
Latest Issue

  • Spring Bear Sightings on the Increase0

    It’s that time of year again when reports of bear sightings become more frequent. I’ve already seen a couple of trail camera videos of bears meandering through someone’s yard. One such video was of a bear wandering through a neighborhood in Muncy. I’m also reminded of the situation a few years ago where a bear

  • The Roving Sportsman… Scouting for Spring Gobblers0

    The one-day Youth Hunt for spring gobblers is Saturday, April 23, 2022, and the following Saturday, the 30th, is the opening day of the month-long Pennsylvania statewide spring gobbler season. With less than a month to go before the season begins, the timing is perfect to spend time scouting for spring gobblers. Preparation for spring

  • Neumann News0

    [Editor’s Note: The following articles are from Neumann News, the newspaper club at St. John Neumann Regional Academy. The goal of Neumann News is, “to inform SJNRA families and students of the school on a variety of different topics including: news, events, sports, opinion, entertainment, and outside current events through the varying perspectives of Neumann

  • Time for an Equipment Check0

    The statewide Pennsylvania trout season begins in just a few days — Saturday, April 2, to be exact. The statewide spring gobbler season starts on Saturday, April 30, and the Youth Hunt for spring gobblers will be held on Saturday, April 23. With those dates in mind, it might be a great time to examine

  • What’s the Best Choice for Opening Day?0

    So, what is the best presentation on the upcoming opening day of our statewide trout season? Well, to be honest, I really don’t know the answer to that question, but before we get into that, there are other scenarios that should be factored in before heading out. High on my list are the water conditions

  • The Roving Sportsman… Wet a Line, Throw Some Lead, or Simply Take a Hike!0

    Congratulations! You live in Lycoming County or perhaps one of the surrounding counties. Or maybe you are a frequent traveler who comes to our neck of the woods to enjoy what this “slice of Heaven” of Northcentral Pennsylvania has to offer. In any case, if you are into the outdoors, welcome to Paradise! Throughout my

  • Panfishing: An Alternative to the Opening Day of Trout Season0

    I know, the first day of trout season is when a lot of people get out fishing for the first time since last summer — it’s tradition, you just go on the “first day.” That’s great that a lot of folks often get out with family members to enjoy a day of fishing, but that

  • Shining Moments0

    Calendars throughout the area denoted nothing special about March 18. However, at one anxious building on Penn Street in Williamsport, that third Friday in March was indeed a red-letter day. At about the same time, St. John Neumann Regional Academy graduate Kevin Anderson was taking the floor with his Delaware Blue Hens against Villanova in

  • What a Run0

    I appreciate all the love. This experience has been fun. I am so proud of my guys. They made it to Hershey. Although, we came up a tad short. We left everything out on the court. Bishop Canevan was the real deal. They were as good as advertised. Please let me soak this in. I

  • Four Take Gold in Hershey0

    By Scott Lowery & Dave Bellomo [Editor’s Note: Whew! We have a whole lotta wrestling to cover this week. We had FOUR local wrestlers bring home State Gold and we want to make sure they get all the attention they deserve! So thank you to Jimmy for giving up his space this week (I’ll also

  • Three Athletes at Loyalsock Township High School Sign Letters of Intent to Play in the MAC0

    Hannah Winter, Mia Patterson and Mallory Rodarmel from Loyalsock Township High School signed their letters of intent to play in the MAC next year. Hannah Winter plans to play softball at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, PA, where she will be studying nursing.“Hannah is a talented, hardworking, and humble player that is always looking to improve

  • Once a Coach, Always A Coach0

    Having just finished up about a 3-month stint as an assistant coach in the hugely successful Upward Basketball League, run jointly by Faith United Methodist and Northway Community Church, a big thank you to the Pastors of both Churches for allowing me the opportunity to dip my toes back into the coaching arena after an