
Latest Issue

  • It’s Almost Trout Season!0

    A couple of weeks ago, my fishing buddies and I were still talking about ice fishing on several area lakes but with the recent higher temperatures and rainfall, that all came to a rather sudden end. For us diehard fishermen, however, the change in weather simply means a change in tactics and gear because fishing

  • The Roving Sportsman… Is Venison Truly a Healthy Choice?0

    Every fall across this great land of ours, thousands of hunters head to the fields and hills to pursue their favorite game animals. Those of us throughout the eastern states will most often pursue whitetail deer. Hunters often travel to the western states to hunt mule deer, elk, moose, Bighorn sheep, and antelope. While some

  • Ukraine0

    February’s last Saturday was overflowing with basketball competitions throughout the area. From elementary school through the collegiate level, various teams were participating in meaningful games and tournaments. From our spot on the sidelines of a seventh-grade tournament, our task was devising a plan to stop the Shamokin point guard’s penetration of our defense. Hours later,

  • Montoursville Wins Flag Football Championship

    Montoursville Wins Flag Football Championship0

    Montoursville won the Winter Flag Football Championship at the Liberty Arena with an 8-2 record. The Warriors beat Loyalsock in the semi-finals 56-16, then defeated Impact Advertising of Montoursville, 42-14 in the final. Pictured are: Front Row – Ethan Emert, Ryder Kleinman, Reid Francis, Parker Kilbourn, Zac George. 2nd Row – Emerson Eck, Talon Steele,

  • The Roving Sportsman… Eastern Bluebirds0

    The signs of spring are starting to appear. First was the arrival last week of the plump-breasted worm-eating robins. Then just two days later, several eastern bluebirds were perching in the nearby maple tree and checking out the numerous bluebird boxes scattered along the field edge. As bluebirds begin to leave their winter hangouts and

  • The White Mass0

    A couple of weeks ago, my wife and I were on our way home from church, and as usual, she was driving so I could scan the fields and woods for deer and other wildlife. The drive home that day was during that brief period when the rain and warm temperatures had melted all the

  • The Instagram Post

    The Instagram Post0

    Nick Bailey is an 8th-grade student at St. John Neumann Regional Academy. He is a great kid with an awesome smile. Nick is very well behaved and rather soft-spoken. I have known Nick for a few years, and he is one of my favorites. My man comes to every contest, and I will always go

  • The Handshake0

    Traced back to the ancient days of the Roman Empire, warnings have existed to “beware the ides of March,” a saying forecasting troubled times ahead. Sports is but a mere sideshow to the more important segments of human existence we face these days, but if the post-game skirmish played out on television following the recent

  • A Beagle Can Lead to More Rabbits

    A Beagle Can Lead to More Rabbits0

    When I started to hunt rabbits as a high-school kid, I remember that I would take my old single barrel H&R sixteen gauge and head out to a friend’s farm. We didn’t own a dog, so I just worked my way through field edges and along brushy tree lines kicking brush and watching for running

  • “Valuable Ammunition”0

    Whether you are a hunter or a target shooter, or both, you are keenly aware of just how valuable ammunition is these days. Not only is it usually as scarce as hen’s teeth, but when you find it, it is as expensive as all get out. But, I am not actually referring to ammo for

  • Coran Calvert’s MotoTrial Adventures0

    The world of MotoTrials is demanding, thrilling, and at times dangerous, but this doesn’t deter or scare one area youngster, 14-year-old Coran Calvert, from competing and excelling in them. According to the MotoTrials website, “MotoTrials (formerly ‘Observed Trials’) is now the pinnacle of off-road riding, as the riders tackle the most severe terrain capable of

  • Movie Time0

    My good friend Nick Tagliaferri and I were somewhat celebrities back in the day. OK. It was a long time ago. In a galaxy far, far away. We simply took advantage of our impressive coaching resumes. SPENCE TAG RADIO was well before its time, and this weekly part-time gig had listeners from all over the