
Latest Issue


ARIES – Mar 21–Apr 20

Aries, things may not progress the way you want them to unless you become a little more persistent. Figure out how to walk the line to achieve your goals.

TAURUS – Apr 21–May 21

Taurus, many things are going right with your life. But now it’s time to get a handle on your love life. You may have to put in some extra effort, especially this week.

GEMINI – May 22–Jun 21

Gemini, keep things on the lighter side when conversing with coworkers this week. Now is not the time to delve into controversial discussions in the workplace.

CANCER – Jun 22–Jul 22

Cancer, as you try to become more organized, try not to get too overwhelmed by the scope of the task at hand. Tackle one thing at a time and keep making progress.

LEO – Jul 23–Aug 23

Leo, situations may seem like they are a matter of life or death this week, but there’s a good chance you’re just being overly dramatic. Try to go with the flow.

VIRGO – Aug 24–Sept 22

Emotions are running wild and you’re worried about what others think of you, Virgo. Embrace a point of view that relies more on the rational than the emotional.

LIBRA – Sept 23–Oct 23
Libra, after a few stops and starts, you and your romantic partner are on quite a roll. Enjoy that you both are in tune and aspiring toward shared goals.

SCORPIO – Oct 24–Nov 22

Scorpio, it’s possible you feel blocked on all sides regarding your employment. While you can’t get ahead right now, there are some opportunities coming.

SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23–Dec 21

Be careful about speaking before thinking through your words, Sagittarius. Knee-jerk responses can have unexpected consequences. Take time to form your opinion.

CAPRICORN – Dec 22–Jan 20

This week is bound to be pretty intense, Capricorn. But you’ll find a way to skirt through it relatively unscathed. Rely on a few friends as sounding boards.

AQUARIUS – Jan 21–Feb 18

Aquarius, try not to cut off channels of communication with loved ones as you deal with a few difficult issues. Others are willing to step up and help as needed.

PISCES – Feb 19–Mar 20

Pisces, others will not always see the world the way you do. Interactions this week can be a little stilted or even frustrating.

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