
Latest Issue

  • Deer Hunting Tactics0

    When it comes to heading off into the woods in search of that big buck on the opening day of rifle season, we all have our own approach. As those of us who hunt already know, opening-day hunting tactics have changed considerably over the years. Basically, there are three approaches to pursuing deer: an organized

  • Small-Town Muncy Pride0

    As the school bus headed north along country roads to Towanda, conversation conjuncture centered on several small hamlets passed through along the way. What led people to decide to settle there, what do they do for a living, and what school do their kids attend? Answers weren’t readily forthcoming for the first two questions, but

  • ELF on the Shelf.0

    Tis the season, folks, and instead of sharing a story on sports, I’d like to chime in on something far more important. Yes, it’s time to talk about The Elf on the Shelf. For those of you without young children, this article might help explain that creepy little butthead now flooding your social media pages.

  • Pennsylvania’s Bear Hunting0

    Some may find it hard to believe, but Pennsylvania is one of the best states in the country for bear hunting, and we account for some of the biggest black bears taken. As I write this piece, the final count is not yet in, but five bears were taken in the early archery season in

  • The Roving Sportsman… Camp Life0

    It was named “Clubhouse Point” years ago, and it was always a prime spot where black bears would lay during the daytime and whitetail deer would hold up until their nighttime routine of feeding across the tops in search of acorns or traveling to the nearby fields to feast on farm crops. The top was

  • Local Flavors

    Local Flavors0

    The winter sports scene is finally here, and I have already been in the gym to see several games. I am a long-time basketball junkie. A purist. I prefer to get to get there well before the tip. I enjoy interacting with some of the players in pregame warmups. A wave or a fist bump

  • Happy Thanksgiving0

    Twas the week of Thanksgiving with folks on the go, Except for a TV talking head saying oh no, The election is lost, keep your loved ones away, Let’s stop the insanity and enjoy the big day! In last week’s Webb Weekly, my journalistic companion on the next page chose to forego a normal sports

  • Scouting, Oh, How it’s Changed0

    I remember in my early hunting days in the ’60s, scouting for deer meant getting into the woods in search of well-used trails, scrapes, rubs, and feeding and bedding areas. It also meant setting up somewhere in your potential hunting area to see what deer were frequenting the area and at what times. The problem,

  • Going to Deer Camp This Year?0

    Saturday, November 30, is this year’s opening day of the Regular Firearms Antlered and Antlerless deer season throughout Pennsylvania. Additionally, the next day, Sunday, December 1, is the third Sunday for the 2024-2025 season when Sunday hunting is permitted, thus allowing the two-day weekend open to hunting for deer this fall. But first, a cautionary

  • Three Sign from a Team That Shines

    Three Sign from a Team That Shines0

    South Williamsport’s three-peat District IV championship titles and deep runs into the PIAA state softball playoffs, including last year’s appearance in the AA state championship game, have continually raised the expectations of Lady Mounties fans. But the groundwork for the hardware that has been accumulated was laid long before today’s high school stars ever donned

  • The Roving Sportsman … So, You Got a Bear! Now What?0

    You head to “Bear Camp” on Friday evening and hang out with the guys playing cards and telling tall tales of past hunts. You rise and shine early on Saturday morning. After a hearty breakfast, you all head out to put on a drive or two in the roughest and most rugged territory you can

  • Fishing Dry Flies in November?

    Fishing Dry Flies in November?0

    I’m sure it comes as no surprise that I am an avid fisherman, and when it comes to catching trout, the flyrod is my first choice. My number one presentation with the flyrod would be dry flies drifted into the path of a rising trout; there’s just something really exciting about setting that hook into