
Latest Issue

  • UPMC Physical Therapist: Cancer Affects Stamina, Energy0

    If you experience fatigue during or after cancer treatment, you are not alone. Fatigue, usually described as feeling tired, weak, or exhausted, affects most people during cancer treatment with 14-96% of survivors experiencing some form during active treatment and 19-82% in the years after treatment is complete. Fatigue can have a profound effect on one’s

  • UPMC Provider: Pregnancy’s Effects on the Heart0

    A woman’s body goes through many changes during pregnancy. Many of them are obvious like the belly bump, but some are more subtle or hidden like how pregnancy affects the heart and blood vessels. Due to these changes, some women may develop a new heart condition during pregnancy, or an existing cardiac condition can worsen.

  • UPMC Doctor: Tips to Prevent Cold Weather Skin Issues0

    Our skin is one of our hardest working organs. It not only protects all the other organs in our bodies, and can repair itself, but it also regulates body temperature and detects and fights off infection. Healthy skin is an essential part of your overall health and wellness, yet most of us take our skin

  • Woodlands Bank Sponsors Students of Lycoming County0

    The Pennsylvania Council on Financial Literacy (PennCFL) provides to all students in grades 3-12 in Pennsylvania a world-class, web-based stock simulation platform and curriculum. Students can learn how to trade all year long by using the whole curriculum, courses, and more, including two ten-week competitions. The competitions are held in the classroom, by county and

  • Ask UPMC: When are Antibiotics Safe for Children?0

    Antibiotics are a weapon to fight disease through targeting the bacteria that can cause illness. However, overuse of antibiotics can cause bacteria to develop a resistance to antibiotic treatment, which allow bacteria to continue to grow and make them difficult to kill. According to the Centers for Disease Control, at least 2.8 million people in

  • Symptoms Pet Have Allergies and What’s Behind Them0

    Allergies can vary in severity and cause various symptoms. According to the Mayo Clinic, allergies occur when the immune system reacts to a foreign substance by producing antibodies. These antibodies identify a particular allergen as harmful, even when it isn’t. Allergies can cause reactions in the skin, breathing passages and digestive system. Thousands of people

  • Building Children’s Emotional Resilience Amid Uncertainty0

    For parents facing uncertain school schedules, new ways of working and concerns about the health and safety of their families, life in a pandemic is stressful enough. Add in the potential for children to feel overwhelmed or unable to cope with the unfamiliar and many families feel they are in no-win situations. Keeping children home

  • Library Receives Highest Recognition for Nonprofit Organizations0

    The James V. Brown Library, 19 E. Fourth St., recently was awarded the 2020 Platinum Seal of Transparency, the highest level of recognition offered by GuideStar, a service of Candid. By sharing metrics that highlight progress the Brown Library is making toward its mission, the organization is helping the public move beyond simplistic ways of

  • UPMC Doctor: The Mind-Gut Connection0

    We’ve all been there. That uneasy feeling you get deep in the pit of your stomach. Stress and anxiety may be to blame for this feeling you can’t explain. It’s a what is referred to as the mind-gut connection and it may affect your physical and mental health. The Science Behind the Connection Your digestive

  • Donate Blood – Save a Life – National Blood Donor Month0

    As we, thankfully, say goodbye to 2020, it’s time to look forward and see what we can do to make 2021 a better year. COVID doesn’t seem to be going anywhere, but there is something that we can do to help those affected by COVID — donate blood and plasma. Particularly if you have recovered

  • Chronic Kidney Disease: The Silent Killer

    Chronic Kidney Disease: The Silent Killer0

    Approximately 26 million American adults have chronic kidney disease and millions of others are at risk but may not know it. Kidney disease is often called the “silent killer,” because it has no symptoms until the advanced stage of the disease. In fact, one in nine Americans has chronic kidney disease and are unaware that

  • Woodlands Bank Sponsors Students of Lycoming County0

    The Pennsylvania Council on Financial Literacy (PennCFL) provides to all students in grades 3-12 in Pennsylvania a world-class, web-based stock simulation platform and curriculum. Students can learn how to trade all year long by using the whole curriculum, courses, and more, including two ten-week competitions. The competitions are held in the classroom, by county and