
Latest Issue

  • College Coaching0

    The political ads media deluge is over! Television sets have been freed, now even those annoying commercial messages won’t seem as bad as what we’ve been subject to for the past month. In the interim, the World Series is over, high school football and soccer playoffs are winding down, college basketball is underway, the annual

  • Stroble’s Garage Closing its’ Small-Town Doors0

    The cover of the 2024 South Williamsport High School football program includes the statement, “Try that in a small town.” The words of the Jason Aldean hit song have nothing to do with football, but its sentiments have everything to do with life in small towns across the country. The song’s lyrics further state, “See

  • The Rut is Underway0

    As we move into the early days of November, archery hunters start getting really serious about their buck-hunting pursuits. This is a period when bucks become more active as they begin their pursuit of willing does, and the avid archery hunter hopes to take advantage of those deer movements and activities. Hunting is not centered

  • The Roving Sportsman… Reading and Maximizing the Rut0

    Whether you are a long-time bowhunter or are new to archery hunting for deer in Pennsylvania, the signs — if you read and understand them correctly — are clearly pointing to the fact that “the rut is on!” Over the past week or more, an increase in the number of scrapes has been evident, and

  • Write-Ins


    Special thanks to those who supported my efforts. I decided to throw my hat into the ring at the very last minute. I was tired of the division — all of the hatred. The plethora of television advertisements made me cry. Then came all of the phone calls, random texts, and spam. You seriously can’t

  • Nellie & Chris0

    The topic has come up often in our home. Jean reflects upon the many wonderful friends and experiences we have shared over the years due to our sports involvement. Many times, as we transition from one event or season to another, the experiences tend to be woven together like a t-shirt quilt. The quilt warms

  • Goals


    I attended the fall WAHS musical showcase on Tuesday. Williamsport Area School District has one of the top programs in the galaxy. I always walk away feeling grand. The band is fantastic. The choirs are, too. The Orchestra is outstanding. These kids put on a performance. They look stunning in their matching tuxedos and dresses.

  • Pheasant Hunting Underway?0

    Why do I have a question mark in the title of my story — that’s not a question but rather a statement? The reason for the question mark is because some people are wondering, “What’s a pheasant?” I moved to this area from western Pennsylvania in the early 1970s, and a pheasant was a very

  • The Roving Sportsman… Heads Up!0

    They say that timing is everything, and we are entering the phase of deer activity that every archery deer hunter has been waiting for. Whether it is further defined as “the pre-rut,” “the rut,” or “the post-rut,” we are now moving into the days when the travel and rut level of deer has begun to

  • Little Millionaires

    Little Millionaires0

    I have been spending a great deal of time at my beloved alma mater. Yes. I find myself taking a stroll down memory lane. I called a few football games for IPT SPORTS. Beautiful stadium. I love the new track—incredible setting. I drop Jensen off every Tuesday and Thursday. He is playing hoops for the

  • Tribe Seeking Playoff Wampum0

    If you blinked, you might have missed it. The 2024 high school football regular season is in the history books, and those qualifying for the District IV playoffs begin their hoped-for quest for PIAA gold this weekend. The season passed has seen its share of exciting games, record-breaking performances, and stunning developments extenuated by perennial

  • The Roving Sportsman… Home on the Range0

    Bowhunters talk about it. As rifle hunters gather at deer camp, the subject will no doubt come up, as it usually does year after year. Research has been conducted across the country on this topic. Yet, to many hunters, the home range of a whitetail buck remains a bit of a mystery, so let’s look