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  • Pine Creek?

    Pine Creek?0

    The Spencers just got back from their summer vacation. We decided to play it safe this year because of COVID. Teach, Jensen, and I normally meet up with my rents somewhere exotic. Grandpa Jim usually picks up the tab. The original plan was to spend a week in the Black Hills of South Dakota. My

  • Save the Benders

    Save the Benders0

    A long time ago in a galaxy far far away. I was introduced to part-time scribing. Back then, I was asked to provide some copy on behalf of White Deer Golf Course, and our relationship began. English and grammar were two of my least favorite subjects, and it took quite a while to come around.

  • Play Ball?0

    ? With Lycoming County going green, many area Little Leagues are now scrambling. I mentioned to you a few weeks back that everything was at a complete standstill. Little League International had just pulled the plug on the 2020 World Series, and the future was unknown. Unprecedented territory for Williamsport’s favorite pastime. There have been

  • The Lycoming Creek Anglers

    The Lycoming Creek Anglers1

    Jensen and I are always looking for an outdoor adventure. This past weekend we headed north for something new and exciting. It was a gorgeous morning outside of Bodines, PA. My 11-year-old agreed to unplug his FORTNITE for a small fee. We met up with a few friends along Slack’s Run Road. Mike and Gavin

  • The First and Last Dance

    The First and Last Dance0

    My apologies for missing last week’s edition. Thanks to everyone who reminded me. I am finally back to work after a six-week hiatus. We are totally slammed, and I guess it’s a good problem to have. Personally. I liked it better when I was a stay at home dad. My wallet was flush and had

  • Kayaking during COVID-19.0

    Before I begin this week’s column- I need to pay a little homage to my friends at the Webb Weekly. I recently received a notification on LIKEDIN saying I have been scribing part-time for the past fifteen years. I must say that I am very proud and grateful to be associated with this organization. Look.


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