
Latest Issue

  • Beyond Abs0

    In recent decades, core training has been the subject of countless articles and books. Often prescribed by physical therapists to patients with low back pain, core training is now commonly practiced by athletes and non-athletes alike with the desire to improve physical fitness as well as sports performance. Though most everyone has heard of the

  • Resurrection Life!0

    Disillusioned Today’s article is based on Luke 24:13-50. In this passage, Luke recounts the beautiful and intimate story of Cleopas and his traveling companion as they return to Emmaus on the day Jesus rose from the tomb. As they walked along, wondering about all of the events that transpired in Jerusalem during the previous week,

  • Low-Maintenance Lawn Alternatives

    Low-Maintenance Lawn Alternatives0

    A traditional lawn may not be right for every property nor desired by every homeowner. There is no denying that lawns take time and effort to establish and daily or weekly maintenance to thrive. Homeowners who find that a traditional lawn is not practical can explore some low-maintenance alternatives. Wildflower meadow Homeowners with wide swaths

  • How to Write A Poem0

    As National Poetry Month continues, you may feel compelled to put pen to paper or fingertips to keyboard and compose a few verses yourself. Wonderful! Congratulations! You’ve caught the writer’s bug, and the only cure is to get words on the page. But where to start? If you’re new to poetry or writing in general,

  • The Leadership Challenge0

    I recently looked through some books that I had not read in quite a while and came across The Leadership Challenge, written by James Kouzes and Barry Posner. Though I am not particularly into reading books on leadership, this is one of the better ones that I have come across and would recommend reading to

  • Resurrection Life!: Anxious0

    John 20:19-20, “On the evening of that first day of the week (Easter morning), when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” After he said this, he showed them his hands and side.” Evening? Have you

  • Get on the Water With the Right Kayaking Gear

    Get on the Water With the Right Kayaking Gear0

    Kayaking is a wildly popular paddlesport. Paddlesports offer people unique ways to enjoy nature while getting up close and personal with expansive waterways. Kayaking is remarkably accessible for people of all skill levels and interests. According to the Outdoor Foundation’s 2019 Special Report on Paddlesports and Safety, kayaking has seen a consistent upward trend in

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Outlawed” by Anna North

    The Bookworm Sez: “Outlawed” by Anna North0

    You try and you try and you try. Everybody else makes things look easy. They seem to do everything effortlessly, leaving you to keep trying, twisting, seeing if this will work, or that until eventually, despite that it’s your hearts’ desire, you give up. What’s the use? That’s when, as in the new novel “Outlawed”

  • It Needs to Be Said

    It Needs to Be Said0

    I don’t typically think about writing for Earth Day. Not that I don’t love this beautiful world we live in, but it’s not a day that comes to mind. Until a few weeks ago. The things I have seen. It really made me mad. The more and more I thought about it, the more I

  • Uptown Music Collective Now Enrolling for Upcoming Summer Semester0

    Music continues at the Uptown Music Collective! The Collective’s summer enrollment week begins on April 19th and runs until April 24th, 2021. Enrollment is open for both in-person and virtual private lessons on Guitar, Vocals, Bass, Keyboards, and Drums. The Summer Semester will begin on May 3rd, 2021, and will run for 15 weeks. The

  • A Brunch Spread Fit for Spring

    A Brunch Spread Fit for Spring0

    From tasty small bites to a filling feast and even dessert for breakfast, brunch options are nearly endless. Take your spring brunch to the next level with recipes that appease appetites of all kinds. First, start with portioned pastry cups perfect for appetizers. Bring out the protein-packed breakfast burritos for the main course then, for

  • National Poetry Month

    National Poetry Month0

    Back in 1996, the Academy of American Poets launched the month of April as National Poetry Month to remind the public that poets and poetry are part of the national cultural conversation, both for social discourse and education. In the past 25 years, almost a billion readers, students, teachers, librarians, booksellers, publishers, families, and poets