
Latest Issue

  • Winter Trends0

    The weather so far in 2023 has been odd. It hasn’t been bitterly cold, we’ve had some uncharacteristic warm bouts, but it’s definitely been dreary with lots of precipitation. I’m still advocating for human hibernation from January 2nd to March 16th; it’s not going great. In order to prepare for whatever winter has in store,

  • Lumber Capital Athletics Working to Get Williamsport Fit0

    Lumber Capital Athletics, home of CrossFit Lumber Capital, is an open-concept, functional training facility located at 575 East Third St. in Williamsport. The facility opened in October 2022 and is owned by Ben Wise and Stacey Kadenas. They offer group CrossFit classes, individualized programming, personal training, and performance programs for athletes ranging from middle &

  • Snow Days

    Snow Days0

    For heaven’s sake, it’s January, and most of these days so far have felt like spring. I wore a t-shirt outside last Saturday and hung out our sheets on the line. It was wild for this time of year. Usually, I have a heartfelt goodbye to my clothesline about mid to end of October! This

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Secluded Cabin Sleeps Six” by Lisa Unger

    The Bookworm Sez: “Secluded Cabin Sleeps Six” by Lisa Unger0

    Someone is peeking on you. You don’t know where they are. You haven’t caught them yet, but you can feel them: the hairs on the back of your neck are standing at attention. You’re trying to resist the urge to jump, scream, and run away but nowhere is safe. Someone is watching you and, as

  • Winter Haircuts0

    With the new year, you may be in the market for a new you or at least a new hairstyle. The dead of winter may not seem like the best time to try a new haircut, but this season’s hair trends seem to be tailor-made for chilly temperatures and cozy nights at home. If you’re

  • The Bookworm Sez: Best of 20220

    It happens every year. The decorations come down. The last of the Christmas leftovers have been eaten. Errant bits of ripped wrapping are found and discarded. You have no more holiday candy or cookies, you look around at your empty hands, and you wonder — now what? Now it’s time to settle in and read

  • Benoit’s Back: The Knives Out Sequel, “Glass Onion”0

    “It’s a dangerous thing to mistake speaking without thought for speaking the truth.” That line from “Glass Onion” is so apt and memorable that it alone makes the film worthwhile. But the “Knives Out” sequel has a lot more going for it than just good dialog. Indeed, this new film offers everything needed to satisfy

  • Sweet Girl

    Sweet Girl0

    Our sweet little girl Kenzy turns nine on January 11th. It’s so hard to believe. It feels like just yesterday, she was born. They told me she was going to be a big baby. Our son Ty was 8 pounds, 10 ounces and a chunker! At nine months with him, I felt amazing. I was

  • Fasting for Metabolic Health0

    Fasting has been used throughout history as a means of purifying the body physically and spiritually. While there is some debate concerning the effectiveness of fasting over other methods for reducing body weight, there is an abundance of evidence supporting the benefits of fasting beyond just weight loss. Fasting is typically defined as the abstinence

  • New Year, New You

    New Year, New You0

    Ahhh, here we are, another new year. How long will it take me to write 2023 instead of 2022? I’m thinking not long since my one job consists of me printing off fuel tickets for our customers. I’ll have to get with the program real quick, like this year! 2023. 2023. 2023, Andrea. You got

  • Renewed Day by Day

    Renewed Day by Day0

    One morning I was looking for fossils in Grafius Run while enjoying a hot cup of coffee. Why? Well, Grafius Run flows through our backyard, and after a good rain, it always churns up fossils. I enjoy looking for them, and over the years, I have accumulated a nice collection. After being bent over for

  • 2023 Top Fitness Trends0

    Every year fitness organizations and experts around the world make predictions on which fitness trends will be the most popular in the coming year. The reasons range from where to invest their money to what programs should be prioritized on a group exercise schedule. Many 2023 predictions held steady from 2022, but there were a