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  • River of Change0

    The Jordan River rises from the slopes of Mt. Hermon on the border between Syria and Lebanon and then flows through northern Israel and into the Sea of Galilee. From there, it meanders through the Jordan Rift Valley until it empties into the Dead Sea, making it the lowest river on earth. It is similar

  • A Dead-End Dead Sea0

    The Dead Sea is located on the boundary between Israel and Jordan. Its northern shore is about 16 miles east of Jerusalem and 104 miles south of the Sea of Galilee. The Jordan river flows from the Sea of Galilee into the Dead Sea. The Bible most often mentions the Dead Sea as the eastern

  • Bake My Day!0

    One afternoon when my husband got home after work, he went to get a snack. By 3:45, he is ready for something to eat before dinner, which typically every night is about 6:00. I buy him the little chocolate chip muffins from Aldi’s that he loves with his morning coffee. These one-bite wonders are perfect

  • Fall Style Essentials0

    This morning I awoke to a gloriously chilly 55 degrees, misty fog, and the banging of garbage bins as sanitation workers made their way down the street. Such is life. A mix of the superb and the mundane, which is an oddly apt way to describe the transition from summer to fall. You have those

  • Strong in Five Minutes0

    Is it possible to gain strength by exercising only 5 minutes, three days per week? Dr. Chris Sciamanna, a primary care doctor and exercise researcher at Penn State, thinks so. Dr. Sciamanna writes, “During the pandemic, when my gym closed, I had to figure out how to do strength training at home. I started doing

  • Birthday Outfit0

    How an individual approaches their birthday varies from person to person. Obviously, child birthdays are big deals, marking milestones in growth and maturity. For adults, birthdays can be a celebration of life, a chance to treat yourself, just another day, or an unwelcome reminder that aging is inevitable. I find that my birthday has a

  • The Bookworm Sez

    The Bookworm Sez0

    Dad used to pride himself on being handy. He could make anything, imagine anything, fix anything. He was handy, from tools to toys and kitchens to kids. But last week, Dad got lost on his way home from the grocery store, a trip he’s made once a week for thirty years, and it scared you

  • The Year That Saved the Movies, Part 30

    That headline is misleading — I never wrote the first two parts of what might be called “2022 at the Movies.” No, those parts were penned by you, dear reader; or should I say “viewer”? So many of you went piling off to movie theaters that this year’s box-office is already approaching the entire take

  • Hallmark Treasures

    Hallmark Treasures0

    It’s a rainy Sunday, and I am snuggled on the couch, wrapped in my fall fleece blanket that I finally got out this weekend. My Halloween tree is in front of our front bay window, with the tiny orange and purple lights glowing as primitive ghost ornaments hang off a branch. Candy corns, pumpkins, witches,

  • Is Burnout Causing Your Weight Gain?0

    While estimates of the annual health care costs of obesity-related illnesses vary, researchers agree that the costs are astronomical. Some studies actually estimate the cost to be a staggering $190.2 billion, or nearly 21% of annual medical spending in the United States. Though the root causes for this epidemic can be complex, one that is

  • Trusting on the Red Sea0

    Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and all that night, the Lord drove the sea back with a strong east wind and turned it into dry land. The waters were divided, and the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their right and on their

  • Following on the Sea of Galilee0

    The Sea of Galilee is a freshwater lake located in Israel. It is unique for two reasons. First, sitting 700 feet below sea level, it is the lowest freshwater lake on earth. Second, and far more importantly, it serves as the backdrop for the public ministry of Jesus Christ. Compared to the Mediterranean Sea, Galilee