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  • Five Simple, Natural Ways to Boost Immunity

    Five Simple, Natural Ways to Boost Immunity0

    Your body’s immune system protects against illness and infection, fighting off threats before you even know there’s a problem. Even though your immune system usually does its job automatically, you can give it a boost with habits that promote wellness and support immunity. Eat healthy fruits and vegetables. Although you may not be aware they

  • Fall 2021 Accessories0

    With the whirl of Halloween behind us, and as we gear up for the holiday season ahead, the chill is officially in the air, and you may be finding yourself ready to pull out boots, hats, and scarves as we continue into fall. But functional pieces aren’t the only accessories you can use to mark

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Together We Will Go: A Novel” by J. Michael Straczynski

    The Bookworm Sez: “Together We Will Go: A Novel” by J. Michael Straczynski0

    You can’t take it with you. That’s the sad part about amassing great wealth and fine possessions: when you die, you’ll leave it all behind. You exit this world with the same belongings that you have when you enter and there’s nothing you can do to change that. At least, in the new book, “Together

  • Starry Night0

    Last evening, my husband, daughter, and I decided to get in our hot tub. Honestly, I was not feeling it after I mentioned it that morning. I was all showered and ready for bed. I was lying on the couch with my favorite fall fleece blanket while my husband laid his head on my lap.

  • The Price Is Right Turns the Big 5-0

    The Price Is Right Turns the Big 5-00

    On September 4, 1972, a woman named Connie and a fur coat made television history and started a new chapter of pop culture. On that September day, Connie became the very first contestant on The New Price Is Right; Connie was also the very first prize winner by winning a fur coat from a Beverly

  • Core Values – Generosity0

    The fourth core value in our series is Generosity. So far, we have discussed Unity, Clarity, and Humility. You can read previous articles online at Of all the core values, generosity is probably the prickliest one for preachers to talk about. Why? First, vocational ministers like me receive our income from the church. More

  • Common Behavioral Issues That Affect Cats and Dogs And How to Fix Them

    Common Behavioral Issues That Affect Cats and Dogs And How to Fix Them0

    Pet ownership can be both joyous and challenging. Every pet misbehaves from time to time, but when behavior issues become part of daily life, pet owners may be wringing their hands wondering how to get to the root of the problem. Pet owners may not realize they can contribute to common behavior issues. Here’s how

  • Ghostly and Ghoulish Happenings and Halloween Safety Tips0

    It is that magical and frightful time when the little ghouls and goblins dwell among us to celebrate the Halloween season. There are various Halloween-themed activities that these Halloweeners can participate in. Trick-or-Treat hours are also set for various area municipalities. Locally, some areas are holding trick-or-treating on Halloween, others have chosen to move it

  • Families United Network, Inc. to Host Community Trunk or Treat and Food Truck event0

    Families United Network, Inc. will be hosting a Trunk or Treat event for the community on October 30th from 3 p.m.-6 p.m. at their Fun Academy location at 145 Ashler Manor Drive, Muncy PA. The event will provide the community with a free and safe way to trick or treat this Halloween. We have many

  • The Tell-Tale Heart0

    True! — nervous — very, very dreadfully nervous I had been and am; but why will you say that I am mad? The disease had sharpened my senses — not destroyed — not dulled them. Above all was the sense of hearing acute. I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth. I

  • Tips to Carve the Perfect Jack-o’-Lantern

    Tips to Carve the Perfect Jack-o’-Lantern0

    Jack-o’-lanterns are one of many indelible symbols of Halloween. It’s hard to pinpoint the precise origins of jack-o’-lanterns, but many historians trace the tradition to 19th century Ireland. In fact, this instantly recognizable staple of Halloween decor actually gets its name from an Irish folktale character named “Stingy Jack.” Jack-o’-lanterns are ubiquitous in October, but

  • The Haunted Victorian0

    Who knew gingerbread could be so scary? Not just gingerbread but also menacing mansard roofs, turrets, and steep gables. Add a menagerie of windows, some slate and stone, and you have the signature design elements of a Victorian-style home and the blueprint for a sinister haunted house. With Halloween only days away, creepy films will