sudden warm weather. Ideally, you’d have a bit more time to transition winter apparel from your closet to storage, and assess the state of your summer clothes, shop for replacements, etc. But not

  • How Parents Can Help Children Make Friends0

    Social connections are important for children’s growth and development. Some children have a hard time fitting in and making friends, and these kids may just need a little extra help fostering friendships. According to the resource Parenting Science, decades of research indicates that parents play a key role in teaching children how to make friends.

  • Kid’s Corner: Paper Plate Bird Nest Craft

    Kid’s Corner: Paper Plate Bird Nest Craft0

    Paper Plate Bird Nest Craft This is an adorable and really fun craft for kids to make.  This craft gives kids the opportunity to express their creative side by decorating the birds nest and making cute little birds to go inside. Materials: • glue • scissors • paper plate • brown paint • stapler •

  • Heavy Metal?0

    My reference to “heavy metal” here is not about that so-called “music” that I occasionally come across as I’m searching for something worth listening to on the radio. No, I’m actually referring to metal fishing lures, which at one time was a mainstay of the fishing lure business. While metal is still used in many

  • Detecting & Treating Hearing Loss in Children0

    May marks Better Hearing Month, which is dedicated to raising awareness regarding hearing loss and treatment as well as proactively protecting your hearing. Hearing loss is sometimes more difficult to diagnose in children. Parents are in the best position to detect hearing loss in their children, but it is not always noticeable right away. How

  • The Roving Sportsman: The Saga Continues…0

    After a trip with a hunting buddy to New York State on the first Sunday of the spring gobbler season, which ended in a clean miss for my friend, my enthusiasm had been renewed. Although there had been little reason to hunt here locally due to the lack of sightings or seeing fresh signs of

  • Waterlogged Baseballs0

    Let me apologize for missing last week’s deadline. I am what they call an unreliable part-time scribe that was temporarily without an electronic device. I slipped on a rock, and my phone ended up in the middle of Lycoming Creek. We were both submerged in three feet of water for five minutes straight. I was

  • Through The Years … Grit – December 31, 1967: Police Order ‘Crackdown’ as Road Deaths Mount0

    The addition of 10 troopers — 9 recent graduates of the state police academy will augment the traffic patrols in the 9-county area of Troop F over the New Year’s weekend. The increase follows Commissioner Frank McKetta’s orders to crack down on all violations of the traffic laws this weekend, especially drinking drivers and speeders.

  • Bass, Birds and Benefits0

    It’s great to see the mountains that line the West Branch Valley aglow in that special spring-green foliage. At times, it didn’t seem like spring was ever going to get here — let alone summer. We truly live in one of the most beautiful places on God’s green earth, and it’s great to see everybody

  • The Power of the Media…

    The Power of the Media…0

    In a time when the media is taking a beating — being accused of being ‘fake,’ and often slanting to the left or right for their own benefit, it’s very existence threatened, let’s take a minute and put it to good use. No other print news in the area has the coverage that Webb Weekly

  • County Hall Corner: Goodbye to a Wonderful Warden0

    Retirement is often a bittersweet event. In one sense, it is joyous for an individual who has labored for decades in worthwhile service to an organization to be rewarded, but it is also sad for the colleagues to know that this individual will no longer be around. That emotion was in full swing at the

  • Fishing a Tandem Rig0

    Over the past month or so, I’ve been writing pieces about improving your fish catching rate by becoming a more versatile fisherman; one of those improvements involved learning new techniques and presentations. I mentioned that fishing a tandem fly rig was something I had been reading about, but had not yet tried — that is

  • Graduation0

    Similar to those famous countdowns at Cape Canaveral, in numerous households across the region that ‘countdown’ is proceeding full speed until upcoming high school graduation days blast products of eighteen years of nurtured love into the ‘unknown’ stratosphere of ‘the real world.’ Those coming out parties will be launched with varying degrees of mixed emotions.

  • The Summer Job Disappearing Act0

    Another monumental shift in society — in the summer of 1978, 60% of teenagers were working or looking for work. By 2016, only 35% were doing that! Now, don’t be quick to judge (as I was) and say the kids these days are too lazy to hit the job trail. Many are spending more time

  • This Week’s LION – Anna Vaughn Stewart: Passionate Playwright

    This Week’s LION – Anna Vaughn Stewart: Passionate Playwright0

    Seniors in high school are typically preoccupied with serious life decisions like what they will do after high school, and other, not as serious but just as vexing issues, such as excessive facial oil and who they will go with to the prom. But a young lady by the name of Anna Vaughn Stewart, soon-to-be

