
Latest Issue

  • Potential Cost-Benefit of Growing Your Own Produce.0

    If you have been to the grocery store lately, you may have noticed the price of vegetables. I have done some research, and I now realize how much money can be saved just by planting a few of your own vegetables. The initial investment is pennies compared to the savings. You also have the satisfaction

  • Webb Weekly’s Own Scott Lowery Has Coached 700 Junior High Basketball Games0

    Terming it “quite a milestone,” Webb Weekly’s own Scott Lowery recently coached his 700th junior high school basketball game in a career that stretches more than 34 years. He is the South Williamsport Junior High School team coach and has sometimes acted as an assistant for the varsity high school team. We thought it would

  • Strike Detection0

    With the regular trout season about to open in the next couple of weeks, my angling buddies and I have been doing a lot of “fishing talk.” Now understand that “fishing talk” involves a very wide range of topics that would take volumes, and even then, you would barely scratch the surface, so I will

  • The Roving Sportsman… Clucks, Purrs, Putts and Gobbles!0

    Several years ago, while spring gobbler hunting in Alabama, I met a prolific turkey caller who had been a highly successful spring turkey hunter for over 20 years in both his native state of Alabama and several neighboring states. He shared with me an interesting theory, and, based on his successes, I decided to try

  • Mild-Mannered Muncy Mentor0

    It was the final game of the regular basketball season. Muncy’s varsity was looking to strengthen its hold on a Class AA number one seed. Its Junior Varsity team was looking for payback against a South Williamsport team that had inflicted one of the team’s three losses during its fine 13-3 season. Yet, despite the

  • Rainwater


    The snow is finally on its way out, and it will be time to start working the soil and begin planting your garden. I received a phone call last week asking about other ways to help the environment while gardening. I suggested collecting rainwater. Purchasing a rain barrel can be expensive, but you may save

  • The “Best” Approach for Early Season Trout0

    Trout season will soon be underway, but over the next few weeks, many trout fishermen will be anxiously planning where to go and what equipment, lures, or bait to use for those early season trout. Of course, everybody wants success and the best possible outcome, so a lot of thought goes into choosing the “best”

  • The Roving Sportsman… Time to Check Your Turkey Vest!0

    It happened last Tuesday. I received a call from a fellow hunter who was all excited about watching 4 long bearded gobblers in his back yard scratching for whatever seeds or morsels they could find. He had been concerned about how they had been doing through the heavy snows and ice layers that were hindering

  • Fertilizer


    Fertilizer is important, whether growing houseplants, container plants, or a garden. Before you get started, you can check your soil using a simple test kit. If you contact your local Cooperative Extension office, they will send you a test kit (approximately $10). Our local Cooperative is the Penn State Extension. Their web address is

  • A Lesson Related0

    At 6’8”, Dean Kriebel is an imposing figure as he stalks the sidelines. While a basketball court is a familiar surrounding for the former Lock Haven University standout who earned a tryout with the Philadelphia 76ers, his new role as seventh-grade coach for the South Williamsport Mountaineers reengages him with the game he loves while

  • The “Fishing Transition Period”

    The “Fishing Transition Period”0

    The “Fishing Transition Period” — if you are not a die-hard, year around fisherman, I’m sure you have no idea what I’m talking about. The period I’m referring to generally falls during the month of March. It’s that time when the lake ice begins to weaken and starts to break up, making ice fishing unsafe,

  • The Roving Sportsman: The Many Uses of Shed Antlers0

    This week’s changing weather pattern has finally begun to reveal the hope that springtime is just around the corner. With midday temperatures steadily holding in the upper 30’s and lower 40’s, we can look forward to a slow and even melting of the winter snows and ice and the eventual greening up of the landscape.