
Latest Issue

  • Fall Photos: School Picture Day0

    By now, everyone is back in school and hopefully in a good routine. Before you know it, picture day will be here! It may seem like school pictures aren’t as important as they were before we all started carrying cameras in our phones. But there is something to having a professional photo of your child

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Angel of Vengeance” by Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child

    The Bookworm Sez: “Angel of Vengeance” by Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child0

    They say that you can never go back home again. Oh, sure, you can physically be there a few times. You can stay overnight, sleep in your old bed, eat at the same table, but something will’ve changed. Home isn’t home anymore, it’s different. Whether it’s a week or ten years, you can never go

  • Saving Money on Groceries

    Saving Money on Groceries0

    Let’s talk about saving some money while grocery shopping. Now, I am no “Krazy Coupon Lady.” Ya know, the people that spend hours clipping coupons and searching for what stores have the best deals with what coupons they have. Many even dumpster-diving to get extra coupons! Then, after all their hard work, they go into

  • 46th Annual Crop Walk to Fight Hunger0

    No one should ever have to go hungry, but the reality is that not everyone has the same access to nutritious food. According to the Department of Human Services, approximately 1.7 million people suffer from food insecurity on a daily basis in Pennsylvania. Those most in need of resources, often people living in rural areas,

  • Fall Photo – Engagement Pictures0

    If you’ve had an amazing summer of love and have said yes to the proposal, it’s time to spread the good news. What better way to share your joy than with an amazing engagement photo? Fall is an ideal time to get engagement pictures taken and shared before the spooky season and holiday rush. Engagement

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Frostbite: How Refrigeration Changed Our Food, Our Planet, and Ourselves” by Nicola Twilley0

    What’s for dinner? The answer to that can be gotten by opening your refrigerator door. Are the makings of a salad there? The ingredients for a recipe you’ve been dying to try? Cold OJ, eggs, leftover pizza, or dim sum? OK, now, shut the door — we’re not refrigerating the neighborhood, you know — then

  • Happy Labor Day

    Happy Labor Day0

    There are people in this country Who work hard every day Not for fame or fortune do they strive But the fruits of their labor Are worth more than their pay And it’s time a few of them were recognized. Hello, Detroit auto workers, Let me thank you for your time You work a forty-hour

  • Very Different Roads0

    We are Travelers — and there are two roads on the map. One leads to Death, the other to Life. You are traveling one of those roads right now. We have already established that we are born traveling the road to Death. By the way, this is the third article in a series called Two

  • Great Read for Baseball-Lovers: Daniel Okrent’s “Nine Innings”0

    ’Tis the season — Little League World Series season, to be precise: that time of year when local writers and sports fans love to reflect on America’s favorite pastime. But despite a generous schedule of games in those lovely Southside stadiums, one can’t spend all one’s time at the ballpark. (I know, I know; if

  • More Prep, Less Stress

    More Prep, Less Stress0

    Time is flying by, but that is nothing new. Spring quickly turns into summer, and in the blink of an eye, the leaves are changing, and the air gets crisp — Ahhh, sweet, sweet fall. I get excited to think about my favorite months here. Sorry, summer people. Listen, I enjoy summer too. Just not

  • The Bookworm Sez: “End of Active Service” by Matt Young0

    You’re talking to yourself again. And why not? A conversation with someone glib and interesting is fun, even when it’s one-sided. Reminders, debates, profundity, nobody listens to you better than you. Sure, it might look funny. You’re probably teased for talk-talk-talking to thin air. But as in “End of Active Service” by Matt Young, maybe

  • Fall Photo: Family Portrait0

    As the school year gears up and the season slowly shifts, many of you may be planning some fall photo sessions. Over the next few articles, I’ll be dissecting what to wear and how to coordinate for the perfect shot to share with loved ones for years to come. First up, we’re tackling the family