
Latest Issue

  • UPMC Doctor: The Mind-Gut Connection0

    We’ve all been there. That uneasy feeling you get deep in the pit of your stomach. Stress and anxiety may be to blame for this feeling you can’t explain. It’s a what is referred to as the mind-gut connection and it may affect your physical and mental health. The Science Behind the Connection Your digestive

  • Donate Blood – Save a Life – National Blood Donor Month0

    As we, thankfully, say goodbye to 2020, it’s time to look forward and see what we can do to make 2021 a better year. COVID doesn’t seem to be going anywhere, but there is something that we can do to help those affected by COVID — donate blood and plasma. Particularly if you have recovered

  • Chronic Kidney Disease: The Silent Killer

    Chronic Kidney Disease: The Silent Killer0

    Approximately 26 million American adults have chronic kidney disease and millions of others are at risk but may not know it. Kidney disease is often called the “silent killer,” because it has no symptoms until the advanced stage of the disease. In fact, one in nine Americans has chronic kidney disease and are unaware that

  • Woodlands Bank Sponsors Students of Lycoming County0

    The Pennsylvania Council on Financial Literacy (PennCFL) provides to all students in grades 3-12 in Pennsylvania a world-class, web-based stock simulation platform and curriculum. Students can learn how to trade all year long by using the whole curriculum, courses, and more, including two ten-week competitions. The competitions are held in the classroom, by county and

  • UPMC Dietitian Offers Tips to End the Year on a Lighter Note0

    The holidays are usually a time full of our favorite seasonal favorite foods – and lots of them. For those with health and wellness goals, navigating through the holiday season and holiday food may be overwhelming. However, there is hope with the help of a few simple tips and techniques: Mindful Eating Mindful eating is

  • UPMC Expert: Tis the Season to Talk About Family History0

    When you see your doctor for an annual checkup, they’ll want to know details not only about you but your family as well — including if your family has a history of cancer. This information can help your doctor paint a clearer picture of health risks due to your family’s health history. The problem is

  • Ask UPMC: How Does Diabetes Affect Wound Healing?0

    A small cut or bruise may not seem like a big deal, but for millions of Americans with diabetes, they can be. For individuals with diabetes, all wounds are a serious health concern and require careful attention. Understanding the Complications Diabetes is a result of your body’s inability to produce or use insulin. Insulin is

  • Regional United Ways Work Together to Protect Their Communities0

    AIS Coordinates Production of One Million Masks The Lycoming County United Way (LCUW) was the recipient of 500 masks and received a second shipment of 1,500 masks today, compliments of the United Way of North Central Mass (UWNCM). Earlier in 2020, UWNCM was approached by one of their corporate community partners to help with a

  • How to Avoid Drug Interactions0

    Hundreds of millions of people across the globe rely on medications for their survival. In fact, the percentage of people using prescription medications may surprise people who work outside the health care industry. According to the National Center for Health Statistics’ National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2015-16, nearly 46 percent of the population of

  • UPMC Expert: Holidays and the Pandemic0

    You may be experiencing fatigue related to the COVID-19 pandemic and precautions, but now is not the time to relax your practices – especially with the holidays just weeks away. Prevention is still our best means in fighting the spread of the virus, so it’s important to follow all the latest local, state, and CDC

  • Ask UPMC: Is it Flu, Cold, or Something More?0

    ? By Rutul Dalal, MD, Medical Director Infectious Diseases, UPMC As fall turns into winter, many of us are preparing for spending more time indoors and the approaching cold and flu season. While these preparations are typical for this time of year in the region, what’s different this year is that a cough, sore throat,

  • JOIN THE FIGHT!  World Prematurity Day November 17th

    JOIN THE FIGHT! World Prematurity Day November 17th0

    It is not something that a mother plans, nor is it something that one wishes for. Nothing can prepare a mother for an early birth. 33,000 babies will be born premature this month. That is 1 in every 10 babies. Every 12 hours a mother dies due to pregnancy complications. Additionally, two babies die each