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  • The Little Brother

    The Little Brother0

    Talk about a recipe that will make the men in your life happy! I am so excited to share this one with you all. It literally melts in your mouth. The first time I made these Beef Drip Sandwiches was for our family weekly dinners together. My momma makes dinner for my brother and his

  • The Memories of Them Will Never Fade

    The Memories of Them Will Never Fade0

    It was the late 80s. I was five. Fall was here and the nights were getting shorter. The smell of the air told me hunting season was near. That meant more weekends with two of my favorite people in the entire world. I was blessed with two sets of incredible grandparents, which you have heard

  • That Morning on 9-11

    That Morning on 9-110

    Eighteen years ago, I was a sophomore at Williamsport Area High School. I had not a care in the world. I was high on love with my highschool boyfriend (still am!) and just got my learners permit to drive — life was good. That morning of 9-11 was no different than any other morning. I

  • Where it all Began

    Where it all Began0

    Back about 15 years ago, I was a new wife and we just moved into our new home. I was young. 19 years old to be exact. I couldn’t wait to be play the wife roll. Playing “house” was my favorite thing to do when I was little. Cooking food in my cute little 1980’s

  • School is Back

    School is Back0

    Well, we all have different feelings about our kids going back to school. Some are like “peace out kids” while others are not looking forward to that first day. I’ve always loved summer breaks with my son. It was tough when I first sent him off to school. I was a basket case, and I

  • Memories of Canning0

    There was a knock at the door. There stood my Pap with a plastic bag full of veggies. “Hey honey! Now, I’m not going to stay, but I wanted to drop these off to you. I thought you could use them.” He was always bringing me produce. How my Pap, Floyd Liddick, loved to garden.


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