
Latest Issue

  • Limit Screen Time to Get Kids Moving this Summer0

    Parents often complain about how childhood looks so different today, compared to when they were children. Today, kids have technology at their fingertips 24 hours a day—TV, smartphones, YouTube, and video games. Research backs these complaints. A 2018 study from Common Sense Media, showed pre-teens are spending six hours per day in front of a

  • How to Reduce Health Risks by Understanding AFib0

    Oftentimes, seeking to improve your health starts at your core – your heart. One common condition to be aware of is atrial fibrillation (AFib), which is a quivering or irregular heartbeat that can lead to blood clots, stroke, heart failure and other heart-related complications. Currently impacting up to 6.1 million Americans, AFib is projected to

  • Daily Steps to Keep Your Heart Healthy0

    Heart disease is a formidable foe. According the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease accounts for nearly 25 percent of all deaths in the United States each year. Issues relating to the heart affect both men and women, and an estimated 15 million adults in the U.S. have coronary heart disease, the most

  • Emergency Preparedness Tips for Seniors0

    Natural disasters can strike at any time, and when they do, the damage is often considerable. According to the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, between 2005 and 2014 natural disasters caused $1.4 trillion in damage across the globe, affecting 1.7 billion people along the way. Various preventive measures can protect people and their

  • The Marcellus Gas Boom: Who Pays?0

    As the fracking boom has revolutionized natural gas production and transformed many areas of Pennsylvania, scientists have been looking into the resulting economic costs and health effects borne by those who live here. Their latest research results will be presented at a free public forum at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 22, at Lycoming College in

  • Seven Steps Toward Superior Sleep0

    While it’s fairly common knowledge that quality sleep is essential to overall wellness, there are several factors that can keep you from getting the rest you need. However, overcoming them is well within your control. “A lack of sleep can often be the result of poor habits, environmental variables or a combination of factors,” said

  • Why You Need a Hammock or Hanging Chair0

    Sunny days and warm weather beckon us to the great outdoors. A day spent in the pool or lounging around the patio is a great way to embrace the relaxing spirit of summer. But those who want to go the extra relaxing miles should consider adding a hammock or swinging chair to their backyard oasis.

  • Kid-Friendly Weekend Getaways in the Great Outdoors0

    Weekend getaways in the great outdoors can be a great way for families to break from the norm and spend some quality time together while getting some fresh air. Such trips are popular, as the U.S. Travel Association notes that nearly three out of four domestic trips are taken for leisure purposes. Families looking to

  • Pool Safety Starts With Prevention0

    Pools make some backyards the places to be in late spring and throughout summer. Lazy summer afternoons are a lot more enjoyable when they’re spent in or alongside a pool, and kids tend to say “I’m bored” with considerably less frequency when a pool is within arm’s reach. Pools are certainly fun, but they’re only

  • Factors to Consider Before Choosing a Summer Camp0

    Adults often look back fondly on their childhood experiences at summer camp. Camps can provide the opportunity to form lifelong friendships and discover rewarding hobbies that can enrich campers’ lives for decades to come. Choosing a summer camp is no small task, as the options at families’ disposal range from overnight camps to weekday afternoon

  • Central Pennsylvania Fiber Festival0

    The phrase “fiber festival” may conjure up images of healthy salads and crunchy granola, however, in this case, it’s all about animal and plant fibers that play a very important part in our daily lives. The fiber arts are alive and well, and can be seen in full display at the 7th Annual Central Pennsylvania

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Springfield Confidential” by Mike Reiss with Mathew Klickstein, foreword by Judd Apatow

    The Bookworm Sez: “Springfield Confidential” by Mike Reiss with Mathew Klickstein, foreword by Judd Apatow0

    On any other day, you’d scream to sleep in. But Saturday mornings were different: you were up sometimes before the sun, cereal in-bowl, TV on softly, and a whole mornings’ worth of cartoons ahead of you. That’s what Saturday mornings were for, right? And in “Springfield Confidential” by Mike Reiss (with Mathew Klickstein), you’ll see