
Latest Issue

  • Thanksgiving Day in America

    Thanksgiving Day in America0

    I wish everyone a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving. The holiday kick-off is at our doorstep, complete with an early walk in a winter wonderland. Yeah, I think I could have waited for that. But you have to admit, there’s nothing like the beauty of that first falling snow. That perfect white blanket covering the

  • Happy Thanksgiving0

    It’s time for my annual Thanksgiving list! As you join friends and family this Thanksgiving, take a moment to remember all the things you have to be thankful for this year. Times get tough, but there is always a bright side and listing them out often makes the bad seem a little better. My family

  • Land of the Free and Home of Some Monster Bucks

    Land of the Free and Home of Some Monster Bucks0

    We are so truly blessed to live in the greatest Country in the world. Like I always say, there’s a reason everybody is fighting to get in, and no one is choosing to leave. Although some Hollywood elitists do make the idle threat of leaving our Country, they never do. However, they may change their

  • You Take the Good; You Take the Bad0

    Life isn’t always easy, but generally, we do our best to make it the best we can. Some of us are better at this than others. Webb Weekly writer Gerry Ayers is better at finding the best in life than most people I know. In case you haven’t heard, Gerry has stage four colon cancer

  • Honoring the Providers of Freedom0

    A Webb Weekly salute and thank you to our Veterans. Without all the special men and women that have put everything on the line in the name of Country, we would not have our independence. Our One Nation Under God was founded by war, and it will always take the daily commitment of the United

  • A Proud Past, A Rock Solid Present, A Promising Future0

    Midterm Madness is finally upon us. I will be glad when the dust clears, and I don’t have to watch any political commercials. Across our great Nation, there has probably never been a more important midterm report card provided by “We the People.” There’s also probably never been more at stake. To me, it’s a

  • Happy Halloween…0

    The weather is getting colder, I’m seeing pumpkin spice everything, everywhere…I guess that means fall is here! The best part is, is that Halloween is today! Speaking of Halloween, I picked all the winners for our Halloween contest Congratulations to the following winners of our Counting Candy Corn Contest! – Noah Clayton – Cashlin Rogers

  • VOTERS OF WILLIAMSPORT: Don’t Give Up the Power of the People. Vote ‘No’ and ‘No’ so You Elect a Mayor!2

    The last thing needed in today’s world at any level is to give more power to elected officials. However, that is exactly what Williamsport City Council is asking you to do. What is all this City Charter confusion about? Why would you want a Council-Manager or Home Rule option over electing a mayor? Why would

  • Pranks, Positivity and Prosperity0

    What an absolutely unbelievable time to be alive in the United States of America. I thank God that somehow my family and I ended up in the beautiful and friendly confines of the West Branch Valley. There is no place in the world I would rather live. I still look forward to the Mummers’ Parade

  • Counting Candy Corn!4

    Attention boys and girls! It is time once again for Webb Weekly’s annual Halloween contest! We are taking this year’s contest back to it’s roots. The very first year we did this we counted Candy Corn, so we are going OG this year. I’m sure you know how this works, but just in case you

  • Uncle Ron’s Monster Buck Contest0

    It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year if you’re passionate about getting out and hunting Penns Woods. The 11th annual Webb Weekly Monster Buck Contest is officially underway as some big bruisers have already been checked in. My favorite contest of the year will run right on through the finish of the Black Powder

  • Fall Food0

    Y’all know that I like to share my recipes for you. They are actually the articles that I get the most comments on. I love to hear people tell me about how they tried a recipe that I suggested. It’s almost as good as actually cooking for people. Y’all also know that I’m not a