
Latest Issue

  • Derby Weekend0

    I know, I know, it’s me again. I’m sure you would all prefer to see Jimmy’s smiling face here, talking about what’s happening worldwide and at home. Unfortunately, he is feeling under the weather so you are stuck with me again. I’m not going to get into all that is going on in the world,

  • Lost Between Iraq and Cyber Space0

    If you missed my column last week, my apologies. It was an example of why you shouldn’t procrastinate and wait until the last minute. You should always allow yourself some extra time and try to finish a job ahead of schedule; of course, I waited until the last minute to write my article. I often

  • Spring Stuff0

    The long-range forecast looks like spring will be springing this week! This is good news for the West Branch Builders Home Show! The show starts on Friday, and Lou has all the details on page 6! Webb Weekly will be posted up at booth #137, so please stop by to see us! I’ll be manning

  • Earth Day and Climate Change0

    So, clearly, I’m not Jimmy. Jimmy had a technological mishap. He had his article all but finished when it disappeared into the ether. Even I couldn’t figure out what happened and recover his story. Due to rising frustration levels, we decided that it would be in everyone’s best interest to just take the L. Now

  • Hoping Opening Day Wasn’t Washed Out0

    The first day of trout season in Pennsylvania has been a long-time tradition. It’s a day shared by family and friends to celebrate something near and dear to their hearts. It is a day that many PA anglers dream about on cold winter nights. Chilly temperatures, rain, and even snow go hand in hand with

  • Walk Your Way to Better Health0

    Is it 37° and threatening to snow while I write this? Yes. Does that mean I’m not making plans for spring? Absolutely not. My plan for spring? More walks. As most of you know, I have two dogs. One very large rottweiler, Bulleit, and one little-legged basset hound, Booker. This spring, Booker and I will

  • Navigating the Future Together0

    After watching the disastrous collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge, I kept a close eye on what followed. I will withhold my thoughts until I have some more solid knowledge about the plan of attack to quickly reopen one of the most important American harbors. That is where my thoughts immediately turned, after a

  • Building Connected Communities0

    The National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) commemorates the start of Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) in April with their “Building Connected Communities” campaign. The campaign “uplifts the role of inclusive, equitable, and connected communities in reducing sexual abuse, assault, and harassment. Community is an integral part of all our lives, and the health and

  • Easter Blessings0

    As I sat and pondered what to write about it was a beautiful sun-drenched spring morning. Although the temperature might be a little on the chilly side, the smell of spring is in  the air. You can feel the warmth of the sun and just know warmer days are right around the corner. It’s such

  • Happy Easter!

    Happy Easter!0

    Hey y’all! I’m so excited for Easter this weekend! I always have so much fun prepping for our annual Easter contest! Easter is one of my favorite holidays. It’s right up there with the 4th of July! But before I get too far into my article this week, let me ask you a question. Are

  • The First Pitch of Spring0

    Happy official Spring to everybody! Like me, most see March 1st on the calendar as the beginning of the season that moves us out of winter. Some may recognize it as the first pitch of Spring Training baseball, while for others, it may be Saint Patrick’s Day. I know one thing: the weather this past

  • We’re Going on an Easter Egg (Basket) Hunt!0

    Spring has finally sprung, and it’s officially the second and final week of our Easter Egg (Basket) Hunt contest! And just a heads up, I’ve decided to make things more difficult this week. So be sure to count extra good, because not only will you find the baskets in the regular portion of the paper,