
Latest Issue

  • Separation of Sports and State

    Separation of Sports and State0

    Before I get started, a tip of the Colorado Rockies hat to Kyle Datres. The former Loyalsock Township grad was drafted to begin his professional baseball career within the Rockies organization. At press time the North Carolina junior was hoping to lead his team to the College World Series. More on this next week. For

  • Happy PRIDE!0

    So last year when I wrote about Pride Month, I got a lot of mixed reactions. I received a lot of really nice phone calls and emails, and I also got a bit of hate. For those who sent me hate — you may want to stop reading now. Cause I’m going to be straight

  • School’s Out for Summer

    School’s Out for Summer0

    The words every student up and down the Susquehanna Valley couldn’t wait to hear. I’ve been out of school longer than I care to admit, but that phrase still brings a smile to my face. I must also give Alice Cooper credit for the kickoff-to-summertime anthem of the same words. Although I don’t know if

  • A Little Bit of This and That…0

    As you know, Webb Weekly has always tried to give as much coverage as possible to anything related to drug prevention in our area. It seems, sometimes, if there aren’t reports of dozens of heroin overdoses in the news, the opiod epidemic in our area and across the country can get pushed to the wayside.

  • Congratulations Class of 2018

    Congratulations Class of 20180

    Congratulations to all the graduates of the Class of 2018! Our area is blessed to have so many talented young people; I am amazed by what they accomplish in today’s world. Whether it is academically, musically or athletically there’s more being achieved than ever before. Take a moment to congratulate those special people in your

  • Picnic Season

    Picnic Season0

    As of this writing, I am preparing for the Memorial Day weekend, and all I can say is, holy stuff to do Batman! We have a lot going on this weekend and I need to bring something to eat to a couple of them. So while by the time you read this, Memorial Day will

  • Summer Time Goings On…

    Summer Time Goings On…0

    Rain, rain, go away! I think we’re all tired of the liquid sunshine. Hopefully, we will have a beautiful Memorial Day weekend to kick off the summer. One thing’s for sure; the lawn mowers will be working overtime. Please take the time on Memorial Day to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice in the

  • Memorial Day0

    Memorial Day is often considered the unofficial kick off to summer. But please remember the true purpose of this holiday weekend. Memorial Day is meant to honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the defense of our Country. Three years after the Civil War ended, on May 5, 1868, the head of an

  • Bass, Birds and Benefits0

    It’s great to see the mountains that line the West Branch Valley aglow in that special spring-green foliage. At times, it didn’t seem like spring was ever going to get here — let alone summer. We truly live in one of the most beautiful places on God’s green earth, and it’s great to see everybody

  • The Power of the Media…

    The Power of the Media…0

    In a time when the media is taking a beating — being accused of being ‘fake,’ and often slanting to the left or right for their own benefit, it’s very existence threatened, let’s take a minute and put it to good use. No other print news in the area has the coverage that Webb Weekly

  • A Lot of Work to be Done!0

    It’s great to see the bridge over Loyalsock Creek that connects Montoursville and Loyalsock is getting a makeover. Over 14,000 vehicles cross the bridge on a daily basis. That’s a pretty amazing amount of traffic crossing the old three-span truss bridge that was originally built in 1931. It was definitely due for some structural repair.

  • Happy Mother’s Day0

    It’s become tradition to run this list on Mother’s Day, because all mom in all their forms, shapes, sizes and colors deserve to be recognized not just on Mother’s Day, but every day! So without further ado… Happy Mother’s Day to the Soccer Moms, and the Base/Softball Moms, and the Football Moms, and the Wrestling