
Latest Issue

  • Lots of Coyote Sightings0

    Trust me, even though you may not have seen any coyotes lately, there are still plenty of them roaming the countryside. Over the past couple of months, I have had a number of people tell me about the coyotes they have spotted, with a couple of people even reporting that they saw a pack of

  • Miller’s Mission

    Miller’s Mission0

    In the grand scheme of things, it mattered little. The outcome of Southern Columbia’s 49-14 Class AA District Four championship win over South Williamsport (their 28th in the last 30 years) was already sealed as the final seconds ticked away off the scoreboard. With eighteen seconds remaining, South Williamsport’s senior running back, Zack Miller, took

  • Post-Election Thoughts0

    Dude? This is insane. Where do we begin? 2020 simply needs to go away. The Presidential Election is another trending mess. You seriously can’t make any of this up sports fans. My head hurts. I am seeing a lot of people question every ballot in the beautiful state of Pennsylvania. Whether it be an in

  • Normal?0

    Simply put, I don’t care who you voted for or if you even voted. That is your business, and the less we all fret and fume over the outcome of the election, a better frame of mind we can enjoy can be realized. But there is one thing I hope you will take some time

  • Seldom Seen Night Hunters0

    From the title, you may think this is a story about one of your neighbor’s illegal night hunting activities; but no, this is actually a story about a bird that does most of its flying and hunting at night. We’re used to seeing all kinds of birds flitting or moving about throughout the day; songbirds

  • Czar for a Day0

    There may be those of you out there who recall an old television program called “Queen for a Day.” It began as a radio program in 1945, which was then turned into a television program that ran from 1956 to 1964. The show grew in popularity that enabled the networks to sell, for what at

  • Lucas Goes Yard0

    It has been an interesting week on the local front. I seriously don’t know where to start. The County released their 2021 Budget on Monday. I wasn’t impressed. There were no major changes and a good bit is still missing. I won’t go into details as I am working on a future story. But I

  • Bear Hunting in Pennsylvania0

    After last week’s story about Melinda LeBarron’s encounters with bears over the past couple of years, I suspect more people are more inclined to hunt them or, at the very least, be on the lookout for them. While I always get a bear tag, I have yet to take a bear in our state, but

  • The Roving Sportsman… It Was a Very Good Day!0

    Jose-Luis was born in Argentina in the mid-1950s and came to the United States when he was 26 years old to begin a fellowship, working at the National Institute of Health. After witnessing firsthand, the political unrest in his native country, he was relieved to embrace the new lifestyle he found here. Over the following

  • Deer on the Move Motorist Use Caution0

    With deer becoming increasingly active, and daylight-saving time soon to put more vehicles on the road during the hours when deer move most, the Pennsylvania Game Commission is advising motorists to slow down and stay alert. Deer become more active in autumn with the lead-up to their fall breeding season, commonly referred to as the

  • The Roving Sportsman… The Upcoming Fall Turkey Season0

    On Saturday, October 31, the two-week fall turkey season will open. The specific dates of the season vary widely based on which WMU you are hunting in, but generally in our area that means until November 14, with 3 additional days on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of Thanksgiving week. Either a hen or gobbler can

  • Attacked Twice by a Black Bear!

    Attacked Twice by a Black Bear!2

    Like a lot of outdoorsmen, I’ve had a number of “encounters” with black bears over the years. Still, none of those scenarios have ever resulted in a bear actually attacking me or in any way injuring me. As often happens, a little yelling and the bear usually heads off in the opposite direction. While bear