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Boy, do I have some fun stories to share with you all! It’s been two weeks since I’ve written a column. I got an extra one done before our ten-day vacation, and a lot has happened since. I think this week, I am going to start with the day we were leaving for the river. You can imagine how crazy that day was — packing enough food, clothes, towels, and our life for ten days away. Still close enough to go home and grab something if we forgot it, but still far enough away to not have to think about anything home related. No chores. Just the river, all day, every day.

That morning my mind was running a hundred miles an hour. The day before, Thursday, the kids and I ran all over, getting things done before we left. Sam’s, Target, Wegmans, the banks, and picking up odds and ends for the camper and boat that we needed. The last stop was Wegmans, and my darn medication was not ready at the pharmacy. It was never called in.

I had a pile of stuff in the car that needed to get home in the refrigerator, and we were getting the boat in the river as soon as my hubby got home from work. I couldn’t wait around, so I knew I would have to go back Friday morning before we left for the river.

Friday morning, I had a list on my phone, ready to tackle. Since I was going to Wegmans, I had a few things to take back. Smashed nectarines from the day before. (Ugh.) Whipping Cream that wouldn’t come out of the can at all. (That’s a downer!) And Herbal Essences shampoo and conditioner that was partially used until I realized it was awful for my hair. (No one likes greasy hair!) I might as well take it all back since I had to go pick up my medication. Then, I needed to stop at Diamond Square for lunch meat and the Woodward Township Building for the permit for our new camper.

I was off by 8 a.m. to get stuff done and get back home to start loading the vehicles. I thought to myself that I should probably call Wegmans and ask about this shampoo issue. I wasn’t sure if they would even take it back, and I also wanted to call Diamond Square to order our lunch meat so it was ready to go.

I grabbed my cell to start making calls. I wanted to get the shampoo done first before I got to the Woodward Township Building. It rang and rang until I heard a woman pick up. When the woman answered the phone, I rambled on about this Sulfate Free Herbal Essence. I told her how long ago I bought it and about the whole first use of it. How I didn’t think I rinsed my hair out enough and blah blah, so I kept using it. I got to the 4th time using it and said how it still made my hair look greasy and hated it.

I probably rambled on for AT LEAST two minutes; then I asked if I needed to call Herbal Essence to return it or if I could return it there.

This lady replies, “Well, greasy hair isn’t fun, and I am really sorry this happened to you, but do you know who you called?”

Me, looking most likely like a deer in headlights, said, “Welllll, I am hoping Wegmans?”

She replies, “This is Diamond Square Market.”

The sad part is I know she had to have said, “This is Diamond Square Market” when she answered!!

We both started busting up laughing. Like, it COULD NOT stop. I had tears from laughing so hard. I told her I wanted to call them to order lunch meat and must have had that on my mind! I said I was getting ready for a ten-day getaway, and my mind was all over. I apologized.

When I walked in to pick up my lunch meat at Diamond Square, I made the announcement that ding dong was there to pick up her lunch meat. They all giggled, and the girl who answered the phone got a big smile on her face. She said when she was on the phone, all the girls heard her say about greasy hair, and they all looked at her like, “Who is she talking to!?” Bahahaha!

And God love her; she never once interrupted me during my whole spiel of the shampoo! She just let me do my thang. This is what made it so darn funny!!

They already know me at Diamond Square, but now I’ll be known as the crazy shampoo lady.

This seriously made my day. I’m still cracking up about it!

It’s something I would only do. *Head Smack*

If you have never been to Diamond Square in Newberry’s, it’s a must-try! Especially their soft pretzels and milkshakes! The girls there are so sweet too. I love it there. Check it out if you haven’t yet. Lunch meat, some groceries, sandwiches, soups, smoothies, and things you can order. Lots of goodies!

On a side note, Wegmans did let me return both bottles after all that! And my medicine was “almost” ready. (Like seriously? This again?) They asked me to wait, and it would be done in ten minutes, so I waited in their waiting section (wait for it) near the shampoos! HA!! As I sat there, I noticed this woman and thought, “Ohhh, my goodness!! I know her!” I couldn’t believe who it was…

Stay tuned next week for story number two!

Blueberry Buckle
• 3/4 cup white sugar
• 1/4 cup butter
• 1 egg
• 2 teaspoons lemon zest
• 1 1/2 cups flour
• 2 teaspoons baking powder
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 1/2 cup milk
• 1 tablespoon flour
• 1 1/2 cups fresh blueberries

• 1/4 cup butter + 1 tablespoon
• 1/4 cup brown sugar
• 1/4 cup white sugar
• 1/3 cup all-purpose flour
• 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

Preheat the oven to 350°F. Grease an 8×8 pan.

In a large bowl, cream sugar, butter, egg & lemon zest until fluffy.

In a separate bowl combine flour, baking powder, and salt. Add to sugar mixture, alternating with milk mixing just until combined.

Toss blueberries with 1 tablespoon flour. Fold into batter and spread in prepared pan.

Combine all topping ingredients in a small bowl until crumbly. Sprinkle over batter and bake for 40-45 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.