
Latest Issue

  • Special Olympics Adapts During Extraordinary Times0

    This has been a tough year for everyone, and the Special Olympics of Lycoming County has been no exception. In spite of these difficult times, they have not only survived, but have thrived. According to Marc Follmer, manager of the Lycoming County Special Olympics, the organization as a whole has had to make many adjustments.

  • Winter Dressing Mistakes0

    Winter has truly settled in and, as much as we may hope for a mild season, chances are we will be feeling freezing temperatures from now until late April. Dressing for the weather is not usually a fun or stylish task, but more a matter of function. But even the most practically minded of us

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Dear Life: A Doctor’s Story of Love and Loss” by Rachel Clarke

    The Bookworm Sez: “Dear Life: A Doctor’s Story of Love and Loss” by Rachel Clarke0

    Before the doctor opened her mouth, you knew this wasn’t going to be good. And it wasn’t, although you can barely remember what happened a minute after you heard the diagnosis. All your could wrap your head around were monitors and tubes and machines and death, when what you needed was “Dear Life” by Rachel

  • Changing Bad Habits – Part 4

    Changing Bad Habits – Part 40

    Getting started is the hardest part. Normally, I jumped in all at once. Hardcore, then feeling deprived. I didn’t want that. I didn’t want to not eat the things I loved! I am such a foodie. I love breakfast, lunch, and dinner! I mean, who wants to skip a meal anyway? I knew I had

  • Compost0

    Compost is the breakdown of organic materials, like grass clippings, leaves, garden waste, coffee grounds, and kitchen scraps. You should never put meat, bones, or dairy products in a compost pile. These materials will not break down and can make your compost smell bad and attract animals. Having your own compost pile will keep your

  • Food Was Getting Out of Control, and So Was I.0

    Part 3 Whew baby. The after high school years. Life never seems to prepare us enough for that. It’s out of school and off to work or college we go. I never went to college. The only thing I knew I wanted to be was a mom and a wife. I always thought that maybe

  • Winter Capsule Wardrobe0

    In the spirit of New Year’s resolutions and the idea of living a more sustainable and less cumbersome lifestyle, 2021 is the perfect year to consider building a capsule wardrobe. Capsule wardrobes push us to think more about what clothing we actually wear and whether we truly need each piece hanging in our closets. A

  • Is Your Heart in It?1

    I am passionate about hunting white tailed deer, and I’ve been pursuing that passion for more than forty years. There are many obstacles to overcome in hunting, and I could give you a long list. For now, I’ll chose the one that has been the biggest challenge for me: finding good ground to hunt. Some

  • Sleep and a Positive Attitude0

    Life can be hard and worrisome under normal circumstances thus leading many people to toss and turn at night. Combine that with a global pandemic and political unrest (what happened to murder hornets?) and sleep can seem downright impossible at times. Scientists have shown repeatedly that sleep is a significant part of our daily routines

  • Useful Ways to Incorporate Social Media in Wedding Planning0

    Since its inception decades ago, social media has changed the world. As the popularity of social media exploded in the early part of the 21st century, various platforms emerged and ultimately affected movements pertaining to everything from politics to social justice to charitable efforts. Social media also has emerged as a great tool for couples

  • Make Candles an Illuminating Part of the Ceremony0

    The warm, undulating light cast off by a candle adds an unmatched ambiance to a space. Multiply that candle by many and it can create a truly awe-inspiring atmosphere. Candlelight is a must at any evening wedding and can be a key to a successful party as guests tend to loosen their inhibitions in a

  • The Evolution of Wedding Favors0

    Wedding favors have changed — and in many cases for the better. Favors have evolved from the inexpensive trinkets purchased in bulk into more personalized mementos that guests can cherish. Today’s couples are interested in customizing their weddings and offering guests something meaningful, or at the very least, edible, so that favors don’t immediately get