
Latest Issue

  • Be Awoken by Faith, Not Fear and Hatred0

    There has never been a time when one’s faith has been more important. There has also never been a time when one’s faith is being tested by fear and division. We witnessed this on many levels this past week. As we have now sprung ahead into daylight savings time, let’s talk about what is most

  • Happy St. Patrick’s Day0

    I’ve mentioned before that I am not Irish. I am a whole lotta Italian, with a little German sprinkled in for funsies. But alas wee lads and lassies, I don’t see any harm in finding the Irish spirit and having some St. Patrick’s Day fun! But before you don your green clothes and wish on

  • It’s Time to Let the American Voter Decide0

    I wanted to wait until after the South Carolina GOP primary to pen this column. The polls that I don’t often trust and many people I talked to told me it would be former President Donald Trump in a runaway. This was my gut feeling also; however, it was Nikki Haley’s home state, and I

  • Finally March!0

    Woohoo! We made it! March is finally here, and, fingers crossed, the bulk of winter is behind us! The March 6th sunset time is scheduled for 6:05 p.m.! Spring Training has begun! I saw the sun like at least three times last week! I even heard mourning doves the other morning! But don’t get too

  • I Want to Watch Sports, Not an Episode of “The View”0

    As I watch what’s being spun on TV, I can’t believe the hosts of an ABC morning show want me to believe that they’re knowledgeable and will help educate the American people on what’s really going on in the world. They might as well follow that up with if they don’t, David Muir will on

  • It’s a Leap Year!

    It’s a Leap Year!0

    2024 is a Leap Year. But the real question is, why? Why do we add an extra day to February once every four years? To be honest, I didn’t really know. So, to the internet, we go! According to National Geographic Kids (because it’s early in the morning, I haven’t had much coffee, and we

  • Crazed and Evil Perpetrators0

    The cover reading February 21st means only one more issue this month; that’s a good thing. To go along with Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day falling on the same date, we also have a leap year in 2024. An early Happy Birthday to all those folks who only celebrate that special day once every four

  • Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month0

    Dating violence is more common than you may think, especially among teens and young adults: 1 in 3 U.S. teens will experience physical, sexual, or emotional abuse from someone they’re in a relationship with before becoming adults. And nearly half (43%) of U.S. college women report experiencing violent or abusive dating behaviors. For parents and

  • Love and President’s Day Reality0

    Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone. Please don’t forget that special someone in your life on a day intended to show and celebrate your feelings. Maybe it’s your spouse or someone you’re hoping will be. Maybe you and the person you love now have children to celebrate on Valentine’s Day. I have always loved getting my kids

  • That’s Amore0

    Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope your day (and week, and month, and year) are full of all the love you could hope for! If you haven’t found your Valentine yet, allow me to help! I’ve compiled a list of pick-up lines that are guaranteed* to have the future love of your life fawning all over

  • Finally February and Some Football Fever0

    Well, I’ve got some great news for everybody. The calendar reads February, and whether the groundhog saw his shadow or not, by the end of the month, we will have about an hour more of daylight. The 1st day of March represents the beginning of Spring to many, which is another added bonus. I am

  • 2024 Super Bowl Predictions (Taylor’s Version)0

    Back when Mike Rafferty started this tradition (back in 2012 if you’re keeping score), he used to come up with clever puns for each of the predictions. I’ve tried to do this over the years, but 1. I’m not as clever as Raff and B. Even if I were that clever, this piece has grown