  • Bill Fritz Looks Back At 50 Years of Umpiring

    Bill Fritz Looks Back At 50 Years of Umpiring1

    The year was 1968. It was one of the most chaotic and turbulent years in American history but wasn’t the case on the baseball diamond at Original League due to men like Bill Fritz, who served as an umpire to make it possible for young boys to play out their baseball dreams. He has been

  • Professional Summer Wear0

    The warmer weather is finally here! As much as I love the sunshine and the summer styles that go with it, short hemlines, bare shoulders, and breezy silhouettes can be a bit too casual for the workplace. While some offices are more laidback than others, chances are denim cutoffs, and tank tops are most likely

  • Five Reasons to Try Apple Cider Vinegar0

    Vinegar is a fermented liquid made from a wide array of ingredients that is used primarily to preserve and flavor food. But the uses for vinegar are almost as extensive as the variety of flavors it’s available in. The word “vinegar” comes from the French “vin aigre,” or “sour wine.” Vinegar is a diluted solution

  • Well, There’s Always Tomorrow…0

    Truth be told, there are plenty of spring gobbler hunters that I know or have talked to that have already gotten their bird and some are actively pursuing the second gobbler for this spring season. Several of the hunters I checked in with actually filled their tag during the first week of the season. Not

  • New South Williamsport Tennis Courts Ribbon Cutting to be Held Saturday, May 190

    At a time in which recreation facilities are being decreased in many municipalities due to funding woes, one community will be dedicating a new recreational benefit for its community — new tennis courts. This will be the case in South Williamsport, when those new courts will have their official ribbon cutting on Saturday, May 19,

  • Carter Casmir Sets and Reaches Goal After Yearlong Journey on the Court

    Carter Casmir Sets and Reaches Goal After Yearlong Journey on the Court0

    As Lewisburg’s Carter Casmir walked off the court to end the 2016 District 4 Tennis Singles Championships he immediately set a goal for himself. The goal was not a return to the championship match, but a return and win in the championship match. The runner-up finish haunted Casmir throughout the offseason, providing plenty of motivation

  • A Lot of Work to be Done!0

    It’s great to see the bridge over Loyalsock Creek that connects Montoursville and Loyalsock is getting a makeover. Over 14,000 vehicles cross the bridge on a daily basis. That’s a pretty amazing amount of traffic crossing the old three-span truss bridge that was originally built in 1931. It was definitely due for some structural repair.

  • Master the Pecking Order0

    A raise of hands out there who have kindly built or put a bird feeder in their yard for our fine feathered friends. Take the time to observe close enough, at the right times, and you’ll realize bird feeders aren’t just bird feeders; they mimic what some of us go through in life. For just

  • Lifeguards Needed For Splash Cove0

    If you want the ideal summer job that can provide you that “beach buff” tan you have always looked for, lets you enjoy the outdoors and being around water, and allow you to help others to have fun, then a job staffing the “Splash Cove” as lifeguard for the City of Williamsport, might be the

  • Kayaking 1010

    Before I begin this week’s column, I need to pay homage to my dear friends at Webb Weekly. I recently received a notification on LinkedIn saying I have been scribing part-time for the past fourteen years. I must say that I am very proud to be associated with this great organization. I would also like

  • Building a Successful Program Takes More Than Just Good Players0

    Being a leader of men and women takes a certain type of skill, especially when dealing with a group and asking it to accomplish a set of goals over the course of a season. Each and every coach faces situations that will be difficult. They will also be a part of the athlete’s highest accomplishments

  • Rule of Three0

    Some days the idea of putting together a coordinated and polished outfit that not only flatters but functions, can be daunting — if not downright impossible. For myself, I fully admit that I probably spend TOO much time thinking about what to wear and planning ensembles for the week ahead. But, you don’t have to

  • The Roving Sportsman… All About Bluebirds0

    While the plump-breasted worm-eating robin is entitled “The harbinger of spring,” there is no doubt that sightings of the early bluebirds are eagerly awaited as well. As they begin to leave their winter hangouts and appear more often outside the kitchen window or perched near the garden, we wonder what we can do to keep

  • Happy Mother’s Day0

    It’s become tradition to run this list on Mother’s Day, because all mom in all their forms, shapes, sizes and colors deserve to be recognized not just on Mother’s Day, but every day! So without further ado… Happy Mother’s Day to the Soccer Moms, and the Base/Softball Moms, and the Football Moms, and the Wrestling

  • 10th Annual Ray of Lights Awards Slated For Saturday, May 19 At Community Arts Center0

    There is an abundance of fine musical and acting talent performing in the high schools throughout the Susquehanna Valley. This talent gets showcased in a fantastic awards presentation, much in the spirit of the Oscars and the Tonys, when the 10th Annual Ray of Light Awards are presented on Saturday, May 19, beginning at noon


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