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  • Ten Gift Ideas for People Who Love to Cook

    Ten Gift Ideas for People Who Love to Cook0

    Many people know someone who loves spending lots of time in the kitchen. Certain home cooks may enjoy whipping up favorite recipes, while others might get excited about experimenting with new flavors and ingredients. A love of cooking paves the way for many different gifting opportunities. Food-related gifts also come in a wide variety of

  • “Alright, Mr. Demille, My Hallway is Ready for its Close-Up”0

    Sometimes I feel naughty staring into their personal spaces. At first, it was glimpses of their living room or office, but as the pandemic continues, I’ll see an occasional glimpse of their kitchen, hallway closet, and with one guy, his basement. Trust me, some of the things I’ve seen range from peculiar, embarrassing, and sometimes

  • How to Approach Hosting the Holidays This Year

    How to Approach Hosting the Holidays This Year0

    To the relief of many, the upcoming holiday season figures to feel more normal than it did a year ago. The COVID-19 pandemic forced families to celebrate the 2020 holiday season in quarantine. Longtime family traditions like big gatherings might have been shelved in 2020, but the successful rollout of various vaccines has put such

  • Major Benefits to Early Holiday Shopping

    Major Benefits to Early Holiday Shopping0

    Some people begin their holiday countdowns the day after the festivities have come and gone. With 365 days until the next celebration, it may seem like one has all the time in the world to complete holiday tasks. But before long, holiday crunch time arrives, and some people find themselves rushing around to buy gifts

  • Great Homemade Food Gifts

    Great Homemade Food Gifts0

    Gifts from the heart are among the most coveted and appreciated come the holiday season. Hobbyists from all walks of life can turn their passions into handmade gifts, but few gifts may be as welcomed as those that can be eaten. Cooking and baking ramps up during the holiday season. People can turn extra time

  • Amaze Guests with Great Grape Appetizers

    Amaze Guests with Great Grape Appetizers0

    Along with the delicious food, gift giving and cheer of the holiday season, getting together with friends and family is also cherished. Whether it’s a cozy weekend dinner with friends or time for festive merrymaking, you can enhance any gathering with unique small plates and appetizers. Make the season special with California grapes, which are

  • Shop Locally on Plaid Friday and Small Business Saturday

    Shop Locally on Plaid Friday and Small Business Saturday0

    What better ways to celebrate the diversity, uniqueness and creativity of independent, local businesses than by supporting them during the busiest shopping season of the year? Plaid Friday was conceptualized in Oakland, Calif., several years ago in an effort to encourage holiday shoppers to slow down and shop locally at small businesses rather than partake

  • Make Safety a Priority for Holiday Travel

    Make Safety a Priority for Holiday Travel0

    As more and more Americans hit the road and return to traveling for the holidays, concerns around road safety are top of mind. Nearly half of Americans (47%) plan to travel in the next six months, including 51% with plans to travel for Christmas, according to a survey by 3M. A majority (76%) plan to

  • Keep Safety in Mind When Gifting

    Keep Safety in Mind When Gifting0

    Few people garner as much delight from opening holiday gifts as young children. The holiday season is a wonder to behold, culminating with brightly wrapped presents just waiting to be revealed. For parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and friends, nothing is more memorable than watching the pure joy on a child’s face when he or she

  • A Guide to Picking the Perfect Fresh Christmas Tree

    A Guide to Picking the Perfect Fresh Christmas Tree0

    Come the holiday season, perhaps no tradition evokes the warm and fuzzy “feels” more than a family outing to pick a Christmas tree. Whether it’s a trek to a live Christmas tree farm or a short drive to the nearest pre-cut tree lot, the process of selecting a tree that will serve as the crown

  • Health Benefits of Coffee Part 10

    Like many Americans, I am an unapologetic coffee drinker. There is nothing better than a steaming cup of joe on a cold day or really any time for that matter. It perks you up in the morning and is arguably the best drink to have when you want to connect with a friend. It is

  • Core Values — Freedom, Part One0

    The sixth and final core value in our series is Freedom. So far, we have discussed Unity, Clarity, Humility, Generosity, and Hospitality. You can read these previous articles online at “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke