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Williamsport Sun: September 2, 1941 – From the Fans Sports Editor – The Sun

Most of the baseball fans of Williamsport no doubt know of Little League which has just completed its third year of hardball, but I wonder how many of them know of those responsible for the success of the league and what they are attempting to accomplish with their players. 

A limited number of boys between the ages of eight and twelve are taught not only how to play baseball properly and according to the rules but also, which is more important, how to play it like real sports, to take the breaks, good and bad, like gentlemen. Competition is keen but arguments on the field which do much to ruin amateur sports, is not permitted, and even the occasion for them is rare because of the unusual and high standard of work by umpires. 

The purpose of this communication is to express my appreciation to those responsible for this league and to urge that a beginning be made by those interested in boys and baseball so that other sections of the city may have similar opportunities next season. 

I am told that Carl Stotz, who is now serving as president of the league, conceived and was the prime mover of its organization. Due to his efforts and those of George Bebble, Bert Bebble and John Lindemuth, the boys of the Webster and Lose schools have what some of their parents dreamed about when they were boys, the opportunity of wearing a uniform and playing baseball just as it is done in the big leagues. As we watch the play on the field. I wonder which is working harder, Dad or the boy, and it sometimes the older man isn’t getting as big of kick out of it as the youngster. 

We have learned a lot of baseball and a lot of good, clean fun this summer because of the Little League, and it, because of this common interest, there has developed a better understanding and comradeship, it has been successful in more ways than one. I believe those responsible for Little League deserve the thanks not only of every boy, but of his parents. They give freely of their time and effort and even more, with no thought of any return, other than having the satisfaction of having made a real contribution to the boyhood of their community. Mr. Mac McCloskey, the official scorer and umpires, especially Howard Gair, have all done a fine job and made a real contribution to the success of the league. 

In building for next season other communities can have a similar organization if there are those interested, have some knowledge of baseball and are willing to give freely of their time. 

I am sure any of the Little League leaders will be glad to give every assistance possible. 


M.E. Younkin

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