
Latest Issue

  • Winter Walks & Hot Soup0

    The other day it was so nice out. We hadn’t seen the sun in days, and it was over 45 degrees. I decided to go for a nice long walk out here on these back roads with my 108 lb. black lab, Bear. Boy, was he excited! Jumped up and down like a little kangaroo

  • FITting in Exercise0

    Time is the one thing that we can never create and no amount of money will allow us buy more. Often, it is very difficult for the average person to find the time to take care of themselves. We work hard to take care of our families and fulfill our obligations as spouses and parents,

  • Free from Disorder0

    As we settle into a new year, many of us are determined to do better in 2020 than we did in 2019. Eat better, exercise more, take more time off, keep better tax records, read our Bible more consistently, pray more passionately, spend more time with our kids, take better care of the house, attend

  • Wedding Planning Tips and Tricks0

    Recently engaged couples are often so swept up in the excitement surrounding their engagements that they can be forgiven for initially overlooking all the wedding planning that awaits them. Planning a wedding is no small task, but many couples very much enjoy all the hard work that goes into making their special day a success.

  • Dr. Martin Luther King Dream Week – Day of Service Slated For Monday, January 200

    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. lived a life dedicated to service to others and calling attention to and helping to fight injustice. The theme of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dream Week, Day of Service that will take place is the “Strength To Love.” On Monday, January 20, 2020 STEP AmeriCorps will once again join

  • Uptown Music Collective Unites Student Music Teachers and Kids through STOMP0

    Along with developing talented musicians, the Uptown music collective aims to help develop well-rounded citizens who value leadership and responsibility. One of their main initiatives toward this aim is their Student Teacher Outreach & Mentoring Program, better known as STOMP. STOMP will be once again offering free private music instruction for students 5 – 10 years

  • Being More Thoughtful of Others

    Being More Thoughtful of Others0

    It was the day before Christmas Eve, and we decided to take our kids out to see the lights, walk Loyalsock Park, and stop and grab a bite for dinner last minute. The kids ask to go to Pizza Hut. When we went there it was super busy. The lady sat us and said she

  • Looking Back On Some of My Most Interesting and Notable Stories From 20190

    Besides being the end of the decade, 2019 was an interesting year. During this year, I was fortunate enough to have written many stories that I hope the readers of Webb Weekly found enjoyable. I want to look back now on some of my favorite and most notable stories from the year just passed. Several

  • Understanding Sarcopenia and Strength – Part 20

    This article is for educational and entertainment purposes. It is not intended as a substitute for individual medical and fitness advice. Any use of the information contained in this article is at the discretion of the reader. David Bellomo and Webb Weekly disclaim any and all liability arising directly or indirectly from the use or application of

  • Brand New Year

    Brand New Year0

    Here we are ringing in 2020 already. Where on earth does the time go? I don’t know why, but I have this feeling it’s going to be a big year. 2020, I mean just the sound of it makes me feel like it means business. The best part is I am going to be an

  • Makeup Tips for Women in Their 40s

    Makeup Tips for Women in Their 40s0

    In 1513, explorers from Spain stumbled upon The Fountain of Youth, an iconic spring in what would later become Florida, that promised eternal juvenescence for anyone who dared to bathe in or sip from it. Five centuries later, those same promises now come in the form of beauty products, many of which swear they offer similar,

  • ‘Daniel Tiger’ and Friends are Coming to Williamsport0

    Northcentral Pennsylvania will be home to countless smiles and warm hearts to begin the new year, thanks to some new “neighbors.” “Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Live: Neighbor Day,” based on the Emmy Award-winning and top-rated “Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood” animated television series that airs daily on PBS Kids, will begin its national tour at Williamsport’s Community Arts