
Latest Issue

  • Take Me Out to the Ballgame?0

    In the Lowery family, April is a month of many birthdays. Daughter Denise, son, Doug, a grandson, and I share the same month, another grandson was born March 31, and daughter-in-law Angie checks in on May 2. It has been our tradition to celebrate the collective observances with a single gathering. Having forgone family gatherings

  • Wild vs. Stocked

    Wild vs. Stocked0

    Many folks have reached out to me as of late. They will send me a photo with a simple question. First let me say that I am not a fishing expert. Nor did I qualify for ICHTHYOLOGY 345 at Lycoming College. I do know the major differences between the Pennsylvania trouts, but it is getting

  • The Roving Sportsman… Savoring Wild Turkey Meat0

    Whether your success while spring gobbler hunting comes in the first week, or later in the season, you are a very fortunate hunter indeed! Spring turkey hunting can be rather frustrating, often making a hunter wonder if he is doing the right things and then realizing that the gobbler is the one in control and

  • Why Do We Fish?0

    Why Do We Fish? There was a time way back in our early history when the question of why we fish had a simple and direct answer — to put food on the table. While many of us still enjoy a good fish dinner on occasion, we would be hard-pressed to say that our fishing

  • Rising Stockies0

    When you spend as much time on the water as I do. You will always catch a few. And while some days are certainly better than others. You occasionally have that once in a lifetime experience. But these little episodes are extremely rare. I can count them with my fingers. This past Sunday I was

  • Low-Maintenance Lawn Alternatives

    Low-Maintenance Lawn Alternatives0

    A traditional lawn may not be right for every property nor desired by every homeowner. There is no denying that lawns take time and effort to establish and daily or weekly maintenance to thrive. Homeowners who find that a traditional lawn is not practical can explore some low-maintenance alternatives. Wildflower meadow Homeowners with wide swaths

  • If I Had Only One Dry Fly0

    I was recently sipping coffee and talking with another dry fly-fishing enthusiast when we both came up with the same thought — if you could have only one dry fly pattern for the whole season, what would it be? This same question has come up several times over the years with other fly-fishing friends, and

  • The Roving Sportsman: It’s Ramp Gathering Time0

    Among birdwatchers, the robin seems to top the list as the “harbinger of spring,” while for those folks who enjoy harvesting wild edible plants, it is the ramp that best signals that spring is upon us. So, what is a ramp and just what is all the hubbub about ramps, anyway? The scientific name is

  • Write it Down0

    In keeping with Webb Weekly’s literary objective of presenting informative stories about local people and the things they are doing, the past two issues of this newspaper have detailed books that have recently been published by two of the area’s most renowned individuals. Much is known about the authors themselves but how they got here

  • Fishing Alone

    Fishing Alone0

    Hope all is well, sports fans. Several items that need your attention. Last week we talked about a local hoopster who was looking to secure a spot. Well good things happen to those who put in the work. Alize Johnson recently signed a 4.1 million dollar deal with the Brooklyn Nets. He is under contract

  • Manfred’s Move0

    I am a baseball fan. I am also a fan of democracy and each citizen’s right to express their preference in choosing our leaders at the ballot box. But, come on man, the events of the past few weeks have nothing to do with baseball or democracy — rather all about whose power or clout

  • The Roving Sportsman… Youth Day and Opening Day Tactics for 20210

    In just a few days, the one day Pennsylvania Youth Spring Gobbler Hunt will take place — Saturday, April 24th to be exact. On the following Saturday, May 1, our statewide Spring Gobbler Season gets underway. These are the days many of us have been daydreaming about for weeks, so let’s take a look at