
Latest Issue

  • Billtown Blues Association Presents Annual Fall Into the Blues Concert0

    The Billtown Blues Association’s annual fundraiser, Fall Into the Blues, is significant in many ways. Most importantly it brings together a group of talented and highly regarded local and regional musicians, who have made a devoted effort to perform blues music — and to perform it well. This year’s event returns to the Garden Terrace

  • The Bookworm Sez: “The Secret History of Food: Strange but True Stories About the Origins of Everything We Eat” by Matt Siegel

    The Bookworm Sez: “The Secret History of Food: Strange but True Stories About the Origins of Everything We Eat” by Matt Siegel0

    Your morning cuppa joe came from Hawaii last month. Mixed with a little milk from a farm upstate, it’s the perfect pick-me-up. When you add cereal from Iowa, grapefruit from Arizona, and a tiny bit of chocolate from Pennsylvania, you’re set for a while. And when you’re hungry again, grab a napkin and bite into

  • Tights!0

    The fall weather has finally settled in, and your cold-weather wardrobe is ready to go. Or maybe not. Part of me feels that when we change the clocks, I also have to put away all of my dresses in preparation for the cold winter months ahead. When wearing skirts and dresses for fall and winter,

  • Health Benefits of Coffee Part 10

    Like many Americans, I am an unapologetic coffee drinker. There is nothing better than a steaming cup of joe on a cold day or really any time for that matter. It perks you up in the morning and is arguably the best drink to have when you want to connect with a friend. It is

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Trashlands: A Novel” by Alison Stine0

    You gotta do what you gotta do. Whatever it takes to survive, nothing’s off the table in a crisis. Hunt, scrounge, gather, you’d do it if that was required. Anything to have a roof over your head and food in your belly, a few bucks for the basics, maybe an unnecessary gewgaw for comfort. Do

  • Uptown Music Collective Kicks Off Performance Season With ‘70’s Radio Hits0

    There is a new radio station in town that will be “on-air” for one weekend only! The Uptown Music Collective, the area’s premier nonprofit school of music, is set to kick off their 2021-2022 Performance Season at the Community Arts Center by presenting WUMC: FM Radio Hits of the ‘70’s. The show will run on

  • Preparing for Thanksgiving

    Preparing for Thanksgiving0

    How on earth is Thanksgiving exactly three weeks away from the day I am writing this? By the time you read this, it will be two weeks. TWO WEEKS!? Holy cow. Time to get prepared. Thanksgiving is one of my most favorite holidays, and I’ll share why toward the end of this month, but first,

  • Core Values – Hospitality0

    The fifth core value in our series is Hospitality. So far, we have discussed Unity, Clarity, Humility, and Generosity. You can read these previous articles online at Hospitality is defined as the friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers. In nearly every social interaction, you are either a host or

  • The History of Flags to be discussed at the Taber Museum0

    The Thomas T. Taber Museum of the Lycoming County Historical Society will be hosting Rudy Mummey at its Coffee Hour on Thursday, November 11, 2021 at 10 a.m. He will be discussing the fascinating history of flags. The talk coincides with Veterans Day. The program will be held in the Community Room of the Taber

  • The New Love Center Holds Capital Campaign0

    Food insecurity, defined as the state of being without reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food, is on the rise in North Central Pennsylvania. Families are running out of money before they can buy food, kitchen shelves are bare, and many children are forced to rely upon free school lunches just to

  • Go for Grapes as a Smart Choice for Health and Wellness

    Go for Grapes as a Smart Choice for Health and Wellness0

    The importance of health and wellness is top of mind for many people. There are many contributing factors to wellness such as diet, physical activity, social engagement and genetics. All are important, but a first step to wellness is choosing healthy foods to fuel the body every day, ideally foods that support health in multiple

  • Overhauling Closet Mistakes0

    Everyone knows that feeling. You look into your closet and feel like there’s nothing to wear, even though it’s probably overflowing with garments. Not that anyone needs another project, but as we head toward the end of another challenging year, it may be time for a routine closet cleanout, if only for the sake of