
Latest Issue

  • Uptown Music Collective Now Enrolling for Upcoming Summer Semester0

    Music continues at the Uptown Music Collective! The Collective’s summer enrollment week begins on April 19th and runs until April 24th, 2021. Enrollment is open for both in-person and virtual private lessons on Guitar, Vocals, Bass, Keyboards, and Drums. The Summer Semester will begin on May 3rd, 2021, and will run for 15 weeks. The

  • A Brunch Spread Fit for Spring

    A Brunch Spread Fit for Spring0

    From tasty small bites to a filling feast and even dessert for breakfast, brunch options are nearly endless. Take your spring brunch to the next level with recipes that appease appetites of all kinds. First, start with portioned pastry cups perfect for appetizers. Bring out the protein-packed breakfast burritos for the main course then, for

  • National Poetry Month

    National Poetry Month0

    Back in 1996, the Academy of American Poets launched the month of April as National Poetry Month to remind the public that poets and poetry are part of the national cultural conversation, both for social discourse and education. In the past 25 years, almost a billion readers, students, teachers, librarians, booksellers, publishers, families, and poets

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Dear Child” by Romy Hausmann

    The Bookworm Sez: “Dear Child” by Romy Hausmann0

    There’s no one else like you in the world. No one with the same tongue-print or identical ear shape. Nobody else has your memories, and every experience you’ve ever had is unique to you alone. You might favor one parent or the other, you may have a twin or a doppelganger, but in the end,

  • Uptown Music Collective to Present Tribute to Led Zeppelin0

    The Uptown Music Collective is set to return to the Community Arts Center stage to present Good Times Bad Times: The Music of Led Zeppelin for three live performances on April 16th & 17th. This high-energy tribute from the area’s premier school of music will feature talented young musicians between the ages of 12 and

  • Life After COVID0

    There is an expectation that the COVID-19 pandemic will negatively affect every aspect of society but, based on other 20th century pandemics, that may not actually be the case. Previous pandemics, including the 1918 Spanish Flu, which killed approximately 50 million people worldwide, have been the catalysts for positive change in everything from urban planning

  • Resurrection Life!0

    Abandoned There are several forty-day periods recognized in the Bible: the rain of Noah’s flood, Goliath’s taunting of Israel, Moses on the mountain, the spies in the promised land, Jesus in the wilderness. The number forty seems to be significant. Theologians speculate as to why, but the Bible does not give us that detail. There

  • National Distracted Driving Awareness Month0

    April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month. Distracted driving is performing any action that takes your attention or focus off the road or your hands off the wheel. While cell phone use is the most commonly discussed form of distracted driving it is not the only form of distracted driving. Things such as eating while

  • Family Tradition of Winning0

    Pretty much everyone in North Central Pennsylvania has learned by now that the Loyalsock Lancers beat Brookville to win the PIAA Class AAA state title at Hershey’s Giant Center with a score of 75 to 53. What many people may not know, however, is that three of the players are related. Idris and Saraj Ali

  • Feel Good Freezer Meals0

    Busy season is pretty much upon us. Spring sports practices, tons of yard work that needs to be done, the last couple months of school, and just wanting to be outside enjoying this extra daylight we are finally getting. It’s a season we have all been longing to have for months! It just comes with

  • The Bookworm Sez: “The Jigsaw Man: A Novel” by Nadine Matheson0

    Finders Keepers. It’s all yours now, that cool, unique, surprise thing that suddenly turned up and you laid claim to it. What once was lost is yours now. Finders keepers, except, as in the new novel “The Jigsaw Man” by Nadine Matheson, what’s found is a dead body. Looking as though it was about to

  • Dresses for Everyone0

    Spring always brings with it a sense of hope and renewal, and this year we definitely need as much of that as we can get. Along with everything starting to bloom, the days getting longer, and the chill slowly ebbing, this time of year also means dress season has begun! As we come out of