
Latest Issue

  • Welcome to Williamsport from Klamath Falls0

    To all who have traveled to the “Home of Little League Baseball” welcome to our area. Good luck to the players, coaches, and fans. The road you have navigated to be here is an amazing one! May everyone have a safe and happy stay here in the West Branch Valley. The game Carl Stotz founded

  • Sort of a Break and an Update0

    I was going to say let’s take a break from politics this week. I get tired of the facts that I uncover in researching stories. Both Democrats and Republicans are responsible for the heinous numbers I come across. I could not turn my head to one, however. Jeb Bush served up a belt high fast

  • Hillary’s No Dinner Cash Dash0

    Folks, we need to change. I understand that an individual’s political affiliation is engrained in them. It may have begun many moons ago when they were young. They either believed the teaching of their parents and maybe grandparents or they rebelled against possibly their father and became a flaming liberal or radical right wing conservative.

  • Keystone Debt and Deception0

    Governor Wolf just doesn’t get it and he never will. Us folks in the Keystone State are in for a long and tough four years, minus the time our Governor has already put in. This past week he made a big to do over the GOP Lawmakers who control the PA Legislature paying too high

  • Name That Nation?0

    In July 2012 our State Department released a report on terrorism around the World. This obviously occurred during Mr. Obama’s administration. One Nation jumped to the top of the report as leader in active state-sponsored terrorism. Sponsor of most increased terrorist acts since 2011. Provider of financial, logistic support and material for terrorist and militant

  • Saving the Chief0

    In last week’s article, ‘Where’s the Chief?’ (Which can be found at, I explained my connection to Chief Woapalanee and all those summers spent in his shadow at Brandon Little League. I affectionately referred to him as Chief Knockahomer. I was dismayed to see him removed from his post at the West Entrance to

  • Where’s the Chief?0

    It was early morning a couple of Saturdays ago. As I headed down Market Street and crossed through confusion corner a large empty space was evident at the west entrance to Brandon Park. Chief Knockahomer was gone, not there, as in left the reservation. The 24-foot wood sculpture whose proper name is Chief Woapalanne had

  • The Agenda For Our Next President0

    As Donald Trump threw his wallet into the ring to become a Republican candidate for President I began thinking, where should our next President start to right the American ship. What are the most important issues to save our country from the Primrose Path our leaders in Washington have walked us all down? How do

  • Happy Fathers Day!0

    There is so much going on here at home, across the state, in Washington and around the world I should share with you but we’re going to leave it alone this week. The most important item is a tip of the cap to all Dads, Grandfathers and those who fill the Fatherly role. I was

  • The Top Candidate0

    It is well known that President George Washington had wooden teeth; President Abraham Lincoln is always imagined with his top hat and beard. Our next President may become known for his long ears. In case you missed it – Bugs Bunny announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination to run for President of the United

  • Be on the Lookout for Mother Nature… She is Armed and Dangerous.0

    There is nothing Mr. Obama might say or do that would surprise me. This past week he left another real zinger go. As ISIS is advancing in Syria and had just gained control of Ramandi, the largest city in Western Iraq, Mr. Obama was truly focused on the real threat to our national security here

  • Your May Vote Counts!0

    Finally primary election time is upon us. No more ads, no more commercials, no more of those signs blocking the beauty of spring. There are some “points of interest” for you the voter I’d like to make you aware of or provide a little reminder about. First and most important, your vote matters, it is