
Latest Issue

  • The World of Weird Words

    The World of Weird Words0

    For me it was a glorious day in May when I emailed Steph Nordstrom — my estimable editor at Webb — with what I considered a long-shot: I was pitching a weekly column on oddball vocab words. To my everlasting joy, Steph okayed the idea without hesitation — telling me she’d read the dictionary just

  • The Solid-Rock Principle of Love0

    Jesus didn’t leave behind a lot of words. He wrote no books or articles, left behind no letters or journals, and recorded no podcasts or videos. The only words of Jesus we have are recorded in the New Testament — and mostly in the four Gospels and Revelation. It is estimated that there are 31,000

  • Roads to Freedom Hosts Free Event to Celebrate ADA0

    On Wednesday, August 2nd, Roads to Freedom Center for Independent Living invites you to CILebrate the 33rd anniversary of the signing of The Americans with Disabilities Act. Festivities will be held from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Roads to Freedom CIL is located at 23 East 3rd St., Williamsport. Come celebrate, learn, and share. This event is

  • BPS Model for Treating Chronic Pain0

    I recently came across an article about treating chronic pain and the complexities associated with it. Pain has been a topic of interest to me ever since I sustained an injury that ultimately led to a total hip replacement at the age of 46. Chronic pain can be defined as any pain that has lasted

  • The World of Weird Words0

    In our last two installments, Webb’s Weird Words focused mostly on terms from medicine and India, as I was honoring Abraham Verghese’s current bestseller The Covenant of Water, which revolves around those two subjects. This week, we’re back in random mode: I simply pulled up the first of the 26 pages in my oddball vocab

  • The Bookworm Sez: “What the Dead Know: Learning about Life as a New York City Death Investigator” by Barbara Butcher

    The Bookworm Sez: “What the Dead Know: Learning about Life as a New York City Death Investigator” by Barbara Butcher0

    Dead men don’t tell tales. Their voices are forever silenced, their fingers will never point to what happened to them or why. Their eyes will never widen in fear or anticipation, or glance in the direction of the guilty. Dead men don’t tell tales but, as in the new book “What the Dead Know” by

  • Impact In my Life

    Impact In my Life0

    Going through school wasn’t easy for me. Learning never came easy, and I had some major struggles. I dreaded most school days and went to the nurse’s office saying I was sick pretty often just to try and get out of school in my younger years. Certain years were worse than others because of teachers.

  • Six Secrets for Your Best Complexion0

    Beauty trends, like fashion trends, tend to be cyclic, waning in and out, then resurging every few years. For the past several years, beauty trended toward the multi-step, multi-product, maximalist approach. You may have heard of the 10-step Korean Skincare Systems or having a variety of single-use products for specific parts of the face. Well,

  • Ford Explorer: In Search of the Actor’s Finest Roles0

    Last week, your Webb critic honored the passing of Alan Arkin with a selection from that actor’s sprawling filmography. In this issue, with the fifth Indiana Jones film still going strong, we’ll pay similar homage to Harrison Ford — though happily, he remains very much alive. Side-stepping blockbusters, let’s highlight 10 of Ford’s lesser-known titles

  • Horoscopes0

    ARIES – Mar 21–Apr 20 Don’t rush in and act combative this week, Aries. Take a more delicate approach to convince others to see things your way. As the saying goes, “You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.” TAURUS – Apr 21–May 21 Are you feeling like you may want to be a

  • Makeup as We Age0

    As skin ages, the classic approach to makeup with foundation and powder can become less effective as makeup settles into fine lines and wrinkles. Instead of covering up, the best approach to mature beauty focuses on nourishing from within and enhancing what you have. For myself, I’ve noticed that my skin is in its best

  • Rambling


    Boy, do I have some fun stories to share with you all! It’s been two weeks since I’ve written a column. I got an extra one done before our ten-day vacation, and a lot has happened since. I think this week, I am going to start with the day we were leaving for the river.