
Latest Issue

  • Tips for Dorm Room and Campus Safety0

    Life on a college campus can be exciting, especially for freshmen enjoying their first taste of life away from home. As exciting as campus life can be, it also can be a bit nerve-wracking for students who have never before had to fend for themselves. Administrators and security personnel work to make school environments as

  • Lessons from Expert Educators:  Tips from experienced teachers for new and aspiring educators

    Lessons from Expert Educators: Tips from experienced teachers for new and aspiring educators0

    Each school year offers exciting opportunities for little learners to discover and explore new topics, make friends and master new skills. While much of the focus is on families during the back-to-school season, it’s also an important time for educators, especially those who are working with young children or are just starting their careers. These

  • Budget-Friendly Family Fun Ideas

    Budget-Friendly Family Fun Ideas0

    Raising a family is an expensive endeavor. A recent report from the United States Department of Agriculture estimated that the cost of raising a child from birth to age 18 is $233,610. Though parents know that’s a small price to pay for all the joy their children bring into their lives, those same moms and

  • First Day of School Outfit for Teachers

    First Day of School Outfit for Teachers0

    I’m not an educator, but I can imagine the challenges teachers face in this day and age. Figuring out what to wear on the first day of school is pretty low on the priority list. However, just like the first day at a new job, the first day of school is also a chance to

  • Taber Museum’s Workshop to Focus on Butterflies

    Taber Museum’s Workshop to Focus on Butterflies0

    The Thomas T. Taber Museum of the Lycoming County Historical Society will host a Children’s Workshop on butterflies, featuring Rick Mikula, on Sunday, August 29, 2021, at 2:00pm, in the Community Room. The program is free and open to the public. Adults and families are encouraged to attend. Museum personnel are requesting registration, simply to

  • Birthday Supper

    Birthday Supper0

    Ever since I was a kid, my mom made us a special dinner for our birthdays. The one night during the year that we got to pick the entire menu! Anything we wanted, we got. I always found it pretty easy when I was young. My dessert was always Swiss Chocolate Roll Cake. I was

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Ethel Rosenberg: An American Tragedy” by Anne Sebba

    The Bookworm Sez: “Ethel Rosenberg: An American Tragedy” by Anne Sebba0

    OK, you’ll just shut up now. You won’t say a word. You’re mum, tongue-tied in a knot; you ain’t no stoolie. You’ve zipped your lip for good. As in the new book, ”Ethel Rosenberg: An American Tragedy” by Anne Sebba, you’re not throwing anybody under the bus. Ethel Greenglass was born in the fall of 1915, and

  • Fun, On-the-Go Health Hacks

    Fun, On-the-Go Health Hacks0

    As many people start getting back into normal routines, they’re returning to familiar on-the-go lifestyles by heading back to work, traveling to new destinations and enjoying time with loved ones. While you get out to explore and gather with family and friends again, remember you’ll need fuel for your adventures. According to a National Health

  • Exercise After COVID0

    People who get COVID-19 may have vastly different experiences. Some people may not experience any symptoms at all while others may face a whole host of symptoms including cough, fever, chills, shortness of breath, loss of taste and smell, muscle pain, nausea, fatigue and others. Most people with symptoms feel better after one or two

  • Lock Haven Jams Festival 1

    The 6th annual LH JAMS festival is coming to Lock Haven on August 13 and 14. The festival was created by the Clinton County Arts Council and is a free admission event that is volunteer-powered but supported by many organizations, businesses, and individuals throughout the community.  “We always had a multi-mission approach to not only

  • Tips from Teachers for Choosing Quality Child Care

    Tips from Teachers for Choosing Quality Child Care0

    As families across the country get ready for back-to-school season, many are also preparing to return to in-person work, which means finding the right program to support their children’s ongoing learning and development. According to “The Current State of Scientific Knowledge on Pre-Kindergarten Effects” report, choosing a quality preschool helps children start elementary school prepared

  • Meaning vs. Happiness0

    Throughout history, philosophers and religious leaders have debated the idea of what it is to lead a good life. We all strive to be happy in some sense of the word but is that different than leading a meaningful life? For example, a human rights leader that loses everything for their beliefs may find meaning