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  • Quick & Easy0

    As a mom of two kids and a wife, it’s nice to have easy quick nights on these summer days. I mean I love to be in my kitchen, but you know what I also love? Being outside. On these beautiful 70-degree days that we have been getting, I have been having a hard time

  • Jesus and Breakfast

    Jesus and Breakfast0

    OK, so quarantine hasn’t been all that bad. I’ve kept busy, getting projects done we never had time for. Schooling alone keeps me busy. I’m no teacher, nor would I ever want to be, but getting my kids through till June has been my #1 priority. I miss our school morning rituals, but now we

  • Oops, I Did it Again!

    Oops, I Did it Again!0

    OK, so I really need to start looking at the calendar. Not that it’s Monday or May 1st, but what the dates of actual holidays are. A few weeks ago, I emailed my column to Steph and told her to have a “Happy Hump Day” thinking it was Wednesday. She emailed me back saying “Well

  • Old School Recipes

    Old School Recipes2

    Do you remember recipes from when you were little that your grandmother or even your mom used to make you? Ones that you didn’t have often, but when you have it, it triggers that memory of those old brown bowls or a dish that your grandparents used to have? This week my mom made a

  • Quarantine Snackin’

    Quarantine Snackin’0

    OK, so honest show of hands. Who is doing a lot of quarantine snackin’? Is it because you are bored? Stressed? Sad? Food makes people happy, and it gives us something to look forward to. Not much to look forward to nowadays, but, if you give yourself something to look forward to, then it can

  • Fuel to Your Mornings

    Fuel to Your Mornings0

    As spring is here, we have looked forward to the sun getting closer to us and feeling the warmth of it on our face. Mornings are brighter, and days get busier as the weather gets nicer. When I was heavier, breakfast was my biggest issue. I never ate it. I went all morning with nothing


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