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Search Results For 'flooding'

  • County Hall Corner: Wet Weather Woes1

    If it seems that we have had a very wet summer, it is because we have. National Weather Service reports that 11.99 inches of rain (let’s call it 12 inches), fell in Williamsport in the month of July, with the normal amount being 4.34 inches. July 2018 ranks as the wettest July on record, shattering

  • Recent Heavy Rain: Puts the Hurt on Fishing0

    To be honest, the past couple of weeks have been so busy for me I haven’t had time to fit any fishing in, but with the flooding conditions slamming our area recently, it doesn’t appear anybody else could get any fishing in either. The thought of fishing completely disappears when your favorite streams become raging

  • The Benefits of Water Features in Garden Landscapes

    The Benefits of Water Features in Garden Landscapes0

    Many homeowners aspire to make their homes appear as beautiful and welcoming as possible. Exterior renovations may be high on homeowners’ to-do lists, and landscaping is oftentimes a key component of those projects. When planning gardens, homeowners may benefit by considering more than just flowers and shrubs while giving thought to other elements that can

  • 10 Reasons to Plant a Tree This Spring0

    Did you know planting a tree is one of the easiest and most powerful things you can do to have a positive impact on the environment? It’s true. Trees clean the air, prevent rainwater runoff, help you save energy and even combat global warming. And they’re a snap to plant! No horticultural degree required. With

  • County Hall Corner: Back to the Future0

    Those who follow this column might notice that there have been several articles this year relating to future plans and concerns for Lycoming County. The reason for this is preparation for the approval of the study: “Lycoming 2030: Plan the Possible,” the new Comprehensive Plan for the county. The last plan was done in 2006,

  • The “Sock”0

    No, this is not going to be a story about one of my favorite socks, but it is a piece about one of my favorite trout streams — the Loyalsock Creek. My wife and I left DuBois, PA following our wedding and our next stop that evening was just beyond Williamsport. I remember telling her

  • This Week’s LION: Donald Free, Road Warrior0

    Try this experiment. Take a white sheet of paper and put a black dot in the middle and ask ten different people what they see. Odds are, almost everyone will say, “I see a black dot.” Yet, that dot only takes about one percent or less of the white space — so why don’t people

  • County Hall Corner: Planning the Future0

    One of the oldest clichés is that failure to plan is planning to fail. It also just happens to be true. Think of it like checking the weather. If I am out walking and suddenly it rains, I get wet. However, if I checked the weather reports before I left my home, and knew there

  • County Hall Corner: Connecting to the Future0

    San Antonio, Texas, and Williamsport, PA are generally not thought to have anything in common, but there are some general similarities. San Antonio is well known for the Alamo, just as Williamsport is widely renowned for Little League. They also are cities that border rivers, which historically have been both a blessing and a burden.

  • Some Game Commission Updates0

    We are at that time of the year when most of our hunting is over; sure we can still chase rabbits and squirrels until the end of February and, of course, coyotes can be had anytime. Last week, I even spotted a distant field with a bunch of goose decoys spread over a large area.

  • County Hall Corner: Getting to High Ground0

    After several severe storms that depleted the federal insurance programs, a law known as the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012 was enacted. The idea was to require flood insurance premiums to actually reflect the real risk of flooding. At the time of the enactment, the National Flood Insurance Program was $24 billion in

  • Sporting Matters with Spence… His Name is Elfie0

    Tis the season folks and instead of sharing a story on sports — I’ve decided to chime in on something much more important. Yes. It’s time to talk about the Elf of the Shelf. For those of you without young children perhaps this article will help explain that creepy little thing that has been flooding

  • County Hall Corner: Budget Baby Birthday0

    In this column last year at this time, I wrote that a crude analogy could be made between giving birth to a baby and developing a government budget. The baby is incubated in joy, followed by a long and tedious growth process in the womb, and finally, in due time, through much agony and pain,

  • This Week’s LION – Clinton Twp. Vol. Fire Company0

    A paid political ad that ran in Webb Weekly last month featured alleged improprieties from the Clinton Township Volunteer Fire Company. As Paul Harvey enjoyed saying, “here is the rest of the story.” The complete picture of this excellent organization at the southern end of the county portrays one of the most effective volunteer companies

  • Fishin’, Shootin’ – Loving Every Day0

    July in our section of Penn’s Woods is a great time for fishing whether it’s the Susquehanna River, Rose Valley Lake or the stream, creek or crick of your choosing. Our area has some of the finest fishing you will find anywhere. My favorite fishing spot has always been the Loyalsock Crick. It is teeming


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