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  • The Bookworm Sez: Kids’ Books about Animals by various authors

    The Bookworm Sez: Kids’ Books about Animals by various authors0

    If you had fur, you’d be outside right now. If you had four legs, you could run faster but carrying things might present a bit of a challenge. If you had a tail, everybody would know when you were happy or sad. But you don’t have any of those things, so why not read about

  • Adopt a Shelter Dog Month0

    Guide to adopting a shelter dog Pet adoption rates soared during the COVID-19 pandemic. The desire to adopt was so significant that animal shelters around the country nearly emptied. According to Dr. Elizabeth Berliner, an associate clinical professor and the director of the Maddie’s Shelter Medicine Program at Cornell University, as many as one in

  • Hidden Little Gems

    Hidden Little Gems0

    As I stated last week, I love going out to eat. It’s one of my favorite things to do. I sit here writing this on a Wednesday afternoon at 3 p.m., and tonight I get to go out to eat with one of my very best friends for my birthday at one of our favorite

  • Hold Tight and Spur On: Hope0

    “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” Hebrews 10:23-24. What a Mess We are living in difficult and dark days. The world appears to be coming apart at the seams. The

  • Americans Struggle to Stay Fit During Pandemic0

    As most of you know by now, I am a huge advocate of exercise as medicine. You also probably know that there is a mountain of evidence supporting a long list of benefits of regular exercise. Things such as increased strength and muscle mass, increased cardiovascular fitness and endurance, an improved immune system, and an

  • How to Spot Signs of Cyberbullying0

    Despite its relative infancy, the internet has become so prevalent in daily life that it’s hard to imagine a time when it wasn’t so widely available. Yet that time wasn’t so long ago. In fact, many adults who are now entering or in middle-age made it through their secondary educations without the internet. That’s not

  • Is Everything Really Nice if is has Pumpkin Spice?

    Is Everything Really Nice if is has Pumpkin Spice?0

    Although autumn doesn’t officially start until September 22, the unofficial end of summer is always the day after Labor Day. As the autumn weather starts to descend upon the Susquehanna Valley, it’s time to put away those flip-flops, ditch the shorts for long pants and prepare yourself for the invasion that’s on the horizon. Pumpkin

  • Good Friends Who Are Family, Good Food, Good Times

    Good Friends Who Are Family, Good Food, Good Times0

    Who likes going out to eat? Show of hands. I don’t like going out to eat; I love it! I seriously think it’s one of my favorite things to do. I love everything about it, but the best part is the company. My girlfriends and I go out on the last Wednesday of the month.

  • Rocking The Monument for Gold Star Families0

    For many military families, the drumbeat of war and deployments of loved ones to war zones over the last twenty years heightened their senses of things once mundane — the honks, horns, waving flags — as long last looks and tight embraces at departure gave way to a throbbing beat inside their chest as the

  • Hold Tight and Spur On0

    In 2002, I was blessed with an opportunity to participate in a black powder elk hunt on the Floyd Lee Ranch in Cibola County, New Mexico. The hunt was provided by a group of guys who decided to bless their poor pastor-friend with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The four-by-four elk rack displayed near my woodstove serves

  • Deep Green Journey Offers Mindfulness and Spiritual Wellbeing Through Nature0

    Reverend Beth Jones was born and raised in the mountains of Central Pennsylvania, where her parents introduced her to hiking and camping at an early age. They wanted to take full advantage of beautiful PA State forests and parks. She continued to foster that love for the woods throughout her life, and for the last

  • Area Car Clubs Host Fall Shows in Muncy September, 18th0

    It’s fall in North Central PA, and that means car shows; specifically, three great car shows taking place in Muncy on September 18th! Whether you are into classic muscle cars, cool Corvettes, or iconic Ford Mustangs, there is something for everyone. Three separate car clubs will be hosting shows, including the North Central Mustang Club,