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  • Salads– Love ’em or Hate ’em

    Salads– Love ’em or Hate ’em0

    I didn’t really start enjoying salads until I got older. As a kid, we ate a lot of corn, peas, and mixed veggies, but I didn’t really grow up on tons of fresh produce. My momma, to this day, isn’t a huge salad person. You either love them or hate them, and that’s OK. I

  • The Bookworm Sez: “The Fields: A Novel” by Erin Young

    The Bookworm Sez: “The Fields: A Novel” by Erin Young0

    Have you taken your meds yet today? Everybody, it seems, is on something or other: pills for blood pressure, heart health, asthma, or chemo. Pills for your eyes. Pills for your bones. Pink ones for aches, red ones for sinus issues, purple ones for stomach problems, and in the new book “The Fields” by Erin

  • Truth in Tension: Truth and Assumptions0

    I remember well a sign my seventh-grade English teacher had posted on the wall in his classroom. In very bold letters, it said, “Never assume. When you do, you make an ass out of u and me.” My fellow Christians, what we assume to be true greatly affects how we treat others. I pray this

  • Signs of Electrical Problems in a Home

    Signs of Electrical Problems in a Home0

    Homeowners know that all sorts of issues can affect a home. Issues can run the gamut from the merely annoying to the unsafe. Electrical issues fall into the latter category, posing a significant safety hazard if left unchecked. According to the home safety experts at UL (formerly known as Underwriters Laboratories), learning to recognize warning

  • Leggings0

    No matter the season, leggings are a forever staple. Whether you wear them exclusively for workouts, lounging, or a mix of activities, there are a ton of new styles on the rise. Don’t think much can be improved upon when it comes to leggings? Sometimes, it’s the small details that make the biggest difference. Here’s

  • Truth in Tension: Truth and Worship0

    The topic of worship has long been a source of contentious debate in the church. It is contentious because the debate focuses on the wants of the worshiper rather than focusing on pleasing the heart of God. Who are you worshiping, God or yourself? We nearly always frame the worship debate in “I want” statements.

  • Blast from the Past

    Blast from the Past0

    Man, everywhere you look, things are changing in our area. A lot of the stores we once knew are gone. I was never a big Kmart shopper, but when I was a little girl, my dad often went. Saturday mornings, we would head into Kmart to grab a few things. Do you guys remember when

  • The Bookworm Sez: “The Fields: A Novel” by Erin Young

    The Bookworm Sez: “The Fields: A Novel” by Erin Young0

    Have you taken your meds yet today? Everybody, it seems, is on something or other: pills for blood pressure, heart health, asthma, or chemo. Pills for your eyes. Pills for your bones. Pink ones for aches, red ones for sinus issues, purple ones for stomach problems, and in the new book “The Fields” by Erin

  • From John Ford to Belfast: A Toast to Irish Films0

    With St. Patrick’s Day just around the corner, Webb Weekly herewith presents — in chronological order — a toast to films featuring the Emerald Isle: “The Quiet Man” (1952): Legendary director John Ford made 14 movies starring John Wayne; most were Westerns — but not this Technicolor feast about an Irish-American who returns to his

  • Spring Hair Color0

    Spring is emerging, and as we wait for the first colorful bursts of pansies, snowdrops, and violets, you may be reconsidering your own bloom hue, aka hair color. Hair color can say a lot about one’s identity, personal style, and self-confidence. And, whether or not you color your hair, there can be seasonal shifts (intentionally

  • Must-Haves for Your Paddy’s Day Party

    Must-Haves for Your Paddy’s Day Party0

    St. Patrick’s Day is a festive occasion marked by parades, live music and, of course, the color green. Many people look forward to Paddy’s Day. That anticipation makes hosting a St. Patrick’s Day party a big responsibility. In recognition of that, the following are some must-haves that hosts won’t want to forget this St. Patrick’s

  • Don’t Be That Person

    Don’t Be That Person0

    It was a beautiful day and my first day back to finally being able to walk around a grocery store again. My stepmom, Chrissie Perry, was sweet enough to get me groceries the first week. For the two weeks after my surgery, my hubby and Momma would grab stuff here and there for me, or