
Latest Issue

  • Williamsport Flute Choir Presents An American Tapestry0

    The Williamsport Flute Choir is excited to present an afternoon of fun and flutes as they celebrate the spirit of America in a Free Concert at 2 pm on Saturday, May 4th at Christ Episcopal Church on the corner of 4th and Mulberry Streets in Williamsport. The group was founded in 2013 and is under

  • What to Wear to Work0

    How many times have you laid in bed in the early morning asking yourself, “What am I going to wear to work today?” Workplace dress codes, whether official company policies dictate them, or more casual standards everyone adheres to, can be difficult to navigate as casual styles are becoming more prevalent in day-to-day life. Unless

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Night Gaunts and Other Tales of Suspense” by Joyce Carol Oates0

    Something isn’t quite right. The world is tilting and it feels… off. Nothing makes sense, nothing aligns with anything else right now. You’re discombobulated, and it’s surreal. And with “Night Gaunts and Other Tales of Suspense,” a short-story collection by Joyce Carol Oates, you’ll be even more unsettled. It’s 11 a.m. It’s always 11 a.m.

  • Three Fun Ways Families Can Get Fit Together0

    The buddy system is widely used to help men and women get in shape. Friends can encourage their workout partners to get off the couch on days when their motivation might be waning, and partners can return that favor when the roles are reversed. And the benefits of the buddy system are not exclusive to

  • Risen Grace: Taken By Surprise0

    Saul was furious. Accusatory and outright lies were being spread about his faith, his ancestors and his spiritual leaders. More importantly, the lies were taking root and a growing rabid mob was threatening to destroy everything he knew and cherished. As a young and ambitious man, he was determined to stamp it out. He waited

  • Earth Day0

    So technically Monday was Earth Day, but really we should be actively helping to keep the Earth a better place every day, so I don’t mind being a little late to the party. The idea for Earth Day was the brainchild of then U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson. He organized the first Earth Day after witnessing

  • Abby McCoy, Equestrian Extraordinaire0

    Nothing is as much fun as hearing a small child talk about their dreams of the future. A little girl that can do a front roll imagines herself competing on television in the Olympics, or a young guy who gets his first hit in tee-ball is ready to put on his Phillies uniform. Reality sets

  • Risen Grace: All-In Belief0

    “He is risen from the dead!” His friends were trying to convince him, but Thomas just wasn’t buying it. He had watched Jesus die — and that was a fact, plain and simple. But before I continue writing about Thomas, let me tell you a story about all-in belief. A few weeks ago, two of

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Now Make This,” curated by Thomas Bärnthaler

    The Bookworm Sez: “Now Make This,” curated by Thomas Bärnthaler0

    The summer stretches out ahead of you. Ach, but you’re already just a little bit bored. Seriously, you can only play so many video games, ride your bike so many hours, swim so many laps. So what do you do when you’ve got time on your hands? With “Now Make This,” curated by Thomas Bärnthaler,

  • Spring Beauty0

    The trees are budding, the birds are chirping, and the sun is shining, so yes, it’s safe to say spring is here! What I love about this season, besides the obvious warmer weather and being outside more, is that it is a great time to reassess your beauty routines and freshen up your face, hair,

  • Encourage Healthy Eating Habits in Kids

    Encourage Healthy Eating Habits in Kids0

    As a parent, instilling healthy eating habits in your children at an early age can aid in proper growth and development. Eating well goes a long way toward maintaining a healthy weight, increasing energy levels and improving moods while also reducing risk of obesity and other chronic issues such as heart disease and diabetes later

  • Video Game Reviews: ‘Super Dragon Ball Heroes World Mission’ Review: Mediocre Power Level0

    “Super Dragon Ball Heroes World Mission” is the latest video game adaptation of the beloved anime and manga series from the team at Bandai Namco. Although the franchise is known for its fighting games, “World Mission” looks to step away from that and move into the space of card battlers. You’ll collect cards, build decks,