
Latest Issue

  • Seed Containers

    Seed Containers0

    Spring will be here before we know it, and now is the time to begin planning your 2022 garden. Start thinking about which vegetables, fruits, and/or flowers you want for the coming year. Once decided, you can begin preparing your seeds. The first step is deciding which type of container you want to use. There

  • The Tragedy of Macbeth: Joel & Denzel Take on the Bard0

    Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” is famously plagued by a curse — a frightening series of mishaps, injuries, and deaths going all the way back to the play’s first staging in 1610. We don’t have space to go into all that here (just google “curse of Macbeth”), but perhaps this is one reason why it’s proven perilously difficult

  • Grateful Heart

    Grateful Heart0

    When I first started writing for the Webb, I was never worried about what I would write about each week. I’ve always loved to write. I must get that from my gram, Lois Liddick. But let’s turn the clocks back to when I was in high school. Ugh, school. I never loved school because I

  • Good Hair Vibes Only0

    Have you ever left the hair salon feeling emotional, in a bad way? I’ve suffered many a regrettable haircut, mostly in my teens and twenties, and after the birth of my second child, when I thought bangs were a good idea. Regardless of what phase of life you are in, a bad hairstyle is uncomfortable

  • Warm Up Winter with Comforting Classics0

    Whipping up family favorites all winter long is a perfect activity to keep loved ones warm in the kitchen while avoiding the bitter chill outdoors. Delicious, heartwarming snacks offer a simple and savory way to bring everyone in from the cold while enjoying comforting flavors together. Lean on beloved ingredients like go-to RAG⁄ sauces when

  • Truth in Tension: What Is the Truth?0

    In John 18:38, Pilate asked Jesus Christ, “What is the truth?” Consider the awesome significance of that moment. Pilate, a mere mortal, was given the opportunity to ask Almighty God, face to face, a most significant question. Sadly, and much to our dismay, Pilate didn’t bother to wait for the answer. The question, “What is

  • STEP Offers Pathways to Success

    STEP Offers Pathways to Success0

    According to their website, the Lycoming-Clinton Counties Commission for Community Action (STEP), Inc. is a private, nonprofit Community Action Agency and was incorporated in 1966. STEP stands for Success Through Engagement and Partnership. STEP’s mission is to engage diverse individuals, families, and communities in the pursuit of social and economic success. STEP accomplishes its mission

  • The Bookworm Sez: “A Reason for Hope” by Kristin von Kreisler0

    Bad things happen to good people. This is something you know, but why you? When the worst can happen, why does it? Were you were born under unlucky stars or with terrible karma? Maybe you’re just some poor, forgotten schlub in the universal scheme of things. Or maybe, as in the new book “A Reason

  • Winter Binge Continues0

    How many people got the urge last week to deep clean your fridge or clean a closet or drawer because of my column? Did I help motivate you to get a few things done? This might surprise you, but I wasn’t always organized. Back in my younger days, I wasn’t the cleanest. My parents were

  • Looking Cute in Winter Boots0

    The snowy season is upon us with more in the forecast, and unfortunately, that whole human-hibernation-from-New-Year’s-Day-to-St.-Patrick’s-Day trend I’ve been trying to make happen doesn’t seem to be catching on. So, while you may just want to curl up and hunker down, chances are you’ll have to leave the house on even the chilliest of days.

  • Excellence is a Habit0

    Many people, myself included, often utter the phrase, “good enough.” The food I ate was good enough. The work I did was good enough. My workout was good enough. In fact, it is easy to slip into a lifestyle of mediocrity. What if, instead, we made the pursuit of excellence a priority in everyday life?

  • Elijah’s Prayer Battle0

    The story of Elijah’s epic prayer battle against the prophets of Baal and Asherah on Mount Carmel is a must-read for every believer. If you’re not familiar with the story, take a moment to read it. It’s a good one. It is found in I Kings 18:16-39. Making sense of this prayer battle requires some