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  • Movie Memory Magic: A Christmas Story Sequel0

    Ever notice how nostalgia seems to play a vital role in the holiday season? You carefully resurrect old family traditions, dig out grandma’s grease-spattered recipes, bedeck your tree with 50-year-old ornaments, and your teenage kids — normally devoted to trendy new music — happily subject themselves to Sinatra, Burl Ives, Andy Williams and Vince Guaraldi;

  • Thankful, Grateful, Blessed

    Thankful, Grateful, Blessed0

    We made it to Thanksgiving week! I hope the last few weeks of reading my columns have helped you prepare for this glorious Thanksgiving season. As you gather with family and friends from near and far, remember how much we have to be thankful for. Count your many blessings; name them one by one, count

  • The Bookworm Sez: “The Year of the Puppy: How Dogs Become Themselves” by Alexandra Horowitz

    The Bookworm Sez: “The Year of the Puppy: How Dogs Become Themselves” by Alexandra Horowitz0

    You do not need a dog. You can tick off the reasons: you don’t have time or money for a dog. There is no room in your house. You don’t have a yard. You already have a dog (or two). You do not need another but — once you’ve read “The Year of the Puppy”

  • A Few Defiant Ones: With and Without a “White Savior”0

    “Till” is the best new movie I’ve seen this year — and unlike many films about race, it does not contain a “white savior.” Focused on the 1955 lynching of a 14-year-old black boy in Mississippi, the galvanizing “Till” scarcely has a single white character — with the notable exception of completely worthless jurors and

  • Thanksgiving Packing0

    No sooner has the hubbub of Halloween settled down then Thanksgiving comes along, and it’s non-stop until New Year’s Day. At least, it feels that way, with it seeming to speed up each year. As we prepare for another Thanksgiving, I, of course, am thinking about what to wear for my family and me. Like

  • Cold Tempering for Health0

    I’ll be honest; I do not love winter. I’m not into skiing or snowboarding, and while I do think snow is pretty, I do not love the cold temperatures that come with it. That being said, I grew up in the snow belt of Upstate New York and can handle the cold if I need

  • Missional Strategy – Transformation0

    Note: This article is the fifth installment in a series called “Missional Strategy: Why we do what we do the way we do it.” Previous articles are always available at As I suggested in last week’s article, the lack of Christian unity is a big obstacle the church encounters as it seeks to accomplish

  • Coherence Breathing for Health0

    Research has shown that some breathing techniques are effective against anxiety, insomnia, stress, and other conditions. One such breathing technique is known as coherence breathing. Coherence breathing involves taking long, slow breaths at a rate of 5-6 breaths per minute. It affects both physiological (parasympathetic nervous system) and psychological (as a distraction technique) factors. As

  • Hosting Thanksgiving

    Hosting Thanksgiving0

    We are getting down to the wire here, folks! EIGHT days until Thanksgiving. Many of us will host, while many will be guests in others’ homes. If hosting, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Thanksgiving is a big meal; when you let guests help, it will make it easier, and you can focus more

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Mother Brain: How Neuroscience is Rewriting the Story of Parenthood” by Chelsea Conaboy

    The Bookworm Sez: “Mother Brain: How Neuroscience is Rewriting the Story of Parenthood” by Chelsea Conaboy0

    Sometimes, you think you’re losing your mind. The baby’s crying, where did you put the remote?, someone called and wants to meet your newborn today, you haven’t slept two consecutive hours in a month, and you hurt in places where you didn’t think you could hurt. You last had a shower… was it Friday or

  • The Way We Do It, Part II0

    Note: This article is the fourth installment in a series called “Missional Strategy: Why we do what we do the way we do it.” Previous articles are always available at I ended my last article by giving you some homework. I asked you to have some conversations regarding Christian unity. I posed the question

  • Self-Care Schedule0

    Self-care is a term that’s been bantered about for quite some time. It has different meanings for different people. It can and does include mental health, physical well-being, spiritual fortitude, and a sense of safety and security. As we begin to prepare for the rollercoaster of the holiday season, now might be the time to