
Latest Issue

  • Playoff Predicament0

    If we are to believe the old adage ‘April showers bring May flowers’, please make sure you do not ask any local high school athletic director what May showers may bring. The deluge of participation Mother Nature brought to our little neck of the woods this past month certainly left those in charge of scheduling

  • Spoons – More “Heavy Metal”0

    With fishing season now pretty much in full swing, I’ve been trying to look at various lures and some different approaches to successful fishing outings. This past week, we analyzed the attributes of the various metal spinners available to fishermen, but in this week’s piece, I want to take a closer look at spoons. To

  • The Roving Sportsman… They’re So Cute!

    The Roving Sportsman… They’re So Cute!0

    Well, it’s that time of year when we need a gentle reminder. And the reminder is that Mother Nature has things well in hand and doesn’t need interference by well-intended humans. I refer to the fact that in the next several weeks young of all kinds will come into this world — from baby birds

  • Local AYSO Starts Program for Players With Disabilities0

    The Montoursville Region 690, of the American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO), has added an adapted soccer program for players with disabilities called VIP – (Very Important Player) Program. Starting this fall, players four years and older who have a disability that would make it difficult for them to play successfully on a mainstream team will

  • Heavy Metal?0

    My reference to “heavy metal” here is not about that so-called “music” that I occasionally come across as I’m searching for something worth listening to on the radio. No, I’m actually referring to metal fishing lures, which at one time was a mainstay of the fishing lure business. While metal is still used in many

  • The Roving Sportsman: The Saga Continues…0

    After a trip with a hunting buddy to New York State on the first Sunday of the spring gobbler season, which ended in a clean miss for my friend, my enthusiasm had been renewed. Although there had been little reason to hunt here locally due to the lack of sightings or seeing fresh signs of

  • Warrior Run Duo Lives Up to Seeding on Way to PIAA Track and Field Championships

    Warrior Run Duo Lives Up to Seeding on Way to PIAA Track and Field Championships0

    • May 23, 2018

    For two consecutive years, the District 4 Track and Field Championships ended in disappointment for Hayden Diver. Despite being more than prepared she struggled at the District’s top meet, which meant falling just short of a PIAA State appearance. It was frustrating and tiring for Diver, but she never gave up and continued to put

  • Fishing a Tandem Rig0

    Over the past month or so, I’ve been writing pieces about improving your fish catching rate by becoming a more versatile fisherman; one of those improvements involved learning new techniques and presentations. I mentioned that fishing a tandem fly rig was something I had been reading about, but had not yet tried — that is

  • Graduation0

    Similar to those famous countdowns at Cape Canaveral, in numerous households across the region that ‘countdown’ is proceeding full speed until upcoming high school graduation days blast products of eighteen years of nurtured love into the ‘unknown’ stratosphere of ‘the real world.’ Those coming out parties will be launched with varying degrees of mixed emotions.

  • Bill Fritz Looks Back At 50 Years of Umpiring

    Bill Fritz Looks Back At 50 Years of Umpiring1

    The year was 1968. It was one of the most chaotic and turbulent years in American history but wasn’t the case on the baseball diamond at Original League due to men like Bill Fritz, who served as an umpire to make it possible for young boys to play out their baseball dreams. He has been

  • Well, There’s Always Tomorrow…0

    Truth be told, there are plenty of spring gobbler hunters that I know or have talked to that have already gotten their bird and some are actively pursuing the second gobbler for this spring season. Several of the hunters I checked in with actually filled their tag during the first week of the season. Not

  • New South Williamsport Tennis Courts Ribbon Cutting to be Held Saturday, May 190

    At a time in which recreation facilities are being decreased in many municipalities due to funding woes, one community will be dedicating a new recreational benefit for its community — new tennis courts. This will be the case in South Williamsport, when those new courts will have their official ribbon cutting on Saturday, May 19,